Socal Seed Co.



Sure your no Hazey Grapes! Typical response for a 10 year old with turets? Never claimed mine was perfect. In fact I even pointed out that the room was having issues (moved in an emergency and literally had to run a heater half the day and A/c the other half). Also I had never ran a long flowering sativa before. The large burnt one was flowered at less than a foot and had to be tied down repeatedly. Yup I fucked her up a little. I also got 6 oz of the stringy bitch after 110 days. I don't see what you bitching about either. I'm proud my maturing plants lack the fertilizer to go on living well, I'm about to kill and smoke them. I'm more than open to the possibility of chem weed being better, just hasn't happen for me yet. No I haven't been doing this for 30 years, only about 10 seriously. But based on how smart you sound while defending yourself, I doubt you will come up with much more than a bunch of jibberish and cussing.......
  • I disagree with most all of his statements...he is being paid to lie...organics is the new hydro craze 2013 version for $

    This is the statement that led me to call him a dumbass.... Since then I have only stated my opinions.... I have not attacked or spewed studdering non sense. I agree, a good soil mix is a better way to go than I am with bottled nutes. I have to admit I have been putting off starting one of my own. I have been messing around composting and building the soil for our outdoor vegy garden. But am still hooked on the bottle inside. I like the correctability. I don't get the udder aggression. It reminds me of when a kid don't get there way... If we could share some fatties we could both shut up eh!

    I do prefer organic.... I find that most people when actually given a choice between well grown organic or chem will only find minute differenences. Usually stating the organic has a slightly smoother feel with fuller more flavorful taste.

    Sorry to fuck up the Socal thread.. I was trying to make a point related to the conversation by posting the link.... I tend to mostly agree with it. Been at it for a while and maybe its not perfect but its works well. I know I'm not growing the best. I also know its not fucked up.​

hey taco-
On the love water video thing..the guy's methods weren't very good, didn't show all the photographs taken, he hasn't repeated the results(even when offered a million dollars). buuut what I think is interesting is noone has disproved it. as far as I know. I lost interest after a bit of reading. he also sells "indigo water" or something on his website, which doesn't help his credibility.
Fuck I was hoping to find info on so cal seeds but after wasting my time reading all 10 pages of this thread ...only bickering and no info
Actually I thought if I did people might get back to the subject but there is always some smart ass like you to fuck things up.
ouch. sounding like a dick weed. lmao. j/k. i looked at the breeder mentioned and wouldnt risk it. go with someone more reputable. spend the few extra bucks.
ouch. sounding like a dick weed. lmao. j/k. i looked at the breeder mentioned and wouldnt risk it. go with someone more reputable. spend the few extra bucks.

I'd grow socal's beans long before I'd grow the strains you have. No doubt about it.

so i have started new s33ds. i have the strains listed below. all of which are fem s33ds that i will mom out and test in the near future.. :smile:

barnies farm: blue cheese
dinafems: cheese
world of s33ds: madness
g13 labs: pineapple express
world of s33ds: northern lights x skunk #1

Come on now. And where's your flowering plants? All I seen was veg plants and then text descriptions of your harvest, no pics.
Please don't threaten me, I'll take you seriously!

You can think what you want, I have lied to a lot of people and told them you were a good dude. From the moment you knew who I was you had a comment on anything I say that had anything different that your garden. You like to get all butt hurt and cry, oh you thing you pot is better. I have said repeatedly I like mine more and you do great. Yeah I fucked up, I shared the fact that the whole time you tried to run Swerve out of business it was over one single feminized seed that you only vegged for 3 weeks. You told me this. You also told me and my wife one time you tossed you hamster so hard it died after biting you dick! You also told me that all the people that introduced me to you think your a thief, they didn't say that, you did. So I have to ask, what kinda guy would call himself Uncle Pirate? You used to be Capt Stickyfingers, and your profile you called yourself an Aids donator, now your in Abductor Policies. Funny...... I have not lied at all!

We can tear each other skills apart all day long, you saw my garden as I tore it down and moved in into an uninsulated fucked up location, Its kicking ass again. Yours has been in the same spot for like ten years and looks pretty bad if you look at the whole setup. Don't get me wrong, your unflushed weed smokes fine! Sorry for trolling you though, I kinda liked thinking of your whiney face turning all red.
  • I disagree with most all of his statements...he is being paid to lie...organics is the new hydro craze 2013 version for $

    This is the statement that led me to call him a dumbass.... Since then I have only stated my opinions.... I have not attacked or spewed studdering non sense. I agree, a good soil mix is a better way to go than I am with bottled nutes. I have to admit I have been putting off starting one of my own. I have been messing around composting and building the soil for our outdoor vegy garden. But am still hooked on the bottle inside. I like the correctability. I don't get the udder aggression. It reminds me of when a kid don't get there way... If we could share some fatties we could both shut up eh!

    I do prefer organic.... I find that most people when actually given a choice between well grown organic or chem will only find minute differenences. Usually stating the organic has a slightly smoother feel with fuller more flavorful taste.

    Sorry to fuck up the Socal thread.. I was trying to make a point related to the conversation by posting the link.... I tend to mostly agree with it. Been at it for a while and maybe its not perfect but its works well. I know I'm not growing the best. I also know its not fucked up.​

i appoligize for being rude. it came off as you attacking and harrassing kite.

issue resolved
I'd grow socal's beans long before I'd grow the strains you have. No doubt about it.

Come on now. And where's your flowering plants? All I seen was veg plants and then text descriptions of your harvest, no pics.

i dont post. not becuz i dont have any pictures. more becuz i really dont have anything to prove. also im quite the stoner and by the time im done working and taking pics uploading them is the last thing on my mind. normally its cooking dinner and getting the kids delt with by the time shit is all put away, so id rather spend time with my fam then spend a few extra minutes posting pics. but ill see what i can do.

also most of those were freebies jack face. go figure that you would talk shit. but remember its the internet and its all just personal opinion.
damn sounds like you bent over backwards for bro.
sounds like he should have been less trusting. first off why would you meet anyone growing weed off the internet and go to his casa and help him move all his weed and shit if he didnt already have a med card? sounds like this guy walks into setups all the time.
Hey everyone! I had a pet rat that bit my balls, so I threw it against the wall. And some idiot accused me of stealing some nugglet of schwag when it was his brothers girlfriend that took it. Ooooh embarrassing stuff, I'm such an asshole.

On a side note that's actually relevant to this thread, 6 of 6 Dawg Goos just popped. I'll be back with pics when it's done.
man that was so much easier to say than spewing at the mouth brotha. also sorry for tearing into you so bad. its just hard not to sometimes when you see people going on their rants.