New Member
Ok so, my boyfriend got some seeds out of a bag not to long ago so we decided to give it a go at growing them need i remind you we dont have any of the proper lights, only the very basics (i guess lights are a basic but whatever)
Anyways, we started out with 4 and now we have 2 left, its been nearly a month now since we've started, a couple weeks ago one of the leaves on one of the plants started growing wonky, and since then it hasn't grown as well as the other.... now i asked one of my friends his opinion on it and he said they were retarding, turning into hermie's but iv looked all around the internet and i cant find any information about this when they are this young, maybe its not possible so early.
I also read somewhere that you can tell this by the fact that the stems are so so thin, my boyfriend thinks its because he fucked the light cycle the first lil while that that might be the cause of the size....
and i know i probably sound daft but i dont care, we didnt pay for them its our first time growing we've seen some really nice plants come through without all the fancy shit so before we went and spent an arm n a leg for some nice seeds we'd figure we'd learn a thing or two first. Any type of advice/information is appreciated, if your going to say were daft for not having the right equipment then feel free, but its not like i really care so its just a waste of time n effort really. Heres some pictures of them...... dont laugh too much
the middle pictures are from about 5 days ago, and the other two yesterday (4/9/13)
Anyways, we started out with 4 and now we have 2 left, its been nearly a month now since we've started, a couple weeks ago one of the leaves on one of the plants started growing wonky, and since then it hasn't grown as well as the other.... now i asked one of my friends his opinion on it and he said they were retarding, turning into hermie's but iv looked all around the internet and i cant find any information about this when they are this young, maybe its not possible so early.
I also read somewhere that you can tell this by the fact that the stems are so so thin, my boyfriend thinks its because he fucked the light cycle the first lil while that that might be the cause of the size....
and i know i probably sound daft but i dont care, we didnt pay for them its our first time growing we've seen some really nice plants come through without all the fancy shit so before we went and spent an arm n a leg for some nice seeds we'd figure we'd learn a thing or two first. Any type of advice/information is appreciated, if your going to say were daft for not having the right equipment then feel free, but its not like i really care so its just a waste of time n effort really. Heres some pictures of them...... dont laugh too much
the middle pictures are from about 5 days ago, and the other two yesterday (4/9/13)