3x1000 watt indoor medical grow


Well-Known Member
Thanks man!
Ill let you know in a couple of hours when I check on my plants and see if I can take 16 clones of about the same size.
If I can do that ill be flowering in about 14-21 days.

How are your plants doing? Feel free to post some pics if youd like and if you want ill give you my opinion.
OK m8, here goes, (AGAIN) I'll keep it to a minimum as I literally have loads of pics of em from seedling to present, hope you like:
both grows are 9 x 18L pots... I underestimated the WW x BB BIG TIME!!!

WW x BB from Female Seeds

2 weeks into 12/12 after 3 weeks veg and stretched from 14in to 3ft in 2 weeks, NUTS IMAG0458.jpg

5 weeks into 12/12 and finished stretching thank goodness IMAG0519.jpg IMAG0517.jpg

group shot, sorry about shit quality :-( IMAG0503.jpg

Belladonna from Paradise Seeds

day 2 since germ 164209a3-7107-4123-bfe6-4965a0dd9566.jpg

Week 1 to current, including close ups of mutant that flowered itself under 18/6 (about 4 weeks into flower when the pic of 2 round pots with it and therm/hygro..???)

d8f18eeb-f087-4ba1-aba8-3acd4a79c5ff.jpg 2013-03-01 19.48.20.jpg c02f7c24-058c-460d-9cd7-2e8403838fe4.jpg

eda9b215-9c45-48d2-b7aa-63830be4b26f.jpg78c58f84-c9d7-4e06-a389-47ef815d0025.jpg2013-03-26 01.13.45.jpg52a8ef2e-8c81-4547-96b4-72ceeb7efd8c.jpg2013-03-13 12.47.49.jpg0469022c-b2f9-4310-9bca-ffec894445eb.jpg

2013-03-26 01.13.11.jpg2013-03-26 01.12.54.jpg
notice the new addition orange and subsequently black pots? added 2 WW x BB clones to see how they do flowered with 1 week of vegging

clones repotted into 5L round pots to finish and this is last photo since flipped to 12/12 last monday 25th

IMAG0512.jpg2013-03-26 01.13.34.jpgIMAG0513.jpg

Belladonna clones


WW x BB clones

IMAG0077.jpg IMAG0086.jpg

i know i've overdone it so please forgive me but as they say... this is where i'm at!!!


Well-Known Member
Want good pics need to turn the HID Lights off,They make the black lines.
Grow looks great!:clap:

This one looks like my Shoreline.And already stinks 3-4 weeks vegg.I want some tht old school skunk.


Well-Known Member
Want good pics need to turn the HID Lights off,They make the black lines.
Grow looks great!:clap:
cheers dude, i usually do but some pics were taken by my buddy, he's learning lol. though the shitty group shot above i am solely responsible for, i took that with lights just on but the magnetic ballast still caused them sodding lines... grrr lol.

they show a lil better on here if you wanna check em out... yes im plugging it but only cause i like to show what ive done, satisfaction purposes not head swellingness, im first to admit there are far better grows than mine on the tube and lots of em...




Active Member
OK m8, here goes, (AGAIN) I'll keep it to a minimum as I literally have loads of pics of em from seedling to present, hope you like:
both grows are 9 x 18L pots... I underestimated the WW x BB BIG TIME!!!

WW x BB from Female Seeds

2 weeks into 12/12 after 3 weeks veg and stretched from 14in to 3ft in 2 weeks, NUTS View attachment 2594209

If you want to limit the post flower stretching that occurs shortly after you put them into flower is feed them a food that is lower in Phosphorous.

Doing that reduces stretch IMO


Well-Known Member
If you want to limit the post flower stretching that occurs shortly after you put them into flower is feed them a food that is lower in Phosphorous.

Doing that reduces stretch IMO
this is the first time ive grown this strain and it just caught me out, had plants stretch before of course, but not anything like these, added to limited height environment they are in, i been kinda panicking as they were nearing max head room, i wont let it happen again, last grow here lol.


Well-Known Member
That WW x BB has some huge stems on it!
again, they have surprised me in that respect too, think i mentioned on a previous post, @ 3 weeks in, that stalk at the 4th or 5th node down was the size of a clipper lighter, unfuckingreal these things are, i just hope the end product matches their growth pattern..... fkn mental!


Well-Known Member
I've read amazing things about Big Bud with regards to yield, and with stems like that it should support some weight.


Well-Known Member
I've read amazing things about Big Bud with regards to yield, and with stems like that it should support some weight.
I'm hoping that's the case with them. have pulled 2.25 oz from a 30inch WW but not tried Big Bud or any of it's 'siblings' so will be interesting to see. More interesting, to me, is the quality tho tbh, although ive never knowingly tried it, ive heard and read that most big bud was a crap quality smoke, but the introduction of WW to the gene pool should strengthen it imo. so, i thought i'd give it a go lol.


Well-Known Member
I've read some of the same things about the quality of the BB but what I've always wanted to know was how it was getting grown(I've never bothered to follow a journal). If it grows giant buds and is super heavy it would be easy to believe that guys might pull it early thinking it was done because of being so heavy and maybe "all the hairs were brown". If they were growing it to sell they might not even care if it was at its full potential. Just a thought with how often I see guys on here asking if they should harvest when its 2-3 weeks early. I just read a big journal last night with a guy growing some pure sativas that pulled them WAAAAY to early. He also obviously didn't know how too grow, or trim as the buds were full of leaves when it was done. Its sad cus it looked like a decent grow. And either way I love WW and agree that it should have only added to the genetics!

I guess I'm just saying the grower and conditions have alot to do with it, and your plants look pretty happy man. :)

Edit after reading Beeches post: I'm assuming if Beech grew it he did it right, and wasn't saying otherwise about anyone who may have had the same results its easily could be the genetics, I'm simply high and expressing a train of thought I had....bongsmilie


Well-Known Member
I let the trichs tell me when she's ready and scope for quite a few amber for the heavy head, so no danger of early pulling here, dont care if it goes to 14 weeks lol. I too am a heavy smoker, non stop, all day every day and will be perfectly honest when it comes to reviewing this grow at the end of it. If it's shit, i'll say it is and sorry Female Seeds if that offends but well, ce la vie as they say..... I know of at least one other person on here that will be able to post his opinion too as he'll be trying some for sure lol.


Active Member
Just an update

Clones still havent rooted yet, but the "warting" is visible at the top of the rockwool cube.
I decided that these eight clones are going to be put into the flowering room once rooted and vegged for about a week or so.
I am soaking more rockwool cubes currently and tomorrow im going to be taking eight more cuts off my mother plant.

ill post pics in the morning

night everyone!


Well-Known Member
i got bella clones a week old and not rooted either, should see them popping thru in next couple of days tho.... i hope.


Well-Known Member
I've read some of the same things about the quality of the BB but what I've always wanted to know was how it was getting grown(I've never bothered to follow a journal). If it grows giant buds and is super heavy it would be easy to believe that guys might pull it early thinking it was done because of being so heavy and maybe "all the hairs were brown". If they were growing it to sell they might not even care if it was at its full potential. Just a thought with how often I see guys on here asking if they should harvest when its 2-3 weeks early. I just read a big journal last night with a guy growing some pure sativas that pulled them WAAAAY to early. He also obviously didn't know how too grow, or trim as the buds were full of leaves when it was done. Its sad cus it looked like a decent grow. And either way I love WW and agree that it should have only added to the genetics!

I guess I'm just saying the grower and conditions have alot to do with it, and your plants look pretty happy man. :)

Edit after reading Beeches post: I'm assuming if Beech grew it he did it right, and wasn't saying otherwise about anyone who may have had the same results its easily could be the genetics, I'm simply high and expressing a train of thought I had....bongsmilie
I mean its good smoke its just not in the Ballpark as AK/47-48 or alot of other strains!!
I did get my personel best pull of 10ozs in a Waterfarm,had 18 tops under a closet 400 grow SOG.Buds were as big as a 2ltr pop bottle dry.Getting a chiller this Summer where I dont have to keep changing from Soiless to Soil,Just so hot runnin x4 1ks in Texas.
Like the DR of welsh my scope does the talking,Such a damn waste to see peeps harvest early,Sure it will get you High at 6 weeks but its nowhere near ripe,and IMO if its not ripe you will never even get the RT taste dont care how long you cure it,And for sure the Buzz!!


Well-Known Member
Completely agree Beech. That sounds like a sweet harvest, and some fucking HUGE buds. I've never ever seen anything that big dry. I had a couple huge colas in my soil grow a few years ago, but once they dried they were much smaller :(. I have never grown anything that was supposed to be a huge yielder, I'd say mostly average.


Well-Known Member
Just an update

Clones still havent rooted yet, but the "warting" is visible at the top of the rockwool cube.
I decided that these eight clones are going to be put into the flowering room once rooted and vegged for about a week or so.
I am soaking more rockwool cubes currently and tomorrow im going to be taking eight more cuts off my mother plant.

ill post pics in the morning

night everyone!
how long they been in for now m8?


Well-Known Member
I've got about 5-6 out of the 20 or so I took in the last batch that havn't rooted yet. They are at about 10-12 days I think, I usually have about a 90% rate but I always take extras to I can use the strongest first.

Hopefully they have actually rooted in the block and just havn't popped out. Sounds like a solid plan for the clones though.