If U Care About Ur Plants Get This!


It seems to me that the only thief here would be the initial person who uploaded the file ya'll are discussing downloading. That surely wouldn't be anyone on this forum, I don't think. Does it tell folks at the download site that it's being pirated? I kinda doubt it.
Let's say someone stole some weed and got you high . . . are you a thief?
Just because BC alerted us to it's existence, that doesn't mean he's some kind of renegade. He was/is simply trying to share the bonus he found.

if they told you they stole the weed from some one, and then you, knowing that it is stolen weed, smoke some of it then yes that makes you a thief too....:mrgreen::mrgreen::mrgreen:.......

Florida Girl

Well-Known Member
Let's say someone stole some weed and got you high . . . are you a thief?

I don't hang with people that steal weed... or anything else for that matter .... so I don't have to worry about that.

Of course I'm a grown up... not a juvenile delinquent filled with a sense of entitlement to anything that isn't nailed down.


Well-Known Member
It seems to me that the only thief here would be the initial person who uploaded the file ya'll are discussing downloading. That surely wouldn't be anyone on this forum, I don't think. Does it tell folks at the download site that it's being pirated? I kinda doubt it.
Let's say someone stole some weed and got you high . . . are you a thief?
Just because BC alerted us to it's existence, that doesn't mean he's some kind of renegade. He was/is simply trying to share the bonus he found.
I don't think anyone is calling BC a thief. And if we are - shame on us - I sure don't have a spotless past. It's not like I've never downloaded something or provided a link - probably to that very same book - so i ain't casting no stones so to speak.

But I think I was attempting to make two points - first, regardless how you slice it, downloading someone's book w/o permission is stealing and the second point being - if you like it - pay for it!

OB Cron Kenobi

Well-Known Member
wow... why did i just read the last 9 pages! this a stupid debate- i think it would be more worthy for the readers to know if their is a virus... or is a problem with the file... then they can download it- breeze through it- and buy it if they want it...

i pic up that book everytime i am in the store and read a section that i would like to know... am i stealing it... it could be debated... but who really cares- i am gonna continue to pick it up and read it, and the head shop owner isnt going to care that i am not buying it- and either is anyone else... its nearly the same as downloading it-

now if you print 50 copies of this file and sell em at your local fair thats ridiculous and we can nearly all agree- but lets stay away from polarizing debates that just draw the worst out of heated ppl- lets agree to disagree and take it lightly....


Well-Known Member
wow... why did i just read the last 9 pages! this a stupid debate- i think it would be more worthy for the readers to know if their is a virus... or is a problem with the file... then they can download it- breeze through it- and buy it if they want it...

i pic up that book everytime i am in the store and read a section that i would like to know... am i stealing it... it could be debated... but who really cares- i am gonna continue to pick it up and read it, and the head shop owner isnt going to care that i am not buying it- and either is anyone else... its nearly the same as downloading it-

now if you print 50 copies of this file and sell em at your local fair thats ridiculous and we can nearly all agree- but lets stay away from polarizing debates that just draw the worst out of heated ppl- lets agree to disagree and take it lightly....
unless it deteriorates into name-calling and arguing for the sake of arguing, which it often does, I don't think debate is ever bad.

Many folks, myself included, enjoy debating and discussing morality and ethics and how they affect our everyday lives. I feel this is important. What's a few tempers flaring when you get an opportunity to learn a bit about others and yourself?

OB Cron Kenobi

Well-Known Member
lol i was a 4 year high school competitive debater and a 4 year college debater, i love debating- but i also know from having been in them, certain debates can simple deteriorate until there is no substance only emotions and a dash of arrogance continue to fuel the rhetoric to which neither side will ever change, i think very often those debates are the ones centered around issues like morality and ethics. These issues are the issues most cloudy and intangible and should not be handled objectively they require a subjective mindset. Arguing about them is being forceful with your opinion...
Unless your referencing philosophy or religion and making analogies to life in that aspect- like Heidegger or Immanuel Kant, the bible, Buddhism- thats where you get good moral's based debates...

Of course thats just my opinion...
But I downloaded it. and i did it with a slight smile because Jorge recently endorsed a seed company that then went under and refused to refund to americans... So where do my morals lie lol? clearly thats subjective...


Active Member
Ok has no one heard of a library. I think it's the same thing to read a book online for free and going to the library and checking it out.


Well-Known Member
get it or dont who the fuck cares anyway? i got it its NOT a virus and im lernin soooo much from it i wont have to ask shit all on this site again its freakin amazin so like i said get it or keep ur fuckin selfrightous opinions to urself (theyre bullshit)*cough*floridagirl*cough*


Well-Known Member
ive learned alot from this book like bc did
its worth it
just download it you have got nothing to lose