Random Jibber Jabber Thread


Active Member
^^^^ sadly this also bothers me! I love asparagus but I hate the way it makes my pee smell! what does that make me?!^^^^

hahaha the shit I think about sometimes.... but it's good to know i'm not the only one


Ursus marijanus
i just spent the last 45 minutes researching asparagus pee. i can't fucking smell it. apparently all that science has gathered thus far is that there are varying degrees of secretion of the smell and varying degrees of ability to smell the smell. i don't know if i'm a non-secreter or a non-smeller, or maybe both. it bothers me that this area of study is so lacking in hard facts. we aren't even sure exactly what the fuck the smell is.

what the fuck does it mean? if someone is a non-smeller/secreter, they could also be a non-something else. maybe they have a fancy gene that is good for some other shit or maybe they are more susceptible to x or y. someone really should be looking into this and cataloging this shit. it's fucking 2013.
Asparagus contains this, oh-so-originally called asparagusic acid.

It is easily reduced in vivo to make this little stinker, ß, ß'-dimercaptoisobutyric acid.

I'm making an educated guess that the "stinkers" have more or better reducing enzymes in or ahead of their urinary tracts. cn


Well-Known Member
i just spent the last 45 minutes researching asparagus pee. i can't fucking smell it. apparently all that science has gathered thus far is that there are varying degrees of secretion of the smell and varying degrees of ability to smell the smell. i don't know if i'm a non-secreter or a non-smeller, or maybe both. it bothers me that this area of study is so lacking in hard facts. we aren't even sure exactly what the fuck the smell is.

what the fuck does it mean? if someone is a non-smeller/secreter, they could also be a non-something else. maybe they have a fancy gene that is good for some other shit or maybe they are more susceptible to x or y. someone really should be looking into this and cataloging this shit. it's fucking 2013.
When I was in 10th grade I walked into science class and my biology teacher was standing in the doorway with a big grin across his face chewing on something he also had in his hand, I asked what it was and he said "this new gum I found, it tastes just like strawberry shortcake!" and handed me a small piece, I stuck it in my mouth and tasted the second most bitter thing I've ever tasted behind tylenol, it was fucking disgusting! Later in the class he explained some people were born with a certain gene clicked on that enables them to taste the bitterness of the chemical on the strip he gave to certain people and in others the gene wasn't active, so I wouldn't be surprised if something similar were going on with your sense of smell.


Well-Known Member
What if the non smellers/secreters are also the ones reistant to HIV? TotalHead is right this should be persued. However we will need to tie it into the military or bigpharma to get funding.

Total Head

Well-Known Member
When I was in 10th grade I walked into science class and my biology teacher was standing in the doorway with a big grin across his face chewing on something he also had in his hand, I asked what it was and he said "this new gum I found, it tastes just like strawberry shortcake!" and handed me a small piece, I stuck it in my mouth and tasted the second most bitter thing I've ever tasted behind tylenol, it was fucking disgusting! Later in the class he explained some people were born with a certain gene clicked on that enables them to taste the bitterness of the chemical on the strip he gave to certain people and in others the gene wasn't active, so I wouldn't be surprised if something similar were going on with your sense of smell.

oh man you just brought back a memory that makes me cringe at my 12 year old self. my 7th grade science teacher passed out those same strips to the class and the only ones who couldn't taste them were me and this weird girl who was hated by all. so i pretended i could taste whatever the horrible taste was just so i wouldn't have to put up with bullshit from my classmates by somehow linking myself to this girl. she just kept looking around like she was surrounded by weirdos and saying "it doesn't taste like ANYTHING but paper". i couldn't taste shit either but i just couldn't admit it because of severe wuss syndrome. i'm 30 years old and i'm still embarrassed by this memory.

what's that chemical called? now i have a craving to learn all about it.

edit: it's ptc paper. here goes another 45 minutes.


Well-Known Member
When I was young I would stand alone

With visions of worlds that were all my own

The lights in the sky would all fall away

Living in the vastness of outer space

All my life I've been a star holding a light up in the dark, while I try to keep clear, over the waves in your atmosphere

Blue Wizard

Well-Known Member
Well there wasn't much at the garage sales but I did get a computer for $5, some slim profile dual core Dell running vista. It has an easily fixed error, the problem is it didn't come with a keyboard and it's not seeing the one I hooked up to it so I'm stuck.

Any suggestions?

Fungus Gnat

Well-Known Member
Well there wasn't much at the garage sales but I did get a computer for $5, some slim profile dual core Dell running vista. It has an easily fixed error, the problem is it didn't come with a keyboard and it's not seeing the one I hooked up to it so I'm stuck.

Any suggestions?
Might need a ps2 keyboard if the one you're using is usb.


Well-Known Mod
Staff member
Well there wasn't much at the garage sales but I did get a computer for $5, some slim profile dual core Dell running vista. It has an easily fixed error, the problem is it didn't come with a keyboard and it's not seeing the one I hooked up to it so I'm stuck.

Any suggestions?
Don't pay $5.00 for a computer, unless you can test components and de-solder well. Trust me I've been down that road before. Try a wireless keyboard.

match box

Well-Known Member
A man with the last name of Nutter who was hiding in a tree from the cops last night was knocked out of the tree with a fire hose. Nutter really living up to his name.


Well-Known Mod
Staff member
A man with the last name of Nutter who was hiding in a tree from the cops last night was knocked out of the tree with a fire hose. Nutter really living up to his name.
No that's the Fire Dept. swallowing the Kool-Aid. Seriously? I mean REALLY? We couldn't just put some rookie in his black and white with a box of donuts and pot of coffee and tell him to wait said nutter out? That was how we did it old school. The trick was you never stopped eating. Everyone gets hungry even nutters. So hungry they'll swallow an entire pineapple backwards, I shit thee not.

PS That story ended better for the pineapple.