Random Jibber Jabber Thread

I have Cannabineer's phone number. If anyone is genuinely worried about him i'm happy to call and check in with him, make sure he's OK...
Someone approaches you, doesn't ask or do the gesture for asking. Just hugs you. And then holds you tight for an awkward amount of time.

Not a spouse or boy/girlfriend.
Someone approaches you, doesn't ask or do the gesture for asking. Just hugs you. And then holds you tight for an awkward amount of time.

Not a spouse or boy/girlfriend.

Those are my favorite types of hugs! OMG the feeling of some stranger just hugging you! Epic win!
Does anyone just get fed up with the idiots on this site. I usually like poking them. But today... Idk... maybe I am too worn out to keep a sense of humor about it.

Maybe I am just mommy minded now. When I see the idiots I keep thinking that their parents should of knocked some better sense into them.

Please allow me to assist you on your road to Zen. In everything, you need to "choose your battles." And, don't bother making it a battle, most of the time. If you have an opinion, state it. When someone decides to get immature in responding, using insults or emotion instead of logic in the discussion: Stop. Just quite, don't even bother to tell them. If you think you are about to stir their ire, just ignore the response altogether, or make your response simple, without vindictive intent, and to the point, and the stop. It's a pot forum, we don't need to respond to every thread... We should randomly hit the newbie section, look for those 0 replies 657 views threads, and answer them. And, using the search sucks... seriously, googling a search works better than the search. randomly bullshit, socialize, ignore the most ignorant of them...
Please allow me to assist you on your road to Zen. In everything, you need to "choose your battles." And, don't bother making it a battle, most of the time. If you have an opinion, state it. When someone decides to get immature in responding, using insults or emotion instead of logic in the discussion: Stop. Just quite, don't even bother to tell them. If you think you are about to stir their ire, just ignore the response altogether, or make your response simple, without vindictive intent, and to the point, and the stop. It's a pot forum, we don't need to respond to every thread... We should randomly hit the newbie section, look for those 0 replies 657 views threads, and answer them. And, using the search sucks... seriously, googling a search works better than the search. randomly bullshit, socialize, ignore the most ignorant of them...
Wise words...