the chitown sourkush thread

Dr. Greenhorn

Well-Known Member
they're cheap as fuck go to walmart!
Dude i live in the middle of nowhere. Only leave the place once a week to grab food and supplies. I am living off the grid. No plumbing, which means i shit in a hole, no electricity, which means i use a generator, and no running water. Gas is expensive as fuck here. I ain't driving All the way to town to grab solo cups lol


Well-Known Member
Dude i live in the middle of nowhere. Only leave the place once a week to grab food and supplies. I am living off the grid. No plumbing, which means i shit in a hole, no electricity, which means i use a generator, and no running water. Gas is expensive as fuck here. I ain't driving All the way to town to grab solo cups lol

But you have internet?

Priorities, negro


Well-Known Member
You know I love you, you know this,.......but if you are using a smart phone, you're not REALLY "off the grid". Pretty GD close though!


Staff member
You know I love you, you know this,.......but if you are using a smart phone, you're not REALLY "off the grid". Pretty GD close though!
since ive seen the property i just imagine doc aimlessly walking round with his cell high up in the air trying to get a signal HAHAHAHha

Dr. Greenhorn

Well-Known Member
since ive seen the property i just imagine doc aimlessly walking round with his cell high up in the air trying to get a signal HAHAHAHha
Lol! So true lol and guess what? My generator just ran out of gas, i'm in the dark now. Fuck

But don't worry sunni, when you get here, I'll have solar and plumbing. And running water ^_^


Staff member
Lol! So true lol and guess what? My generator just ran out of gas, i'm in the dark now. Fuck

But don't worry sunni, when you get here, I'll have solar and plumbing. And running water ^_^
lol y abetter i dont do the whole camping int he bush thing i enjoy running water and plumbing.

Dr. Greenhorn

Well-Known Member
Hahajja. First time i seen it i thought it was a plunger lol but you basically put clothes and Water with suds in a tub and pump away like your inflating A bicycke tube. Works better than the old style boards they used to use back in the day
What the fuck is that? Why not just use your abs?

Dr. Greenhorn

Well-Known Member
Ya clayton, it's all good. Solar should be installed sometime within the next couple weeks than plumbing after that. Already got the water catchment set up. Gotta install the gutters on the eaves so i can get water to the catchment. But i gotta finish painting the fascia and shit. Already primed it, just gotta paint now. So much work to be done still. Awesome experince though, for sure

Dr. Greenhorn

Well-Known Member
You're an awesome dude clayton.

Its not too bad though. I'm totally motivated even though it's tough at times. I got a goal that i am trying to achieve and i won't quit till it becomes reality. Sunni knows what I'm talking about ^_^


Well-Known Member
Doc, that's like primal shit right there. What real man wouldn't want to build an off grid home. Roughing it is part of the adventure. You being there is just a big bonus. I'm jealous and stoked for you!!!!!!!!!!


Staff member
You're an awesome dude clayton.

Its not too bad though. I'm totally motivated even though it's tough at times. I got a goal that i am trying to achieve and i won't quit till it becomes reality. Sunni knows what I'm talking about ^_^
hey ^_^ is my smiley btich