Random Jibber Jabber Thread

Frank Zappa from Pick Me I'm Clean, a song about the great drummer Vinnie Calaiuta
One of my favorite Zappa songs for sure. I'm surprised how many fans of his are on this site.

I need to throw a new poster up on the wall. Anyone know a good/fairly priced website that does custom jobs?

Total Head

Well-Known Member
i just spent the last 45 minutes researching asparagus pee. i can't fucking smell it. apparently all that science has gathered thus far is that there are varying degrees of secretion of the smell and varying degrees of ability to smell the smell. i don't know if i'm a non-secreter or a non-smeller, or maybe both. it bothers me that this area of study is so lacking in hard facts. we aren't even sure exactly what the fuck the smell is.

what the fuck does it mean? if someone is a non-smeller/secreter, they could also be a non-something else. maybe they have a fancy gene that is good for some other shit or maybe they are more susceptible to x or y. someone really should be looking into this and cataloging this shit. it's fucking 2013.