The UK Growers Thread!


Well-Known Member
she's doing sound mate. that ones far right in the pic, deffo a little smaller than the others.
lowest sets of fans yellowing off on all the girls, upped the feed to full dose and am not seeing it creep up anymore touch wood.


Well-Known Member
yer mad if your not insulating the actual roof over that i tell ye.. buy sum slabs of kingspan and just stik em up in the gaps between rafters :?

order that of ebay m8 ther discreet then just upgarde after 1st grow,, it comes with red spec bulb so buy a mh for veg ul get 2- under that 250 easy 3 if u wanna push it..

The Yorkshireman

Well-Known Member
Any fellow growers selling a HPS? im looking to upgrade from my cfls and thought i'd try here 1st. ideally im looking for a 250w or 400w to do up to 4 plants but i would also take a 600w and use a larger setup maybe 8 plants if i can. im on a tight budget so if i cant sort anything here im gonna need to try ebay which im not a fan of. any help is appreciated. GB
400w kit with both bulbs for £70.

Don Gin and Ton

Well-Known Member
Morning ripper you flipping today or more work to do. Bet you get better reception on the roger mellie with all the extra wires up there.


Well-Known Member
Easy lads I like your little loft set up yorkie right on the hatch.I'm just one break smoking some of me haze ahhh its a nice smoke and hasn't had the cure yet ;-)


Well-Known Member

got a real bad toothache and dentist said it was too infected to pull out so need antibiotics n fairly strong 1s too, says on the box not to drink with them but like a cunt i was on the vods last night and its me 4th day on the anti b's today so they are well into me system fucking felt sooooo ill this morning, deffo wasnt just the drink cause didnt drink all that much spewed up for ages before thinking food would help so dragged meself to spoons spewing on the walk to here, and prettty certain im gonna have to dash to the toilets soon too spew some more lol

Metronidazole 400mg is the name of the antibiotics, deffo dont driink with them arrrrghhhhhh.


Well-Known Member
Get some clove oil or some oragel extra strength there's nothing worse than toothache man nasty shit.I've had some nasty antibiotics once they made me heave after taking em fuck drinkin on em lol


Well-Known Member
this is beyond clove oil etc m8, codeine tabs are barely touching the pain well they wasnt the edge has been taken off it now ive been on these antibiotic for a few day.


Well-Known Member
Morning growers how are we all today? school run done, so sitting with a nice cuppa tea and a fat kief J with the tunes on chill time till 3pm,


Well-Known Member
its ok peoples panic over lol that last dash that i thought would be a spew was actually a huge shit, feeling loads better now spew,food,shit cleansed.....


Well-Known Member
this is beyond clove oil etc m8, codeine tabs are barely touching the pain well they wasnt the edge has been taken off it now ive been on these antibiotic for a few day.
Sounds ruff m8, nothing worse than the toothache. My m8 has really bad teeth, got 11 pulled out in the one day lol, think he's only got about 4 real teeth left and he still gets bother with abscesses every few months, he says he's goin to get the rest pulled out te fuck. Any time I had the toothache I always got pain killers called something like tylites or something, they always done the job, tho to a man of your caliber sambo there'd probly be like smarties to you lol