1st cfl grow


Well-Known Member
anyone got a clue whats going on here? im thining cal-mag maybe? or i hope?goin on 8 weeks of flower from bagseed. temps have also gotten a bit high since the weather is warming up.91-97 when lights on! i got some cal-mag, but should i flush before i use it if i need to? thanks in advance20130518_195619_zpsc764f897.jpg20130518_195659_zps2e4d4632.jpg20130518_195736_zps41c76988.jpg
anyone got a clue whats going on here? im thining cal-mag maybe? or i hope?goin on 8 weeks of flower from bagseed. temps have also gotten a bit high since the weather is warming up.91-97 when lights on! i got some cal-mag, but should i flush before i use it if i need to? thanks in advanceView attachment 2662325View attachment 2662326View attachment 2662327
fuk thats beautiful!!!
i thot the bottoms wud start turnong yellow bcus them nice buds are sucking all the energy.. i know the hightimes vid i watch when his gets this big bottom leaves are almost solid yellow,
go to kat.ph
search cannabis
an theres a 20 gb torrent full of high times, cali connect and various grow videos


Well-Known Member
well thanks man!! im just thinking these can get big as some crazy buds ive seen!!! maybe im close, i'll have a scope on monday to look at them closer! but i can see the trich's on the upper leaves bye eye?! good-bad? guess ill see monday!!!!!still ,nice of you to chime in! not to many people like to typebongsmilieok i"m back!!i will follow up on this:sleep:
yea i know
watch grow tuts and youtube vids

"grow cannabis cfl"
or great vids r
high times
"sea of green"
"just say hrow"
and i got independent doing hydro is
"see big buds, 15 pounds 80days"

if ur mind can work to watch and learn it'll help a ton, just copy them on bigger/littler scale (THEIR VERY BIG SCALE!!! lol)


Well-Known Member
My leaves always yellow toward the end and my yields are pretty damn good for my set up. How much longer do you want to take it?


Well-Known Member
yeh i know about the leaves at harrvest looking dim, i just dont know how close i am cause its my first run and i dont have scope yet to look at the triches' and being bagseed i have no idea on the time frame! maybe im just wishing for the titanic and gettin the bass boat:cry:


Well-Known Member
well, your buds look like a good size, i think if it's your first run and you went with bag seed, you should be patting yourself on the back.

Looks like the pistols are turning so you must be getting close.


Well-Known Member
My leaves always yellow toward the end and my yields are pretty damn good for my set up. How much longer do you want to take it?
im guessing long as i can:weed:but ill have a scope monday! so we'll see what that reveals. wish i had as many folks rutin" me on from the start!! oh well im ready to smoke some of this sheeeett!in about 3 weeks or so!


Well-Known Member
well, your buds look like a good size, i think if it's your first run and you went with bag seed, you should be patting yourself on the back.

Looks like the pistols are turning so you must be getting close.
sorry were posting against each other! i really appreciate the advice , and ive tried real hard with not much help! just thought i could get longer with bigger buds:wall: but im happy' they look killer if you take the leaves out of the picture, like ive done !! and ive been feeding up til now! gonna wait till i can scope them and see where im at!thanks for the encouragment!
yeh i know about the leaves at harrvest looking dim, i just dont know how close i am cause its my first run and i dont have scope yet to look at the triches' and being bagseed i have no idea on the time frame! maybe im just wishing for the titanic and gettin the bass boat:cry:

its good to ask, better safe than sorry
let the vet tell u, they know wut their doing
i personally havnt made it rht dar yet, got a bag seed at 3 weeks and skunk#1 at three days(was poking head out of soil right efore turning off lights!!)
and just plantes a Adv. B-D and afghan kush

the skunk #1 i just trew straight in thesoil may16, no germing and it shud pop all the way out tommorow, my bagseed did that


Active Member
I saw vet and thought a cat ate a plant. Furf. Good lookin ,if leaves are yellow she'll eat pretty well she already started. Might slow yellows a bit but buds will appreciate it more. After you keep a few green till harvest feeding your buds optimally follows naturally. I'd shine the flush for now.


Well-Known Member
well i think im gettin pretty close! besides a few issues of over heating in my closet which in turn baked the plants! buds are looking pretty fat for the size plants i have. still trying to determine where exactly to gauge the trichomes at?they look pretty wild thru the scopes!heres a few pics i snapped the other day. gonna go in and view the trichs and try to determine if i should feed or water or chop or what?dont want to go to far to avoid the trhc breakdown! grrr20130530_022250_zpsa09b6c3a.jpg20130529_041109_zpsd92e9e27.jpg20130529_041328_zps919c06d5.jpg20130529_041231_zpsb685cba4.jpg20130529_041001_zpsd9f265d0.jpg20130529_040841_zpsfd282816.jpg


Well-Known Member
so can someone tell me where to gauge the trichomes at? top buds at new growth or top buds at bottom of them ? or just the whole plant in general?


Well-Known Member
I pretty much go by whole plant profile, but you have short plants all getting about the same intensity really. I would think a good check of the middle of your top flower should be fine. You can always harvest what is done to give more of the plant direct light and then follow up with the rest being cut. Sometimes I do this with larger plants to give the bottom more intense light and finish em up. I also like to get some buds when they're just turning cloudy and let others get alot more amber. It will make the effect subtly different. I like the splitting you did to keep em small and bush em out. I found a deviation on main-lining to work for me really well. I also think your plants are probably done considering the foxtailing going on with them. That doesn't always mean they are done, but alot of times when they start to do that they are pretty much finished. Good job on the grow, and good luck with the harvest. You're almost there bro! Peace out.


Well-Known Member
thanks man! yea i like the short bushy plants as well. not to bad for my first grow. i learned alot off of these, my next batch will be killin these! im definately ordering some feminized seeds next go around of some good shit!!its really amazing how those trichs look under a microscope!might even dabble inti a dwc setup for my next grow, you ever tryed that? seems like alot less effort! we'll see! i got some more pics i'll throw up later!


Well-Known Member
I'm not into the whole hydro thing really, I just prefer organic soil. I've personally seen some really incredible results from d.w.c. though. What strains are you thinking about growing next time? I could refer alot of different strains but we all like different stuff and the best way of finding a great strain is to grow alot of different ones. That's also alot of the fun of growing your own, variety!If I were you I would look into a SCRog or Sog and really maximize your space and those fluoros, not that you didn't it's just i've seen some incredible results with those teq's lately under fluoros. B.T.W. what kind are you working with? It looks like a T5 rig of some kind cause it looks flat from the pics, but I could be wrong. I just picked up a Sunleaves Pioneer VIII last weekend to veg all my girls under in a second spot and not my tent anymore. I had a killer spot at my old house but had to move and now am getting equipment again and kind of starting over. Oh well, I now have the T5's set up and I have to say the girls are loving it. I was taking some pics and I noticed there were little lines in the pics some and it don't do that with my 600W digi ballast. I like that I can just put a 12 inch oscilating fan down on them with another little fan blowing in fresh air to the spot and they are all happy and vegging away. I can also just put some seeds in cups in my vented dome and just leave them under the fixture and they are the perfect temp in there and I think will be just fine. One of the people I've seen have great success lately is a person name Stoneslacker. I would look up his hempy scrog grow and check out what he is doing with that net. I never worried about height that much when I was growing inside before except for topping and such to bush my plants out. I have recently started working with something called main-lining, I have to say I was doing something to this effect when I moved and ran into a vertical challenge for me of about 68 inches due to having to grow in a tent now. I have a slightly larger space to veg so I can have all my clones and seedlings and vegging plants in one place to make it easier for me. I am able to flower about 5 plants at a time that are pretty good bushes in my flower area using my chopped together technique. I am still learning the best way to get a maximum return in my area in the shortest amount of time, but I like the expirementing, keeps it interesting. I have a Skunk#1 in a 7 gal container that is going to return really nice, but it took almost 2 months to get it into the bush that I wanted so it can take a while and it can get busy in your veg room and crowded as well, but the benefits of putting a fully mature plant into flower is worth it. I just think the quality of a flower that was vegged for 2 months and one that went right into 12/12 is quite different or at least can be. I have an Iced Grapefruit in flower as well and I only vegged her for a month and I will bet you the Skunk#1 or the other plant I have in veg that is as old as she is will have a mucher better effect to her and also a more complex aroma and taste. I just think with the extra veg time all the oils and terpenes that the plant can produce have all the time needed to develop fully. I might be wrong but it really seems to make a difference to me. As far as the SCRog goes I think you can achieve the same result working with your plants tieing them and doing quite a bit of lst and also using a tomato cage of sorts and tieing to it when your girls start to stretch. I do think it would be more work though. I hope some of this helps you bro. Peace out.


Well-Known Member
well myco this is all bagseed and grown under a hood i made with cfl's- 18 to be exact! all are 100 watt equivalent except for three that are 150 watt. i aint really sure on a strain that i woud prefer, definately something that doesnt get real tall, cause of the setup i have.the more i learn and the better my results the more i want to go big with it and do the hps with a flower and bud room. so when these are gone i have to start from scratch again! i probably will go with the happy frog again since i have a feel for it,and all the pots and a few bags of it left!---and smokrlifeaway, today is 14 weeks on my calender from start and i switched to 12/12 at 4 weeks, but, ive had a few issues that shocked or stunted growth along the way ,but grow and learn! ive accumulated some good tools and nutes and so forth along the way so my next run i'll have a head start cause i started from scratch on this one. gonna go in and suck back some beers and smoke one and check out trichs to see where im at:) in the mean time here are a few pics from last nite!!!! man when i pull them out of the closet and take a pic it looks fukin killer!! im a proud papa20130602_023713_zps8033da64.jpg20130602_023634_zpsfa1fe203.jpg20130602_023557_zpsdb163a13.jpg20130602_023503_zpsaf37f5a1.jpg20130602_023348_zps14c5674e.jpg20130602_023307_zps725ae241.jpg20130602_023140_zpsbf17960c.jpg20130602_023101_zps71bfa6c7.jpg:twisted: