Random Jibber Jabber Thread


Well-Known Member
Green foods can do that to you, have you been eating a lot of leafy greens or spinach lately?
Actually, yes. Well, sort of. I've been eating salad pretty consistently for the past few months. Last week I slipped a little and didn't have salads for a few days. Then over the weekend ate nothing but salads and veggies. I also smoked an incredible amount of pot on Saturday. Im wondering if it's the pot.

Speaking of which, I need a bong hit.

Colon update: Hot garbage is gone apparently, replaced with oily butt mud. I wonder if its the shrimp cocktail I had earlier today. But Im not allergic.


Well-Known Member

I assume that means shitty, sticky, runny, shit?

I only get that if I eat nothing but candy and soda for a couple days. That is, not kidding, the worst shit from the deepest, darkest parts of Hell imaginable! Sugar and caffeine mixed with carbonation is a horrendous combination!

Usually when I eat healthy, I have the best shits of my life, big, clean, compact, and fulfilling, the kind of shit you have that when you're finished, you think about it for the next few hours wondering how everything that was bad inside of you could have all come out all at the same time in a neat little package and you barely had to wipe! The kind of shit that when it's over, you're hungry again.


Well-Known Member
You just wait until you guys have kids and see what they poop out. I mean, I'm talking tipple coilers because it all works properly in them and they take massive craps. I just can't even believe all what comes out could even fit in a kid.


Well-Known Member
Well I did eat an entire bag of Sour Jelly Beans. And a half package of Oreo's with milk. When I was stoned out of my gord on Saturday. Maybe that was it, with the combination of shrimp today.

Yea.. I bet that was it. Padawan I think you narrowed it down.

Jelly Beans + Oreos w/ Milk + Shrimp + tons of Pot = hot garbage farts w/ oily butt mud.


Well-Known Member
I love Rockstar energy drinks. The Super Sours are my new favorite, especially the Bubbleberry.

The makers of Rockstar flavors are definitely medical users...

eye exaggerate

Well-Known Member
Well I did eat an entire bag of Sour Jelly Beans. And a half package of Oreo's with milk. When I was stoned out of my gord on Saturday. Maybe that was it, with the combination of shrimp today.

Yea.. I bet that was it. Padawan I think you narrowed it down.

Jelly Beans + Oreos w/ Milk + Shrimp + tons of Pot = hot garbage farts w/ oily butt mud.

...I hear they're making office paper out of elephant dung these days. Raises the question, why not toilet paper? "UPcycle".