EaMo's Big Blue (NLxBB) grow- 600w


Active Member
Haha yeah dude it hurt, but alas she is all chopped now :D took her down last night and god damn she smelt the whole place out. I got some before and after pics but had to get her chopped as quickly as possible so only got a couple! I'll post em up today man :D
Congratulations EC - you had some challenges but brought her home! Looking forward to the harvest pics, dry yield and smoke reports!


Well-Known Member
Haha yeah dude it hurt, but alas she is all chopped now :D took her down last night and god damn she smelt the whole place out. I got some before and after pics but had to get her chopped as quickly as possible so only got a couple! I'll post em up today man :D
Awesome Mo! Stoked for you man, can't wait to get a smoke report. Props man!


Well-Known Member
Congratulations EC - you had some challenges but brought her home! Looking forward to the harvest pics, dry yield and smoke reports!
Cheers Yankee, it was the help of all you guys and the flowamasta that helped me get her over the line hey so thanks to all you guys for helping me out, I really appreciate it :D Pics will be up in a sec ;)

Your project is just about over now mate, bet ya have a big smile on face now!!
Oh bro, like you wouldn't believe! I'll be a lot happier once she's cured and I can store it in a safe place ;) Sooo can't wait to try her too, have even held off snipping a little bit off just it's that much better when I do try it!

...I just cant believe it gonna be so long till we see easty crankin out some erb again...:(
I know bro, I would really love to keep growing but I'm in a really good place at the moment with a very good job that I can't afford to lose by getting busted. I've got enough to keep me going for the next 12 months and I have to stay true to my word. I will get the little breeding box going though but that will be in soil so it's a little less stressful lol. Thanks for your kind words though man, you are a gem! I'm sure the rest of you awesome growers will keep me well entertained and with unlimited amounts of bud porn ;)

Awesome Mo! Stoked for you man, can't wait to get a smoke report. Props man!
Thanks heaps buddy :D Yeah I cant wait just to try her, so tempting but I want the moment to be right, get some Barry White music going and make some serious love to the bong hahaha

Anyway guys, some final pics for you all for being so patient! Apologies there isnt many, was in a hurry to get it all into the tent cos she stank!! on a positive note, I seem to have killed the smell, I can't wven smell it sitting right next to the tent!

All up I reckon I'll be sniffing the 10 oz mark too. There was a heap of little airy popcorn nugs on the bottom so they were donated to the bubble stash :D There was also a cloning tray i filled up for some semi quick drying/curing to keep me going. By the way, I need some tips on making good quality bubble if anyone is willing to share??



Well-Known Member
Hell ya, ECMo!!! She looks very tasty :) Not sure where you're at but i'm sure growing one plant at a time wouldn't get you into that much trouble. I'd look into it moreso for your hobby rather than for xtra smoke/profit. Look'n forward to your final report. Peace!!

Anyone able to +rep ECMo for me as I apparently still have to pass more around first >.< Thx


Well-Known Member
Hell ya, ECMo!!! She looks very tasty :) Not sure where you're at but i'm sure growing one plant at a time wouldn't get you into that much trouble. I'd look into it moreso for your hobby rather than for xtra smoke/profit. Look'n forward to your final report. Peace!!

Anyone able to +rep ECMo for me as I apparently still have to pass more around first >.< Thx
Thanks Shags, very very happy with how she came out :D

I'm in Oz mate and where I live it's illegal to grow anything under lights, or possess any ganja at all. You can get off with a fine for having one plant outside and 30g of dried green on you but any more than that and it becomes a criminal offence. It's more because I have kids and the place I'm living isn't exactly the best for growing, way too close to neighbours and after smelling this grow, it had me on edge for the last few weeks and my mrs was getting very antsy for me to finish it up. I'd love to keep growing but I wouldn't know what to do with it to be honest and after outlaying the money for the nutes etc I'd have to get it back somehow and I don't want to be selling it...

Cheers for the thougth of +rep too man, I'm in the same boat, I can't rep anyone at the moment, been trying to rep all you guys lately!

Chipper Pig

Well-Known Member
Just ONE oz of your BlueBerry would be enough for me for a while:bigjoint:

When i make my bubble i always use distilled water and never go to hard on the mixing. A gentle mix always seem to come up with a better product, and if i have time i will put it through for another rinse. I am sure you will come up with decent bubble, Mobongsmilie

I just done a weigh up of all mine since it is all dry and in jars.(some is in tupperware containers as i have never had this much before) Karragullen = 516g/18.4oz, Moby Dick = 339g/12.1oz and i had a untamed Exodus Cheese =235g/8.4oz under a 600 watt in a tent. The Moby Dick seems to be the crowd favourite.

Well done once again


Well-Known Member
Ha ha yeah I reckon I wont be needing too much of the blueberry myself, if the outdoor was anything to go by she is going to be POTENT!

holy crap mate that's an awesome yield under 1x 600w! Awesome work man :D

Cheers for the tips on the bubble man :D I'll have to read up on exactly what the process is because I've never done it before and have no idea how I get the resin off the bottom of the bags...totally clueless here hey haha

Chipper Pig

Well-Known Member
I just turn my bags inside out over a upturned steel kitchen bowl and scrap of resin off with a plastic card. Once i have scraped as much off as i can get, i rinse my bags back into to bucket. No point wasting the bit left on there!! Then to clean them all i do is spray them out with tap water from both sides on hang on the clothes line. I will be doing a batch soon, so i ill put up some pics of my process up. Hope it helps somewhat mate!!!

Just to clarify the Karragullen and Moby were under 1000 watts together and the separate cheese under 600.;-)


Well-Known Member
Sweet thanks for the info mate, that would be awesome if you could take some pics, would hate to ruin all this good popcorn :)

Ah cool man, i was seriously thinking..shit, what are your secrets lol. Still a great yield for what you do use mate, nice work!


Well-Known Member
EC ... dude ... :clap:. That was what I was waiting for man! Congrats, let me know how that batch smells after some curing ... oh man and take a few days off ... :bigjoint:

KC :weed:


Well-Known Member
EC ... dude ... :clap:. That was what I was waiting for man! Congrats, let me know how that batch smells after some curing ... oh man and take a few days off ... :bigjoint:

KC :weed:
Cheers brother, glad you liked it! Will definitely let you know how she smells after a cure :D Definitely need a few days off, picked up a cold from my daughter so feelin like shit..lucky I have some sugar haze to fix that :D

Love the shots, got a feeling its gonna be some real smooth tasting erb and quality is obviously there.
Thanks as always bro, I'm so looking forward to smoking her...makes my mouth water when i look at her drying ;)


Well-Known Member
That's awesome Mo. So fat and frosty she is going to keep you happy in the coming months. Looks like she is harvested just perfectly, just a touch of amber in those closeups. Outstanding!


Well-Known Member
Cheers buddy :D yeah she definitely ended up with some fat colas, i probably lost a bit of yield with the MH but I'm almost positive it made up for it in quality! A few more days and I will find out ;)

Oo S0uP oO

Active Member
Easty are you getting my PM's? I cant figure it out for shit...:( Tried PM'ing KC the other day and now have no messages in my sent box. Im so PC illiterate bro its debilitating...