My 1st Grow Completed! 8 plants, 5 months, 14 ounces dry!"

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New Member
Early topping produces straight MAIN COLAS! If I can get an ounce a cola I'm graavy!

And I say 5-6 weeks veg lol! Just gotta cut down on the non-productive parts of the plant and close in on the light footprint!
4 plants, 4oz each. Maybe 800w-1000 to flower and around 600 to veg with?! Gonna also double up on the exhale co2 bags!


Well-Known Member
First set of true leaves id go big with the lights!And go to a 5g pot when i hit the 2ft height id Flip.
As far as the method you choose either Fim,top,or whatever need to have a tight node plant,and no lanky bitches.
When you can pull a gram a watt you can beat Chest:lol:,Which i can only do in Hydro.
Best ive been able to do in Soil is .75 with a large yielder,Like PPP and the Bigbud.


New Member
Keep that girls short by training bro, and keep the lights right on top and them and 2oz per in NOTHING bro!
I pulled my Blue Widow probably 2-3wks early and still hit two ounces! That's significant because the plants put on most of the girth in the last couple weeks lol!
I thought felt like I spread pollen around it and it stopped flowered and moved on to seed production haha.

Hopefully you make NONE of the mistakes I did lol. Garunteeing you 2 of them thangs!


New Member

I love the ambition
Said you ain't gotta like me bra,
that ain't a lie..
But you gone respect me,
tighten up ya tie...
Ain't no looking past me,
you looking for a star,
I'm shooting eagle,
these niggas are playin' par....

"Diamond In The Rough".

Moving at the end of may again and setting the studio back up boss!
Been hella motivated lately with all that's going on, so writing has been like speaking ha!
Took a break off to hit the books but wait to you here some of the work bro!

The story of my life is defined by the word #ambition :joint:

Never stop. Never settle. Survive and conquer!


New Member
Garantee What?Trust me im not done yet making mistakes,It happens.
2 of them thangthangs lol! Ounces! And yeah true! But making them same mistakes over and over again ain't me.
I feel like each time I go it should get simpler! I feel like the mistakes after the first few plants should come more with experiments, rather than experience ya know?!
And I'm locked in on the early topping as far as the growth and training goes..Not much room for error there.
Locked in on my soil mix. Not much room for mistakes there.
The AACTs lol. There's HELLA room for mistakes there for sure, but being selective will cut down on those. Or even diluting those.
And my damn solos LOL! Can't be knocking those over haha! Esp. more than once!
And mother nature...She does what she want's so like power outages and shit are outta my control..

But other than that...I don't see anything else jumping out at me...
Other than watching how I move and continuing just to do what works man I should be good!
I really don't see a lot of room for error now that I understand things a lil better boss :joint:

Dr. Greenhorn

Well-Known Member
Said you ain't gotta like me bra,
that ain't a lie..
But you gone respect me,
tighten up ya tie...
Ain't no looking past me,
you looking for a star,
I'm shooting eagle,
these niggas are playin' par....

"Diamond In The Rough".

Moving at the end of may again and setting the studio back up boss!
Been hella motivated lately with all that's going on, so writing has been like speaking ha!
Took a break off to hit the books but wait to you here some of the work bro!

The story of my life is defined by the word #ambition :joint:

Never stop. Never settle. Survive and conquer!
where you moving to sincerely? colorado?


New Member
Not quite yet boss. This time just to another spot for the next 6 months. Sticking and moving!
My last will finish uni this Winter. Immediately after that we're off to grounds where I can DO THINGs!

She's got 2 years after this(wants to get her ms), so the next stop might possibly be a double up stop, but if not, we'll landthe stop after that!
This all God willing :joint:


Well-Known Member
WARNING......Dont get too comfee...Never.Thts when chit will get ya ASS.
Ive come home and seen my microwave blinking.....Tht tells me the power has been off,So i need to check timers..Little chit like tht can make your life miserable.As far as the Solo flip ive bet ive done it over 50 times.
Also did a header into 5 plants from them damn Hydrotron pebbles,They hurt like chit barefoot and knocked all of em out of the Soil pots.Headed to the lake 420 talk soon.


New Member
I gotcha boss. Shouldn't ever be no doubt about that.
And LMAO!!!!! did you score with the header???!!

Take it easy DaddyBeech#OGStatus!

Holla at me later :joint:


New Member
I'll do a more thorough update another time lol! I watered them today and I didn't wanna be moving them around wet in the smart pots for pics :joint:Delicious Seeds Critical Jack Herer - I'm In Awe..jpgDelicious Seeds Critical Jack Herer  - More Main Cola Love!.jpgDelicious Seeds Critical Jack Herer - Main Cola Got GIRTH.jpgDelicious Seeds Critical Jack Herer - Seconday Bud Chunk!.jpgDelicious Seeds Critical Jack Herer - More Secondary Bud Love!.jpgDelicious Seeds Critical Jack Herer - Under The Canopy.jpgDelicious Seeds Critical Jack.
Bagseed - BAG APPEAL!.jpgBeyonce Green AKA Bagseed
Seedsman White Widow(Topped)- One Of 6 Mains!.jpgSeedsman White Widow(Topped) - Cola Love.jpgSeedsman White Widow(F.I.M'd) - Top Cola.jpgSome Seedsman White Widow

In The Garden w: HPS.jpgIn The Garden No HPS.jpgThe Garden!

This weeks changes came in the form of the buds REALLY chunking up nicely, which means to me that I probably just went thru week 7 of flowering, even tho they all only got 1wk 18/6.
The most noticeable growth occurred with the Bagseed and the Seedsman White Widow that I topped about the 2nd true node!
They both have all main colas, and each of their main colas are bigger than any of those I got the first time around!
The Critical Jack is also really CHUNKING UP! It's the only one that's showing any signs of senescence at this point, but it's yellowing VERY gradually and peacefully so yeah! All's good! Might pull her next weekend! We'll see! I'm in NO RUSH to pull her, I just thinking she's approaching ripeness given the senescence and the pistils gradually going orange/brown/red.

As far as everything else goes, it look like another couple weeks still.

If any of you guys have done 12/12 FS before see this, about how many days in do you generally harvest?!
Or is that very strain dependent as well?!

But I'm 1-3 wks out on EVERYTHING and getting pretty excited again! Maybe I'll trim these and hang them whole since they're smaller...
We'll see!



Well-Known Member
very nice my friend.
now for veg time to finish time. i say you finish in 120 days on a week veg. i will be roughly 35 day veg and finish in 120-130 days.
not saying this is a positive or negative really lets you develop the size plant you want.
maybe i am wrong just a conclusion from what i have read and viewed.


New Member
That's wassup Hits! Appreciate the input! 3 more weeks sounds very reasonable to me :joint:

And also, I would normally give some veg and training time bro, but I just threw these in there to supplement my first 3 plant harvest. So glad I did it boss!
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