My First grow Inside of a duffel bag


Well-Known Member
The concept of what we do in growing should always be approached with the safety of ourselves, our property, and others as well. Safety saves lives, I am a volunteer fire fighter with national certifications and I have seen some stupid grow set ups that cost people thousands in property damage that could have killed their children and their stupid ass's. That said I am sorry to offend, but I prefer to get people to think and do it right the first time. If someone even has to explain how dangerous this set up is then those that need explanation should never grow indoors!! Any grow can have an electrical problem! That said redundancy in electrical safety has saved me many dollars because what shorted kicked my surge protectors out and instantly saved everything except the capacitor that went bad. I fuse power going to lamp that saved, cord, socket and bulb. I build a lot of my own shit and power play is serious shit. 110 current is not play time stuff. Safety First, Safety First, Safety First are the first three rules in responsible growing for old hippies like myself. The fourth rule: if it brings harm to any living creature you have failed and you must make amends. Karma


Well-Known Member
I don't think it's that bad. I grow in cardboard boxes with a aquarium heater on the bottom to keep the soil warm. Oh wait.


Well-Known Member
Lol, we all push limits.....if i was doing this, i would not have one concern, except yield!