Are all MMJ doctors incompetant

Fuck off irrie i can afford a scanner. I own my own home drive a paid for new car have a good job etc. You on the other hand are just a inexperienced little troll that thinks he knows everything
and has some little dirt grow that you think is the shit. I don't even know why you posted it in this thread except maybe you thought it was so good it justifies you to act like some kind of arrogant cocky asshole. Talk about fake man you go around like you know it all criticizing everyone
when your really not about shit. Personally I built my first hydro set up in the 80s and now use drain to waste fully automated maintenance free bato setups perpetually in a basement with high seer mitsubichi mini splits in sealed rooms with co2 for harvests every every couple of weeks or less if I desire. I am however not on here bashing people or bragging about it or showing off pics for a popularity contest. You must of been raised by a single mom when you really needed a man like me to give you some discipline and teach you to respect others. Of course it could just be questionable genetics causing you to be a constant ongoing asshole.
Welcome bigbrownguy! Arizona has many years of growing pains ahead. A friend and I were discussing last night. We just need to get rid of the 25 mile grow rule and we are good for awhile. Things should get better with time and if you don't know or have caregiver I suggest you try looking for one. I think a few mentioned free meds and discounts to boot.
its certainly no engineering marvel but it looks like it gets the job done. honestly disappointed i thoug it'd be more hightech and how the fuck can you do adjust a wings in AZ? Is it the insulation from the brick and just a fat ass air conditioner.

Oh and pretty sure Irere hasn't been on hydrobreed in months.
5 ton ac. Closed system. The plants are what matter not how much useless equipment you buy.
Fuck off irrie i can afford a scanner. I own my own home drive a paid for new car have a good job etc. You on the other hand are just a inexperienced little troll that thinks he knows everything
and has some little dirt grow that you think is the shit. I don't even know why you posted it in this thread except maybe you thought it was so good it justifies you to act like some kind of arrogant cocky asshole. Talk about fake man you go around like you know it all criticizing everyone
when your really not about shit. Personally I built my first hydro set up in the 80s and now use drain to waste fully automated maintenance free bato setups perpetually in a basement with high seer mitsubichi mini splits in sealed rooms with co2 for harvests every every couple of weeks or less if I desire. I am however not on here bashing people or bragging about it or showing off pics for a popularity contest. You must of been raised by a single mom when you really needed a man like me to give you some discipline and teach you to respect others. Of course it could just be questionable genetics causing you to be a constant ongoing asshole.

Just like I said all hat no cattle... how are you maintaining proper co2 levels if you have plants at different stages of flower in the same room? Whats the seer rating on your units? Ours is 15. Whats bato? We run coco dtw. Oh and I dont know everything just a lot.
5 ton ac. Closed system. The plants are what matter not how much useless equipment you buy.

Just like I said all hat no cattle... how are you maintaining proper co2 levels if you have plants at different stages of flower in the same room? Whats the seer rating on your units? Ours is 15. Whats bato? We run coco dtw. Oh and I dont know everything just a lot.

I am so confused ., what does seer rating have to do with anything?
I am so confused ., what does seer rating have to do with anything?

Seer rating is the energy efficiency rating for ac units. You can google for more info. When running a large grow in this climate, the efficiency of your air system can be the difference between success or failure. Not just in respect to getting your temps dialed in but if its gonna cost you too much to cool your room then costs increase exponentially. The more efficient the grow the lower the overhead and cheaper the medicine. I also wanna see if this guy really knows what he is talking about and not just throwing around terms like seer rating.
I sear steak and farm dank.

5 ton ac. Closed system. The plants are what matter not how much useless equipment you buy.

Just like I said all hat no cattle... how are you maintaining proper co2 levels if you have plants at different stages of flower in the same room? Whats the seer rating on your units? Ours is 15. Whats bato? We run coco dtw. Oh and I dont know everything just a lot.

I was growing in open parabolic reflectors with verticle Metal halides when that's all there was and long before there were hydro stores around. I have since been able to improve so I wouldn't call the equipment worthless. How about you irieie? I do watch the expenses though and like it all efficient lights, a/c, fertilizers etc. I sure wouldn't piss my money away on something like canna or advanced nutes though. Also how in the hell can you call it drain to waste when you use saucers?

1... I set it at and forget it a little bit less in flower than grow room but the benefits in perpetual rooms far out way not using it and there is really no need to reduce it in a perpetual room as some people think ,2...19 seer and 26 seer,3...batos have been around for years
in commercial agriculture here is a link explaining them. I use larger 4 gallon batos.
When I was running dtw with coco and using drip pans that was a real bitch. You have to manually empty each one. That is a good amount of work for sure. It does work well so can't argue with the results.
Go through suck up runoff. Dtw. Very simple. Very real results. Glad to see everyone still is a hater. Thats cool gonna go grow 20 more pounds.
Room definitely looked thick, could throw some gravel/ perlite/ sand/ whatever-else in the saucers and rest the pots on top (just thinking out loud). DTW all day as well as no glass.
When I was running dtw with coco and using drip pans that was a real bitch. You have to manually empty each one. That is a good amount of work for sure. It does work well so can't argue with the results.[/QUOTE

I agree it works ok but its time consuming and you cant do much of a thorough flush for salt buildup etc with saucers if its needed. Personally all my my runoff goes into
1 small catch basin and when it hits about 7 inches the wayne automatic sump pump kicks on and pumps it to a leech pit outdoors faster than anything filling it. easy no maintenance no hassles about a 100 bucks.
Go through suck up runoff. Dtw. Very simple. Very real results. Glad to see everyone still is a hater. Thats cool gonna go grow 20 more pounds.

Didn't you start that out by calling another person incompetent? Oh and I prefer legal harvests every couple weeks or less instead. You should consider dong it that way so if your young self gets busted because your posting pics or bragging about 20 pounds you wont need so much ass lube when you hit the yard.