Random Jibber Jabber Thread


Well-Known Member
This ballzy ass fox ran up to me and took a dump. I was outside planting my seedlings and this fucker runs up. I was thinking cool wish I had my camera with me, one never came this close before. But i also looked around for my tilling rake just in case this fox had rabies. the fox was literally withing kicking distance when he lowered his back legs & took a nice steamy dump full of berries and fur.


Well-Known Member
waiting for the masters to finish up then i am going to scalp an 8' x 16' area of grass from my backyard.

anyone need sod?


Well-Known Member
my (hypothetical) bet was on jason day, really thought he was gonna take it rather easily.

now it's probably gonna be cabrera as adam scott is a choker and that cabrera birdie (fucking pimp) just took all the wind out of his sails.

tiger would be in the playoff as well had his shot at 15 not hit the pin on friday. one perfect shot cost him another masters.


Well-Known Member
my (hypothetical) bet was on jason day, really thought he was gonna take it rather easily.

now it's probably gonna be cabrera as adam scott is a choker and that cabrera birdie (fucking pimp) just took all the wind out of his sails.

tiger would be in the playoff as well had his shot at 15 not hit the pin on friday. one perfect shot cost him another masters.
Yup, that shot was killer unlucky for woods. he missed alot of shots today and still managed to finish -5.
jason day ripped it up today, deserved to be in the play off i think.
i wanted westwood to win it, never had a chance in the end really.

Blue Wizard

Well-Known Member
I was filling the car up like an hour ago and this Heidi Fleiss looking chick in a huge lifted dually drives up over the curb and took out the entrance sign to the gas station.

She was just sitting in her truck kinda mumbling to herself with her head hanging down and some fat bald dude who was drunk off his ass comes out of the back door and tries to fill up the truck.

Flaming Pie

Well-Known Member
Omg, Game of Thrones SO GOOD! I can't wait for the next calysi episode!!! I know what happens but I don't want to spoil it for yall.

Just know that she is turning into a badass.


Well-Known Member

See4 -- um, I'm going to hell for the Michael J. Fox Harlem Shake comment? Really?
Omg, Game of Thrones SO GOOD! I can't wait for the next calysi episode!!! I know what happens but I don't want to spoil it for yall.

Just know that she is turning into a badass.
We just caught up, and are about to watch tonight's episode. Thank you for not spoiling it.