Cows ate my weed

( taken about an hr ago)
Whats my Name?!
My neighbor is outta town. Im tending to his doggo .
Caught mama and calf inside his fenced landscaped area. Cow shit and some plants look munched and stomped. She ran out the backside of his fence when i pulled my cam out. This is were this pic was taken when i met her around back.
hey D...ever thought bout putting a electrical fence up as a border.....i have a couple of farmers that do it...they say it's keep them from getting out toward the road. I have another guy say's he used it to keep them in the grazing area untill he's read to move them....

just a thought ....
but on a lighter side....we did this last week....drove a 4ft section of rebar in the ground bout waist high, put attachment one about a foot off the ground and another a knicker lvl....ran wire from one side to the other on both attachment...tied them power with a 9v battery....cattle don't even go near other animals wild dogs can even add on at a later date....
View attachment 4394897
( taken about an hr ago)
Whats my Name?!
My neighbor is outta town. Im tending to his doggo .
Caught mama and calf inside his fenced landscaped area. Cow shit and some plants look munched and stomped. She ran out the backside of his fence when i pulled my cam out. This is were this pic was taken when i met her around back.
Nice looking cow...

Is that a putting green out back of the house?
hey D...ever thought bout putting a electrical fence up as a border.....i have a couple of farmers that do it...they say it's keep them from getting out toward the road. I have another guy say's he used it to keep them in the grazing area untill he's read to move them....

just a thought ....
If i put up a fence it has to be wildlife friendly. Electric is allowed i believe near roads. But if i do the fence on the remaining side it will cost a good penny. T posts are $5 a pc and i need 300 of them. Then 3 wires arcoss . Anything else would be inaducuate and if they pushed it over and not a lawful type fence im still fked
I believe where she went into my neighbors fenced area...she pushed this down. I picked these posts up and there was no sign of them being there awhile..they wernt sunk in and looked fresh.
I rigged them up to hold up the fence. Ill throw some t posts up tonight to hold it up a bit better then this jankyness. I had no tools on me at the time soo it will do till i get back over20190915_121543.jpg
View attachment 4395442
I believe where she went into my neighbors fenced area...she pushed this down. I picked these posts up and there was no sign of them being there awhile..they wernt sunk in and looked fresh.
I rigged them up to hold up the fence. Ill throw some t posts up tonight to hold it up a bit better then this jankyness. I had no tools on me at the time soo it will do till i get back overView attachment 4395444

You need an old golf cart with a box bolted on the back to service/patrol that area.
Put an extension cattle prod mount on the front and zap some people.

It's legal if you yell 'fore' first but check your local laws on that.