Fire in the hole! 15 Timewreck super soil pheno hunt


Well-Known Member
I did it.. ordered 2 more veg LEDs... i figure with 2 veg leds once I move the flower cab upstairs I can take the veg led out of there and have 3 veg LEDs in my veg cab (badass). Won't be ordering more flower leds in the near future... going to make the 600w HPS the center of the new cab and have flower leds around it (2 on either side and 3 between the hps and the back of the cab). Now I just gotta figure out when... this weekend is 4/20 so have a feeling it ain't gonna happen then, although maybe sunday... but if i'm doing 4/20 stuff saturday, wife may not be thrilled about spending all day sunday building a cab...


Well-Known Member
I'm jealous. I was up last night looking at the newer led models from the company I got mine from. The newest designs have a large heatsink with no casing or fans attached.


Well-Known Member
Which LEDs did you order? I could use a third in my veg tent, but another 900w Blackstar would be overkill (two in there already).


Well-Known Member
2 more veg 240w blackstars. Really love those they make the plants look real pretty unlike the flower models :) They are strong enough for full veg but won't shock seedlings with too much light. My aces are a little stunted from being under that 600w hps, but I have nothing other than a couple CFLs to put'em under that wouldn't be enough light for 34 plants :) I gotta build the new cab in the next week or so because I'm pretty sure 2 blackstars won't be enough for that many plants. 3 definitely will (have done it before!) At least until they get above 1.5 gallons... but by then i'll have sorted out males from the aces and given away/put some in the mother/clone chamber i'm gonna build. I think i'm just gonna pick up a high power CFL for that (100-250w)... doesn't have to be anything real powerful in there since I don't need a lot of clones.

I'm working out plans for the cab now... gotta go take some room measurements to see how big I can get away with too... i'm thinking of going 12x4x6 which is crazy that'd be 48ft2 not sure I have enough light for the whole thing but I can always add more later :) Got enough light for at least 10 or 11 of that 12 feet though so I can probably stretch it I'm sure... i'll probably get some new flower leds after harvest will probably get a couple different ones maybe a blackstar chrome and a california lightworks :) maybe something else i'll have to look and see.

Besides needing to build this cab, I gotta start transplanting a bunch of these seedlings and cuts into 1.5 gallon pots. That's gonna be a pain... especially since the plan is to repot them 2-3 weeks later into bigger pots once the super soil is ready (and i have bigger pots to put them in). Going to have to buy a bunch of new airpots too since i'll have to transplant them before flower pots are available again unless I wanna have an empty flower cab for a few weeks (not an option i'm on a timeline here). Will probably get some 3 gallons from the local hydro store.

Flower girls doing fantastic... older ones adding more trichs daily looking like fuzzy sugar now... big chernojill's sugar is coming on now... CCMs mainly getting bigger rather than frostier (already frosty but not resin beasts like the TWs). I think it's gonna be a pretty well balanced harvest those CCMs are total stone to the bone indicas and the others are gonna be sativa leaning hybrids that should be pretty up, although who knows on some of those timewrecks I can't wait to find out :) The 8 gallon one seems to be a different pheno than the timewreck leaning ones (space queen? doesn't really grow like apollo that much) should be interesting!

I think the plants are gonna go nuts when they get in their new cab... should be pretty stable temps and humidity compared to now (gets up to 85 with no a/c but mid-upper 70s with) and not as cramped hopefully next round, although it's going to be hard to limit myself to a few big plants...


New Member
Bro, I swear if you grab some 1 gallon grow bags and use them in the place of you're 1 gallon pots, you'll INSTANTLY fall in love with them, simple because when you transplant them, all you need to do it roll the bag down! And they're taller than wide as well, so you know the girls gotta love em!

And do you like the 240w LED more than a 400/600w HPS for flowering?!


Well-Known Member
Nah I love the way the airpots transplant it's easy as pie and the 1.5's I use are almost twice as tall as they are wide :) i don't like smartpot type bags for what I do i'm not using them again after this... IMO the airpots produce happier plants I really think the microbes underneath are happier... you pretty much can NOT overwater an airpot enough to cause root rot unless you use a thick soil mix that's not aerated well enough (my mix is very airy lotsa perlite). I can still overwater my plants in smartpots/bags. Now yes I should be a better grower and dial it in so that the watering's perfect, but I find that even when I get the water right on the smartpots they're still not the same level of happy as the airpots are. Anyway, I'm happy with what I got as far as pots, not planning on switching :) There are more convenient and less messy plants than airpots, but I don't think there are better.

I still haven't done a side by side on 600 vs the 240s... but will have them side by side starting soon and next grow should have an hps vs leds from same plant cuttings. But so far, I like the 240s better. You can spread them out to get better coverage (i guess you could do the same sort of things with multiple 250w hps - i can't imagine having that many ballasts running in my type of grow ;) ), and I think the plants are just a lot less stressed from the environment but that's also because i've generally not had a properly vented hps :) And then of course there's the electric bill advantage :) My bills while being here have been very reasonable especially considering i'm cooling a 2 story house and the a/c works more than the average household because it's cooling the grow room too (although not for long!!!!) It's gonna be a landmark type thing for me to have a grow room that is environmentally controlled separately from the rest of my house ;) I've run a vented hood before but never a room with it's own climate control :) But anyway, I'm gonna do side by sides to check yields and what not but the results I got in terms of yield and quality the first harvest this year in supersoil and all LEDs I was more than happy with. My yields were higher than under hps ever. Course I didn't do super soil + hps previously it could be that'll blow the leds away :) I don't know if I want to pay the electric to run and environmentally control multiple 600w or 1K lights, or have the potential attention that might draw to you by someone looking for those kinds of things. Big wattage lights and power bills are hallmarks of commercial operations not the attention i'm trying to draw... and would require electrical upgrade to do so which i can't do where i'm at. Really i'm not sure how well the 600w in there is going to work with all the other stuff that will be running but I can run an extension to another room on another circuit if that's an issue.

Oh PS I can't remember if I said but thanks Owl! Enjoying the fruits of your labor right now it spawned this speel. :) Feelin good :)


Well-Known Member
I've seen owl lurking but not a hot from him on here.

That size cab, I'd seriously look at grow tents, pretty sure it'd be cheaper. Also more portable for your next move.

If you upgrade flower lights and have to remove one is bee interested in testing a blackstar 240w to my 240w. I'd need to get a kilawatt to check actual pulls.

I can't bring myself to run hps any time but winter here. Then use the light heat to my advantage, or open windows to cool if gets too much.


Well-Known Member
Should get a par meter too :)

Pretty sure owl's busy with the fam and lil young'un. :) Only reason I got him to stop by was because there was something I needed to give him :)

Don't know about it being cheaper... have you seen the price of grow tents? I haven't really seen one the size I'm talking about, but even half way decent sized ones far smaller than that are like a couple hundred bucks... I'm pretty sure I can get the wood to make this one for < $100 and I already got nails. Not really worried about moving... won't be taking it with me when I move. I'm not sure what my next setup is going to be like, but i'm hoping it's going to be full rooms (wanna do full medical grows... still considering WA and getting a producers license there too but it's most likely gonna be socal). Yeah I'm green rushin' it :) Got a friend who already lives out who's a contractor/construction guy so he's gonna be able to knock my rooms out right -- great for me since i don't have much experience with that. He's new to growing learning to do hydro but i'm working on converting him to supersoil i think he said last he was thinking about doing a run of it after seeing how my girls look :) Probably gonna rent someplace the first year hoping that by the end of the first year we'll be buying someplace with some land up in the hills and be able to quit my full time normal job and only do part time contract work for top dollar remote. Real excited about the possibility of having both an indoor AND outdoor crop and growing some fucking trees!


Well-Known Member
Lost my post. Are you just building a wood frame and covering it in pandafilm?I was thinking wood sides which is what adds lots of cost


New Member
Nah I love the way the airpots transplant it's easy as pie and the 1.5's I use are almost twice as tall as they are wide :) i don't like smartpot type bags for what I do i'm not using them again after this... IMO the airpots produce happier plants I really think the microbes underneath are happier... you pretty much can NOT overwater an airpot enough to cause root rot unless you use a thick soil mix that's not aerated well enough (my mix is very airy lotsa perlite). I can still overwater my plants in smartpots/bags. Now yes I should be a better grower and dial it in so that the watering's perfect, but I find that even when I get the water right on the smartpots they're still not the same level of happy as the airpots are. Anyway, I'm happy with what I got as far as pots, not planning on switching :) There are more convenient and less messy plants than airpots, but I don't think there are better.

I still haven't done a side by side on 600 vs the 240s... but will have them side by side starting soon and next grow should have an hps vs leds from same plant cuttings. But so far, I like the 240s better. You can spread them out to get better coverage (i guess you could do the same sort of things with multiple 250w hps - i can't imagine having that many ballasts running in my type of grow ;) ), and I think the plants are just a lot less stressed from the environment but that's also because i've generally not had a properly vented hps :) And then of course there's the electric bill advantage :) My bills while being here have been very reasonable especially considering i'm cooling a 2 story house and the a/c works more than the average household because it's cooling the grow room too (although not for long!!!!) It's gonna be a landmark type thing for me to have a grow room that is environmentally controlled separately from the rest of my house ;) I've run a vented hood before but never a room with it's own climate control :) But anyway, I'm gonna do side by sides to check yields and what not but the results I got in terms of yield and quality the first harvest this year in supersoil and all LEDs I was more than happy with. My yields were higher than under hps ever. Course I didn't do super soil + hps previously it could be that'll blow the leds away :) I don't know if I want to pay the electric to run and environmentally control multiple 600w or 1K lights, or have the potential attention that might draw to you by someone looking for those kinds of things. Big wattage lights and power bills are hallmarks of commercial operations not the attention i'm trying to draw... and would require electrical upgrade to do so which i can't do where i'm at. Really i'm not sure how well the 600w in there is going to work with all the other stuff that will be running but I can run an extension to another room on another circuit if that's an issue.

Oh PS I can't remember if I said but thanks Owl! Enjoying the fruits of your labor right now it spawned this speel. :) Feelin good :)
Nice post! And so should I be growing in air pots? Rather than smart pots?!
My happiest plant ATM is in a grow bag rag than the smart pots....Go figure.

And yeah I see you working and think it's wise the use of the LEDs...
I was thinking about going that route at a point in time but then went HID.
Always gonna be evolving tho..And I'll be watching the side by side.
My next will be a slight step up....CFL free other than seedlings and clones...

Slowly but surely.


Well-Known Member
Yeah void basically same as the cab I got now but bigger :)

Sincerely seems like you're doing pretty good with CFLs :) think there's 2 or 3 good questions to ask yourself before going hps vs led

1) are you planning on scaling up to a big commercial grow? if so, you're probably gonna go hps eventually anyway :)
2) how good is your environmental control going to be? if you can run a properly vented hood, may want to consider HPS. If you don't have any way to vent your HPS outside, don't go HPS, go LED. definitely less heat for unvented.


New Member
Yeah void basically same as the cab I got now but bigger :)

Sincerely seems like you're doing pretty good with CFLs :) think there's 2 or 3 good questions to ask yourself before going hps vs led

1) are you planning on scaling up to a big commercial grow? if so, you're probably gonna go hps eventually anyway :)
2) how good is your environmental control going to be? if you can run a properly vented hood, may want to consider HPS. If you don't have any way to vent your HPS outside, don't go HPS, go LED. definitely less heat for unvented.
I'm going for a 4/6 plant grow for the next one...A qp per plant and I will air cool everything, so maybe I'll just get another 400w HPS to go with the one I have, and then use my two 150s as side lighting??

The grow after that I'll be moving into a place that I'll be living in sometime, so I'll set everything for the perpetual by years end boss.
And I will be spending cash without a limit until I get everything I need bro!


Well-Known Member
Hi, my name is ReefBongwell, and I'm a growroomaholic.

I MAY have gone and picked up a hood & 200w CFL (one o' them big mamma jammas) for the seedling/clone/mom closet along with a bag of roots and 4 airpots (1 4 gallon and 3 3 gallons). No LEDs til monday but i'm not digging that 600w hps for those young'uns that was a mistake. Gonna transplant and put under the new light tonight the Aces and the first 5 cuts that have resumed normal growth that are in there with the HPS... i won't have room to transplant the rest of the cuts until I get the LEDs in. This thing should be perfect for mom/clones/seedlings. They are still working on resuming normal growth, although I think I saw one in there this morning that was getting going. Pics to come as always.