The French Cannoli` Hash Thread

Hey Frenchy, I really hope those books (The Great Books Of Hashish) are as good as you say they are for the price I'm going to have to pay for them LOL
I know my friends, but Cherniak is the first "cannabis oriented/centered" Photograph and he has been in all the Mecca's of hashish taking the most beautiful and real pics you will ever see. Nobody else has done that type of travels and documented it with photos the way he did.
I would pick the first one, cheapest and easiest to get in any case and the one I have.
AWESOME pics, Cherniak really will show you and teach you a lot with that book.
gotta take what i can get at the moment!
You will need to read Clarke if you are really interested in Hashish, his book is quite complete if not always accurate and will give you a good understanding of all aspect of hashish through history and culture.
Cherniak is like sharing the experience through pictures and little text. A feast for the eyes
Thanks Frenchy you've really peeked my interest in hash I already love hash but you've inspired me to do all kinds of research on hashish but I'm also researching trichomes and some other thing that way I have all the knowledge I think I need to make the best Hash I can possibly make
Thanks Frenchy you've really peeked my interest in hash I already love hash but you've inspired me to do all kinds of research on hashish but I'm also researching trichomes and some other thing that way I have all the knowledge I think I need to make the best Hash I can possibly make
The more you learn the better you will be and there is no limit to it. How good you are does not matter, learning more and always getting better is the name of the game.
Any time my friend
Hot water pressing by Frenchie

I was at the French connections pad today in Paris & he went over his process I snapped pictures as he worked

The material


Hot water in a wine bottle -

Starting to melt


Round 2 package flipped over





So was that just kief in the bag?.....then roll n press w the hot water wine bottle...and ta-da...hashish
TC is visiting me so often in Paris that he will be speaking with a French accent if he keeps it up.
If you have been practicing your hand pressing, these pics will give you an idea of how the trichomes transform with a heat source of approx. 220 F. It is a Pinot Noir from Cannabis Aficionado, Humboldt genetics. Very unique, literally melt with heat but shatter at room temperature.
In the bag there is the dried trichomes, then roll n press with hot water bottle. It does look simple but you will find that it is not really so. You need to work your hand press to experience the taste, smell, feel of the transformation before you will be able to use only your eyes.
It seems like by pressing hash your slightly melting the outside layer to preserve the inside (middle) goodness, even when you look at some imported hash its a lot darker on the outside edge. This would make sense seeing that buy not pressing too hard you just melting the outside layer forming a almost a hard shell around the gooey goodness in side lol this preserving the hash and making it better for transport. idk
I am "melting" all the trichomes into a mass of resin, the inside as well as the outside. The pics are only of the first press. I usually press 2 or 3 time all my hash
I see but why are some imported hash a nice golden colour on the inside but darker on the inside, is it cause they're pressing large amounts at a time so the trichomes are only melting on the outside

I see but why are some imported hash a nice golden colour on the inside but darker on the inside, is it cause they're pressing large amounts at a time so the trichomes are only melting on the outside

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It is what we called "export press", usually done with a clothes around the hashish. It is press without heat, any "locals" would hand press it before smoking. My hash is also much lighter inside, should always be and it does not matter how much you press it, to a limit. The quality of your trichomes will reflect in the color of your hashish
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Pinot Noir freshly pressed and cut over a bed of dried trichomes
I did a batch today and we filmed the whole process for all of you who wanted to see Frenchy Style.
Thanks to TC for his work making it happen as well as Noah and Julie for hosting the show.
We also filmed a hot water pressing session to top it.
when and where can we see this video?