My 1st Grow Completed! 8 plants, 5 months, 14 ounces dry!"

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And here we have the last month as its come and gone!

I like that...........
Is that a D/L able calendar?
I was grubbing around for a while one day trying to find something like it, but found nothing I liked.
I like that...........
Is that a D/L able calendar?
I was grubbing around for a while one day trying to find something like it, but found nothing I liked.

It's just the standard Apple calendar bro. Comes on all thing apple lol. My lass is OCD so we got Apple EVERYTHING lol!
I smoke too much to rely on my memory to get things done lol.
Although I have learned to "pick the pot up" to see if it needs H20 lol
Something I couldn't do in the beginning!:joint:
I see you're using the Ancient Forest Stuff, you dig it? That's the stuff I've been eyeballin'.

I hit you back on your thread bro, but I guess I'm diggin it so far lol?! Don't REALLY have an opinion on it yet tho as I haven't used it that long, but I'll keep yas posted bro.
Everything is still green in the home stretch tho :joint:


And @ Beech, I wanna upgrade my girl to one of those ass's hahahha!
haha all fine and pretty til they get old and giant.
my woman is still young and has an ass like that but i will admit every year it gets a bit bigger and going on year 7.
Giving the good will make em grow back there too lol. I noticed my girl putting on a lump lol and it's been a little over 2 years here lol :joint:

Pisses me off that she walks with suck damn heavy feet lol. Like she 350lb when she like 120 prob lol
Tell me about it Hits lol! & I honestly think mine secretly enjoys the "thrill" of this more than me lol.
She sure loves the end game as much if not more lol :joint:

Too hard to live with em lol but can't live without em
you do not ph?
i have not or do not even own a ph meter. all my water is either rain or snow melt.
not saying that i will not in the future i am curious for sure.
you do not ph?
i have not or do not even own a ph meter. all my water is either rain or snow melt.
not saying that i will not in the future i am curious for sure.

Nope! Don't pH boss! I don't think it's futile to do, I just never had a need to lol!
In a good soil, the life within will buffer the pH of everything you add to it!
it's just the standard apple calendar bro. Comes on all thing apple lol. My lass is ocd so we got apple everything lol!
I smoke too much to rely on my memory to get things done lol.
Although i have learned to "pick the pot up" to see if it needs h20 lol
something i couldn't do in the beginning!:joint:
I'm telling you lol! It was God like look boss, pHuck the pH! And the hydro!
They still alive......I put a vodoo hex on em..J/K.
Its i just bought a new one and have told myself a thousand times not to fuck with anything pertaining to my grow HIGH,And what do I do try to just pull the cap off and the other end pulls out and breaks the damn wires!
Dont knock Hydro you have never even tried it!When you start getting 5-7ozs per plant,with just a month vegg IL stop.And buying 8-10 bags of Soil is a pain,Not to mention the mess, hydro is so much cleaner as far as spills and stuff and so easy and doesnt tie me down as much.
Lol! They're thriving haha! I think your curse backfired lol! You might wanna go look in your garden haha!

But I've learn to stay outta the room high haha. I'm on carpet, so spilling shit is a no go!
And trust that I ain't knocking anything that you doing boss...Not in the slightest...
I just know that I don't pH lol. And next grow I'm going for 8oz per plant HA! Not 5-7 lol! J/k

And yeah buying 8-10 bags would be a pain, but after you mix those 8-10 bags up, the hardwork is OVER
Hydro involves daily maintenence man. Today was the first time I touch my plants in 3 days. During Veg I can go even longer with tending them!
And vacuuming ain't tough at all after a soil spill boss! I spill it then it's cleaned up in 2 minutes!

I don't get how soil ties you down more than hydro!!!

*edit - on 2nd thought, you started hydro, so you're a hydro mind!
I'm ignorant to it so I feel the way I do ya digg?
Hydro does not involve Daily maintenance,I can leave for up to 5 days.Dont know where or who told ya tht.
I could do tht also if I went to 7g fabric pots in Soil.
Again, jus my hydro ignorance....
Thought you needed to managed the pH daily.
And I'll be happy with 4 ounces per with the next OP lol.
No way do I expect to get 8 in 3gal pots! Not yet at least!

But pics coming up a bit later boss! The growth between this week and last week has been none short or amazing man!
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