Dirrtyd's 2013 Outdoor Grow


Well-Known Member
This thread may or may not be updated but I will try. I have a son who is terminal so alot going on right now.

We will start off with my soil mix that is tried and true to me.
1.5 CU Ft of Kellogg's patio plus
1 cup of feather meal brand Down to Earth 12.0.0
1 cup of bio fish meal brand Down to Earth 7.7.2
1 cup of fishbone meal brand Down to Earth 3.16.0
1/2 cup of Iron- Sulfur brand FST 33%iron 19%sulfur 0.5% manganese 0.5% zinc
2 cups of Kelp meal brand Down to Earth 1-0.1-2
1 cup of Alfalfa meal brand Down to Earth 2.5-1-1
1 cup of Greensand brand EB Stone
1 cup of Dolomite Lime brand EB Stone ca21.8 mg11.6
1 cup of Oyster Shells brand Down to Earth
1 cup of Humic Acids brand Down to Earth
1/4 cup of Azomite brand Down to Earth
1 cup of Crab meal brand Down to Earth 3-4-0
1 cup of Neem seed meal brand Down to Earth
10lbs of worm castings my worm farm
2 liters of perlite

I have been cooking this soil for two months it will go into the bottoms of the holes and the rubbermaids that will be usedthis year. This will be a water only grow and maybe a couple of teas at most. The line up so far this year is GSC, UK Cheese, Purple Diesel, A alienOG, all clones from harborside. Also last but not least Some Grand Master Kush seeds donated by a member here. Will post pics once they are in the ground . I promise by the middle of June they will be at least 4ft . All who have seen my grows know those who havent stay tuned.
Keepem green dirrtyd


Well-Known Member
1st as promised

Thanks for teaching. I had bout all those ingredients in my bed from last year plus some and its still rocking on my spring garden to the point there is no yellow leaves n almost done flowering. Fed teas only. Can't wait to see ur ladies. You know what kind of gsc u have by chance? Again thanks dirty!

Also I will be thinking of ur son and family this season and pray for that miracle. Stay strong


Well-Known Member
This thread may or may not be updated but I will try. I have a son who is terminal so alot going on right now.

We will start off with my soil mix that is tried and true to me.
1.5 CU Ft of Kellogg's patio plus
1 cup of feather meal brand Down to Earth 12.0.0
1 cup of bio fish meal brand Down to Earth 7.7.2
1 cup of fishbone meal brand Down to Earth 3.16.0
1/2 cup of Iron- Sulfur brand FST 33%iron 19%sulfur 0.5% manganese 0.5% zinc
2 cups of Kelp meal brand Down to Earth 1-0.1-2
1 cup of Alfalfa meal brand Down to Earth 2.5-1-1
1 cup of Greensand brand EB Stone
1 cup of Dolomite Lime brand EB Stone ca21.8 mg11.6
1 cup of Oyster Shells brand Down to Earth
1 cup of Humic Acids brand Down to Earth
1/4 cup of Azomite brand Down to Earth
1 cup of Crab meal brand Down to Earth 3-4-0
1 cup of Neem seed meal brand Down to Earth
10lbs of worm castings my worm farm
2 liters of perlite

I have been cooking this soil for two months it will go into the bottoms of the holes and the rubbermaids that will be usedthis year. This will be a water only grow and maybe a couple of teas at most. The line up so far this year is GSC, UK Cheese, Purple Diesel, A alienOG, all clones from harborside. Also last but not least Some Grand Master Kush seeds donated by a member here. Will post pics once they are in the ground . I promise by the middle of June they will be at least 4ft . All who have seen my grows know those who havent stay tuned.
Keepem green dirrtyd
stubbed Dirrtyd ! Didn't know you have a sick boy sorry to hear that take care of him the best you can Bro anything I can do let me know.I have grand master and alien OG's too both looking great so far. All mine are from seed, never grown a clone in my life yet. I've seen some clones that I'm impressed with just had such good luck with seed I'm hesitant to put some of my eggs in a different basket. I got really lucky with my shoulder surgery thx for asking. 10days after surgery I'm out of the sling and it 's better than before surgery already. still kinda sore though. looking fprward to watching your grow luck to you. Nuggs


Well-Known Member
Man thats a lot of stuff. I just throw my EB stone ednas best, mixed with some eb stone flower and veg soil, and some EB Stone worm castings with a handful of espoma biotone and flowertone in my holes and shabamm! Btw, I'll be watching. You growing in buckets or holes?


Well-Known Member
Want to thank all who are here. Also those to come. Actually that is not alot of ingredients. If you look what is in Edna's I bet you find a bunch of the same. Also I'm sure most of the growers I know use some sort of regimen as mine or more or less. The end results are smooth tasting and smelling buds. Nuggs I have never had a problem with any thing from Harborside yet as far as clones and they have produced for me. The poster who didnt read I will be in the ground and in rubbermaids. The rubermaids will average 18 gallons at least largest being a 30 gallon one. Wooten thanks for looking in.Keepem green dirrtyd


Well-Known Member
Want to thank all who are here. Also those to come. Actually that is not alot of ingredients. If you look what is in Edna's I bet you find a bunch of the same. Also I'm sure most of the growers I know use some sort of regimen as mine or more or less. The end results are smooth tasting and smelling buds. Nuggs I have never had a problem with any thing from Harborside yet as far as clones and they have produced for me. The poster who didnt read I will be in the ground and in rubbermaids. The rubermaids will average 18 gallons at least largest being a 30 gallon one. Wooten thanks for looking in.Keepem green dirrtyd
Yeah I know. I just take the easy way out with the Edna's. lol. And yeah I hadnt read it yet. I just checked out the mix. lol. I always check out mixes when I see the the words EB Stone. Thats all my local nursery carries, so its all I use. That and the Espomas make things so easy. And Im lazy after digging 6 huge ass holes. ha. Cant wait to see your ladies. Btw, I just picked up a 20 lb bag of Flower tone at Big Lots for 3 bucks. Yay!


Well-Known Member
This thread may or may not be updated but I will try. I have a son who is terminal so alot going on right now.

We will start off with my soil mix that is tried and true to me.
1.5 CU Ft of Kellogg's patio plus
1 cup of feather meal brand Down to Earth 12.0.0
1 cup of bio fish meal brand Down to Earth 7.7.2
1 cup of fishbone meal brand Down to Earth 3.16.0
1/2 cup of Iron- Sulfur brand FST 33%iron 19%sulfur 0.5% manganese 0.5% zinc
2 cups of Kelp meal brand Down to Earth 1-0.1-2
1 cup of Alfalfa meal brand Down to Earth 2.5-1-1
1 cup of Greensand brand EB Stone
1 cup of Dolomite Lime brand EB Stone ca21.8 mg11.6
1 cup of Oyster Shells brand Down to Earth
1 cup of Humic Acids brand Down to Earth
1/4 cup of Azomite brand Down to Earth
1 cup of Crab meal brand Down to Earth 3-4-0
1 cup of Neem seed meal brand Down to Earth
10lbs of worm castings my worm farm
2 liters of perlite

I have been cooking this soil for two months it will go into the bottoms of the holes and the rubbermaids that will be usedthis year. This will be a water only grow and maybe a couple of teas at most. The line up so far this year is GSC, UK Cheese, Purple Diesel, A alienOG, all clones from harborside. Also last but not least Some Grand Master Kush seeds donated by a member here. Will post pics once they are in the ground . I promise by the middle of June they will be at least 4ft . All who have seen my grows know those who havent stay tuned.
Keepem green dirrtyd
Have you used this mix before you seem very specific in what your running how was your last go with it if you did? Oh btw you seem pretty down to earth


Well-Known Member
Have you used this mix before you seem very specific in what your running how was your last go with it if you did? Oh btw you seem pretty down to earth
Yes I have used this mix before and I grew two pounders with it in my backyard. Those on here who have seen the back would tell you I do alot with a little. keepem green


Well-Known Member
Hey dirrtyd ;) Sorry to hear about your son. I will keep good thoughts for you and your family hun.
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OMG ! The mysterious miss Fumble post ! UGG ! My same thoughts go out to you dirtyd.


Well-Known Member
um I musta have missed out on something these past few yrs of strolling, but hi fumble im Tycoon. :-o everyone seemed to be intrigued by ur appearance so u must be worthy of an introduction. and I send my regards to your son Dirty. a lot of people seem to be growing GSC this year. im doin a GSC x Malowi gold from another member here. and have got some from the dispensary and it was an extreme head high with a great taste. with ur rubbermaids do they get holes under them as well for the roots to go thru? or jus solid rubbermaids? and how about the sides? do they get really hot from sun contact?