Random Jibber Jabber Thread

Flaming Pie

Well-Known Member

I didn't know mya sang this! (downfall of only listening to radio and never buying cds. I never learned the names of the artists.)


Well-Known Member
uhhhh ok i will figure it out. :eyesmoke:
OH.. sorry I thought you were razzing me about saying cold water hash (some folks call it ice water hash..)

here is how I do it.. (these are from today)

Get MJ cut into small pieces or grind it. I toss mine into a mason jar for 2 hours then add ice and water to the same mason jar shake it good for about 30 -45 secs.. then strain..

let dry outside or place this on a gas burner (use low temp and pryex)

small shaving of the stuff

place in pipe and enjoy..

came out to 1.1 g's not bad since I know I did not use 10gs worth of airy ass frosty bud

and YES.. some of the plant material fell into the pyrex while It was drying so you hash purests can stop having a heart attack..


Well-Known Member
rand thought from yesterday I just remembered now..

backyard neighbors having a huge bounce house in the backyard can hear a bunch of kids (under 10 for sure) and hard core gangstar rap is the music de jour..
something about spanking my bitches and I got 24k gold M.F this I can poke you in your eye with my ... ahh child hood memories..


New Member
The first karate kid is now the same age as the master now, people born in 1995 are graduating highschool this year....


Kodank Moment

Well-Known Member
Love is for suckers and pussies. This was the last time I tell a girl I love you and get fucked over.

Back to being a man whore with no morals or giving a shit about anyone.


Well-Known Member
I just went through the same thing about a month ago. I got fucked over, too. Makes it hard to stay positive.

Hang in there.


Well-Known Mod
Staff member
I can handle crazy, like beyond crazy kind of crazy. What I can't handle is people playing with my emotions.
Honestly for the most part I don't think we do it deliberately when we are in the clutches of the 30 day insanity cycle. When menopause hit was that ever an eye opener. I am MUCH happier now! But yes coming together as two people is tough and we rarely make the perfect decision. So you have to be very tolerant, especially the guys at first, sorry.


Well-Known Member
Honestly for the most part I don't think we do it deliberately when we are in the clutches of the 30 day insanity cycle. When menopause hit was that ever an eye opener. I am MUCH happier now!
Best thing that happened to my smoking buddy was menopause, she thought. Turns out three months later her period is back. WTF? Guess it wasn't menopause.


Well-Known Member
the first full jar from 2013

I am so looking forward to doing another spring harvest next year.. learned soooo much from this one..

Carmelious total weight was 31.7g's (minus the testing grams and the ones given away)



Well-Known Member

Here's a good way to make some spare cash. I suggest you practice first.:smile:


Flaming Pie

Well-Known Member
Husband is being a dickweed.

I was outside, helped sweep up and scooped the dog poop into two neat little piles. I went inside because he started mowing before helping me put it into bags. 89 degrees outside still. So I go inside.

Old neighbor lady comes over and talks my ear off. I am sweaty, tired and just want to sit.

I sit down and post baby pics on facebook. Literally a min after it is posted, husband opens back door and YELLS. "Are you gonna help?" I say with what? "The FUCKING DOG POOP!"

I say, "don't yell at me 1st off" and then he slams the door shut.

He comes back in after putting things away, and I explain that I am tired and sweaty and wore myself out. I don't need to be scooping poop. He states it will just stay there then. W/e, I say, you can be doing shit I can't do right now instead of being an asshole.

Guess I'm not getting laid tonight. Asshole.