Random Jibber Jabber Thread


Well-Known Member
My GDP clones are going to shit after being attacked by fungus gnat larvae. On the other hand, my PK clones are thriving. I am just hoping they can fight the fuckers off as good as they have been. Fungus gnats are a pain to get rid of. ESPECIALLY outdoors :0(


Well-Known Member
A couple of guys go into a bar, the first guy say to the bartender "I'll have a nice glass of H2O." the second guy says "Yeah, I'll have some H2O, too."

The second guy dies.

Maybe I have a strange sense of humor, but I find it funny.


Well-Known Member
I think that seeing as we have a population over 7 billion planet-wide, we should be investing more heavily in the R&D that will allow colonization of the oceans, and then develop that tech to be applied to Lunar colonization, which can then be adapted to other worlds. I mean, really...one planet can only hold so many humans.


Well-Known Member
Tack another day on. Haven't slept in four days and i dont know why. The max ive gotten was just under three hours and im exhautsted. My eyes close, i feel ready to sleep, im sure as fuck tired enough, but it just wont happen.

ultraviolet pirate

Well-Known Member
if you guys can, try to find some yumboldt 47 from world of seeds. the high is gentle, it peaks, and then I get sleepy as fuck, others I know say the same. I have the same problems not sleeping, it began as a kid. I average about 6 hours in bed but when i count how long it takes to fall asleep and waking every time a mouse farts its only 3 to 4 a night. sometimes, I even give up and just say "I will sleep tomorrow night".... its like im on natural meth. I hate it.


Well-Known Member
Today was a motherfucking shitty ass fucked up day. I'm gonna smoke and crash. had to get this off my chest, I feel a little better.. but still like shit. :leaf:

I can't even look at my plants to cheer up because they're sleeping :(


Well-Known Member


Well-Known Member
Today was a motherfucking shitty ass fucked up day. I'm gonna smoke and crash. had to get this off my chest, I feel a little better.. but still like shit. :leaf:

I can't even look at my plants to cheer up because they're sleeping :(
...but I love you Heph, in a me Cougar, you pup kind of way;) Hope that makes you feel at least a little better:hug: (I'm off to work, have a good rest)


Well-Known Member
...but I love you Heph, in a me Cougar, you pup kind of way;) Hope that makes you feel at least a little better:hug: (I'm off to work, have a good rest)
Ok, yeah, I do feel a little better. Still gonna crash after this bowl though. Thanks for the kind words hereshe :)
.. If there were more people like you in the world, I wouldn't be feeling like this

Hope your day smoothes out too grandpapy. Guess there's always a tomorrow bongsmilie


Well-Known Member
So I woke up this morning and look outside and see Spike, my deer, grooming my German Shepard.

Guess they worked out their differences and are friends now.:)


Well-Known Member
Youre welcome :)

In other news n korea is getting pissier. Still seems theyre trying to get us to make the first move with threats and pretending theyll strike but its a little unnerving.


If shit does hit the fan, most likely we're looking at a draft
Why would we draft? No way in hell we'd go in on the ground - that'd be pure suicide given the size of their ground army.


Well-Known Member
The mood from my birthday carried over. Good thing I still had that half liter of jack. I don't normally drink, but today is a get fucked up and fuck the world kind of day. You know, to bring back the love.

Getting smashed while cleaning up and marinating some beef. As a rule, I refuse to marinate for less than two hours, anything less and you may as well just make a fucking sauce.