Random Jibber Jabber Thread


Well-Known Member
My brother's girlfriend (crazy little gold digger) has decided that he and I and my uncle are all part of a big charade. She now believes we are just pretending to be family. That I must actually be some girl from his past that has resurfaced and is now trying to "steal him" from her. (Why? Because I took him and my uncle out for dinner for our birthdays.) Now. I don't mean to be cocky. I'm really not cocky. But if this...was all that was between me and a guy I wanted...It'd have already happened...ya know? She's currently fit-throwing about me wanting to move closer to them so I can help take care of my uncle.


Well-Known Member
My brother's girlfriend (crazy little gold digger) has decided that he and I and my uncle are all part of a big charade. She now believes we are just pretending to be family. That I must actually be some girl from his past that has resurfaced and is now trying to "steal him" from her. (Why? Because I took him and my uncle out for dinner for our birthdays.) Now. I don't mean to be cocky. I'm really not cocky. But if this...was all that was between me and a guy I wanted...It'd have already happened...ya know? She's currently fit-throwing about me wanting to move closer to them so I can help take care of my uncle.
Damn she musta fell outta the UGLY Tree and hit every stick on the way down LOL! :(


Well-Known Member
Once she threw a fit because I cooked a tombstone pizza at their house lol. She said SHE was the only woman who cooked there. (OK she comes over every other weekend lol. What does she think? They just...don't eat til she comes back??) It was hilarious. So she goes through the fridge and starts taking out the beer she bought for my brother to take home with her. He's too high to pay her much attention anyway, and I can tell by the glazed over look in his eyes he's not even listening to her anymore. So I say "Hey bub, i'm heading out to town in a few, want me to grab you some beer?" Oh God. You'd have thought I just flat out slapped her. He runs his own auto repair business, and she likes to chase off his female customers...which is a huge deal because most guys work on their own cars...his female customers are a giant portion of his clientele. But then she wants to spend all his money...which he has a lot less of because of the female customer issue...just plain silly, she is.


Well-Known Member
Once she threw a fit because I cooked a tombstone pizza at their house lol. She said SHE was the only woman who cooked there. (OK she comes over every other weekend lol. What does she think? They just...don't eat til she comes back??) It was hilarious. So she goes through the fridge and starts taking out the beer she bought for my brother to take home with her. He's too high to pay her much attention anyway, and I can tell by the glazed over look in his eyes he's not even listening to her anymore. So I say "Hey bub, i'm heading out to town in a few, want me to grab you some beer?" Oh God. You'd have thought I just flat out slapped her. He runs his own auto repair business, and she likes to chase off his female customers...which is a huge deal because most guys work on their own cars...his female customers are a giant portion of his clientele. But then she wants to spend all his money...which he has a lot less of because of the female customer issue...just plain silly, she is.
lol, I've had to deal with people like her. There was this one gal after my boyfriend waaay back when. I was out having a great time at my local bar one night and the next morning my boyfriend gets a call from her saying "....oh, you should have seen (hereshe) she was ALL over this guy, what a slut she is...bla, bla, bla...." So my boyfriend asked me about who I was with at the bar...I'm reply "well, my tall, dark handsome brother of course." All she saw that night was him come up from behind and cover my eyes, me turn around and hug him and she turned it into that! Some bitches be crazy!


My brother's girlfriend (crazy little gold digger) has decided that he and I and my uncle are all part of a big charade. She now believes we are just pretending to be family. That I must actually be some girl from his past that has resurfaced and is now trying to "steal him" from her. (Why? Because I took him and my uncle out for dinner for our birthdays.) Now. I don't mean to be cocky. I'm really not cocky. But if this...was all that was between me and a guy I wanted...It'd have already happened...ya know? She's currently fit-throwing about me wanting to move closer to them so I can help take care of my uncle.
So i thought this 1st pic was a dude until i read the post. . She has issues. Just be you, sounds like that is fun to see her nasty reactions.


Well-Known Member
I was thinking...you know when you go to retirement homes, they have those sing alongs for the old people. It's all songs from their era, like..."You are my sunshine" and one's like that. What's it going to be when I reach that age? I mean, am I going to have to look at some old guy singing AC/DC, "Given the Dog the Bone" to me...?


Well-Known Member
I just watched one of those shoe commercials where it's all "And for each pair you buy, we donate a pair of shoes to a child without shoes in an underprivileged country..." I just think that's so ironic. Like...woohoo, how generous of you. You mean you're going to let them keep a few of the pair they made??


Well-Known Member
I was thinking...you know when you go to retirement homes, they have those sing alongs for the old people. It's all songs from their era, like..."You are my sunshine" and one's like that. What's it going to be when I reach that age? I mean, am I going to have to look at some old guy singing AC/DC, "Given the Dog the Bone" to me...?
It will be some sad ass Journey 'Come to you with open arms' to make you miss all your dead friends. You'll hear 'don't worry be happy' as your pick me up. Maybe some J geils and Huey Lewis. The Stones, who will se how still be alive and touring at that time. And the Beatles because they are timeless.


Well-Known Member
It will be some sad ass Journey 'Come to you with open arms' to make you miss all your dead friends. You'll hear 'don't worry be happy' as your pick me up. Maybe some J geils and Huey Lewis. The Stones, who will se how still be alive and touring at that time. And the Beatles because they are timeless.
It's even scarier to think they'll still be playing the same songs they are now...please don't let me die to the tune of "You Are My Sunshine..." I wanna die to something like....Shut Up and Drive by Rihanna...