Clean Urine Storage and Transportation?


Active Member
Hello everybody! I'm rather new to the forums so be gentle on me, to start off, I'm a senior in high school (yes I am 18. )and I get random drug tests at the hospital. I usually do have a little warning on the day I go (either the morning of or the day before) I haven't smoked in months since the beginning of these tests. But yesterday my friend I was with purchased a new vaporizer and some dank, needless to say, I couldn't help myself and I got blazed.

Heres what I plan to do, I'm going to have my friend who's clean of drugs give me some urine and I'm going to freeze it. I know this method preserves the urine for quite some time but my issue is, I usually go for my tests right after school from school. What I'm asking is, can I take the frozen urine to school with me and let it thaw on my person or in my locker until around 4:00 o'clock for my test? I think the temperature would be cool, like a refrigerated temperature until noon or one and I could strap a hand warmer to it before I get out.

Please help me out here, its a very difficult situation for me.
hey when I was in high school my parents used to give me drug tests because I used to be a drug addict, (not anymore thanks to ganja and my daughter). I would pee in a sterile container and keep it in the basement where its cool, ive used the same batch for 2-3 months before, after awhile it gets extremely dark so all I would do is dilute with warm water while I was there, then it feels warm to the touch as well. and by the way this is a lab I was going to. the only big concern is temperature strip but most labs don't do this because drug testing is not there number one priority. as well they are only doing a toxicity screen. one time believe it or not I used straight apple juice and it worked. stopped stressing your self out man, I did this for almost 4 years and never had a single problem, huge pain in the ass mind you. best of luck man


Legal Moderator, Esq.
since when is a senior in highschool 18?
I was 18 dammit. First thing, piss in the morning no matter what and drink a lot of fluids if you are expecting one. One thing I found effective (passed a high level drug test) is something like this. It's a good back up. The more fluids you drink the more diluted your urine is therefore the less possibility of a positive testing. I kept this in my wallet for random testing when I was a security guard in college and never failed a test, and we smoked at work. :blsmoke:


Well-Known Member
Last time I took a pissed test I told the girl I couldnt pee. But that i would be able to give her all the poop she wanted


Well-Known Mod
Staff member
Last time I took a pissed test I told the girl I couldnt pee. But that i would be able to give her all the poop she wanted
...pissed test.... I'll let that go.

Yeah a long time ago in a galaxy far away I had to listen to a few of those. I would start pulling the catheter out of my pocket and explain about residual urine. Don't screw with the medical staff they can hurt you if they choose.