Random Jibber Jabber Thread


Well-Known Member
That is a beautiful Jade! My mother's which I tend to is very purple and what not.... Im trying my best to make sure the plant grows well!
Thanks.. I did nothing to get her this way but leave her alone.. she has soil from the ground here and all.. the frost was mean to her this year and I even lost major branches during it.. These are so easy to take cuttings from too.. I have some others that I just tossed into a compost pile and they were growing.

I have a few other succulents too and a few big ass aloe's in dire need of a replant..



Well-Known Member
IM going to :spew: some pics from my backyard I'm considered a florist in some circles and known as a botanist in others.. I went overboard putting flowered islands in my backyard to tired of mowing the whole lawn haha


Well-Known Member
woke up to a phone that will no longer cut on ... im pretty sure i lost everything in it which sucks ....anybody got suggestions on a good phone? i had a htc desire with att


Well-Known Member
anyone else have regular wet dreams?
i was lightly dreaming this morning of getting down and dirty with some smokin blonde and just woke up before i covered my sheets in it.
last one occoured only a few weeks back and i didnt wake up in time for that one!

New Age United

Well-Known Member
Lmafao 2timer, ya when I was 12, sorry if your serious but man you might wanta tell your doctor about this I think you have premature ejaculation probs man


Well-Known Member
Lmafao 2timer, ya when I was 12, sorry if your serious but man you might wanta tell your doctor about this I think you have premature ejaculation probs man
well i know i wasn't blowing loads at 12 years old but, i just love chicks and always seem to dream of getting interactive with some porn star type girls ya know. maybe i was supposed to be a porn star myself !?


Well-Known Member
anyone else have regular wet dreams?
i was lightly dreaming this morning of getting down and dirty with some smokin blonde and just woke up before i covered my sheets in it.
last one occoured only a few weeks back and i didnt wake up in time for that one!
Last one I had was...oh yeah, puberty.