Please don't threaten me, I'll take you seriously!
You can think what you want, I have lied to a lot of people and told them you were a good dude. From the moment you knew who I was you had a comment on anything I say that had anything different that your garden. You like to get all butt hurt and cry, oh you thing you pot is better. I have said repeatedly I like mine more and you do great. Yeah I fucked up, I shared the fact that the whole time you tried to run Swerve out of business it was over one single feminized seed that you only vegged for 3 weeks. You told me this. You also told me and my wife one time you tossed you hamster so hard it died after biting you dick! You also told me that all the people that introduced me to you think your a thief, they didn't say that, you did. So I have to ask, what kinda guy would call himself Uncle Pirate? You used to be Capt Stickyfingers, and your profile you called yourself an Aids donator, now your in Abductor Policies. Funny...... I have not lied at all!
We can tear each other skills apart all day long, you saw my garden as I tore it down and moved in into an uninsulated fucked up location, Its kicking ass again. Yours has been in the same spot for like ten years and looks pretty bad if you look at the whole setup. Don't get me wrong, your unflushed weed smokes fine! Sorry for trolling you though, I kinda liked thinking of your whiney face turning all red.