Random Jibber Jabber Thread


Well-Known Member
LORD HELP ME! I jammed the choke open and pulled for about 20 min...I was just about dead! Then I discover some how the gas got switched off! I didn't do it either, FML....I know why men drink while mowing the lawn! Okay...off to mow again, phew!
Awww, I feel for you. The last time I mowed at the end of last summer my mower also died after just one pass. The problem on mine wasn't a gas switch, it was just an old piece of crap. I had to pull the stupid cord for 20 minutes to start it the first time and thought I was going to have to go through it again.:cuss: Well, after just 3 more pulls the cord broke.:wall:

I ended up going to home depot and bought a new mower.:smile:


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deleted post.
ROFLMAO!! I warned the kid not to get off the porch. The big dog's would be along shortly! Very nicely done. I'd give you a 10 for content and an 8.5 for style. Well done! and I came from the days of the legendary flame wars. So I tend to be more east German in my grading.


New Member
LORD HELP ME! I jammed the choke open and pulled for about 20 min...I was just about dead! Then I discover some how the gas got switched off! I didn't do it either, FML....I know why men drink while mowing the lawn! Okay...off to mow again, phew!

a guy I know just hauled hid generator into town.It was 35 miles by snowmachine,then 90 miles in a truck.He pulls in my driveway and tells me his problems.I put the tail gate down,TURN THE GAS ON,and give her a few pulls.Whatta ya know? He forgot to do that,he thought it was broken down.LOL
My neighbor had a fuel issue in his truck this week.He poured some gas in the thing.A buddy hit the key.It backfired,he jumped and spilled gas on him.Big fire,blah blah,hospital,blah blah blah.I'll dig up a picture here in a sec


Well-Known Member
I built my own fence, and the carpet tack strips on the top rail too.
Let them grab a handful of those when you hop my fence to rip my plants,
I might rub a little waste on them to give the bastards a nice infection too.
They'll only get hurt if their going over my fence.

I was also going to point out that "booby traps" are illegal, but I know you are doing it to keep the birds off your fence......riiiiiight?

a guy I know just hauled hid generator into town.It was 35 miles by snowmachine,then 90 miles in a truck.He pulls in my driveway and tells me his problems.I put the tail gate down,TURN THE GAS ON,and give her a few pulls.Whatta ya know? He forgot to do that,he thought it was broken down.LOL
My neighbor had a fuel issue in his truck this week.He poured some gas in the thing.A buddy hit the key.It backfired,he jumped and spilled gas on him.Big fire,blah blah,hospital,blah blah blah.I'll dig up a picture here in a sec

That's horrible. Years ago, my friends little brother's car overheated and he pulled the radiator cap off. He was sprayed and looked much like that. Burns are the worst.


Well-Known Member
So this piece of shit cunt PM's me, he's a bigot, and insults me. I guess that's ok, but my publicly airing his bigoted isn't OK.

Coward, and ignorant. Less than worth the time it's taken to type this, but I'm bored, and stoned, and a quick typist.


Well-Known Member
no it isnt okay for him to do that thats why i said please report his messages, i never gave you trouble, i just wanted to help you with this issue, but you have to make it public and insult me ?

i fucking hate being a mod sometimes, try to help people for them to just slap you in the face.
Sunni, that was in NO way directed at you! I've got respect for you, all comments were about the person that ignorantly insulted me.

I apologize if you thought it was, in any way, directed at you. As I said, cowardice and bigotry of that nature need to be made known, publicly, so that others aren't brought into the shit, unnecessarily.


Well-Known Mod
Staff member
Sunni, that was in NO way directed at you! I've got respect for you, all comments were about the person that ignorantly insulted me.

I apologize if you thought it was, in any way, directed at you. As I said, cowardice and bigotry of that nature need to be made known, publicly, so that others aren't brought into the shit, unnecessarily.
True. When I was at (Large unnamed internet service provider), if someone did that we were good and we were awfully brown-goggled at the time. Bummer.


Well-Known Member
For weather, my area has sheer tonight. That means there is a high chance for tornados. There has already been several in the state, but they were far away from me.
There is a t-storm hitting me right now and the tornado sirens are going off. I'm watching coverage on the local news now.
Looks like there are many smaller tornados all around and one larger one that just missed me by only about 5 miles. I hope it doesn't turn around.
This shit gets scary on days like this.


Well-Known Member
It looks like most of it is going just north of me, but it's still developing.
The sirens stopped, but now they're going off again.
I hope this storm doesn't go all wizard of oz on me.
For weather, my area has sheer tonight. That means there is a high chance for tornados. There has already been several in the state, but they were far away from me.
There is a t-storm hitting me right now and the tornado sirens are going off. I'm watching coverage on the local news now.
Looks like there are many smaller tornados all around and one larger one that just missed me by only about 5 miles. I hope it doesn't turn around.
This shit gets scary on days like this.
That's insane. I'm up in New England and I've seen some of the highlights on the news. Hail the size of softballs and some pretty nasty tornadoes. Good luck out there, keep us posted.


New Member
first nice day of the year.Its near 60 and sunny.I just raked my back yard for the first time of the year.Now its time to celebrate


New Member
For weather, my area has sheer tonight. That means there is a high chance for tornados. There has already been several in the state, but they were far away from me.
There is a t-storm hitting me right now and the tornado sirens are going off. I'm watching coverage on the local news now.
Looks like there are many smaller tornados all around and one larger one that just missed me by only about 5 miles. I hope it doesn't turn around.
This shit gets scary on days like this.
You must live right by me then! Im getting the storm tonight or tomorrow (im in iowa)


Well-Known Member
That's insane. I'm up in New England and I've seen some of the highlights on the news. Hail the size of softballs and some pretty nasty tornadoes. Good luck out there, keep us posted.
I don't doubt that it's making national news. Local tv is showing some of the damage. Right now I'm looking at a semi truck that was on the highway and got thown off an overpass. A few moments ago they were showing neighborhoods that have been completely destroyed.

You must live right by me then! Im getting the storm tonight or tomorrow (im in iowa)
You are right, I'm in Oklahoma. It's all heading in your direction. Don't take it lightly.

The storms are getting worse and there are more larger tornados developing. My electricity went off for a while, but it's obviously back on now. The storms have moved past my area so I'm safe. That was really scary though.


New Member
I don't doubt that it's making national news. Local tv is showing some of the damage. Right now I'm looking at a semi truck that was on the highway and got thown off an overpass. A few moments ago they were showing neighborhoods that have been completely destroyed.

You are right, I'm in Oklahoma. It's all heading in your direction. Don't take it lightly.

The storms are getting worse and there are more larger tornados developing. My electricity went off for a while, but it's obviously back on now. The storms have moved past my area so I'm safe. That was really scary though.
Thanks man, just started downpouring about 15 min ago. Had to rush outside to move all my girls indoors. Boy im soaked and never want to do that shit again -_-


Well-Known Member
So my computer burned up and I lost everything, lucky it wasn't much. New one won't be ready till Tuesday.