My dog ate ant poison!


Well-Known Member
Hahaha! Even tho the thread is ancient and the dog is probably dead of old age by now, I gotta say.....

A vet doesn't have to be terribly expensive. It's a dog owner's responsibility to take care of their pet. Feeding, love, exercise AND health. You shouldn't have a pet if you can't afford to take care of it.


New Member
Hahaha! Even tho the thread is ancient and the dog is probably dead of old age by now, I gotta say.....

A vet doesn't have to be terribly expensive. It's a dog owner's responsibility to take care of their pet. Feeding, love, exercise AND health. You shouldn't have a pet if you can't afford to take care of it.

more importantly you should read the thread before you add your two cents.Somebody just had this happen to them.Instead of starting a new thread they brought this one back.If somebody just statrs a thread everyone bitches to do a search.You guys can't have it both ways.
And FWIW nobody I know can afford a visit to the vet on a whim.When you live check to check shit happens and things get real.So go ride off on your highhorse and us poor folks will keep our pets alive on our own

FWIW the last time my neighbor Antifreezed my St Benrnard we took her to the Vets.They wanted 5000 to work on her.Best outcome they could give me was a maybe.
After talking to an ole guy in the waiting room he tells me the old school remedy was to give the dog moonshine.Well,fawk me,it worked.....and for about 10 bucks worth of homemade 'shine.Fuck the vets


Well-Known Member
Even if you have no money, PHONE the vet, they don't charge to answer the phone.
Start with I have no money, but my dog ate some *****, insert shit there.

THEY will then tell you what the best medicaly indicated thing is to do or offer assistance under some program or another.


New Member
Even if you have no money, PHONE the vet, they don't charge to answer the phone.
Start with I have no money, but my dog ate some *****, insert shit there.

THEY will then tell you what the best medicaly indicated thing is to do or offer assistance under some program or another.

if you have a good vet.Thats a big "IF".No free advice round here


Well-Known Member
more importantly you should read the thread before you add your two cents.Somebody just had this happen to them.Instead of starting a new thread they brought this one back.If somebody just statrs a thread everyone bitches to do a search.You guys can't have it both ways.
And FWIW nobody I know can afford a visit to the vet on a whim.When you live check to check shit happens and things get real.So go ride off on your highhorse and us poor folks will keep our pets alive on our own

FWIW the last time my neighbor Antifreezed my St Benrnard we took her to the Vets.They wanted 5000 to work on her.Best outcome they could give me was a maybe.
After talking to an ole guy in the waiting room he tells me the old school remedy was to give the dog moonshine.Well,fawk me,it worked.....and for about 10 bucks worth of homemade 'shine.Fuck the vets
SCHUYLAARS SECRET FOR NOT SPENDING A DIME AT THE VETS..YOU'RE GROOMER!!!!! They know absolutely EVERYTHING..all the tips, tricks for only a few dollars in most cases or something you already have at home.

Groomers hate vets as much as we do and will do anything in their power to help you not have to go to them.

Root canal, buying a car and vet..somehow it all feels the same.