GH Flora Series not enough?


New Member
Hi, I have been having a bunch of nute problems. I'm growing in coco and it doesn't look like this is working. I'm getting some deficiencies and I mixed the nutes correctly and followed the instructions and I'm still having problems. Is this not enough? Do I have to get more types of nutrients? If anyone can help, that'd be great. Thanks!


New Member
you have to supplement with extra cal mag in coco

that's probably where the problems are coming from

edit-- do you have a digital ph meter


New Member
I don't have one of those. Any you recommend? And with the cal and mag, I'm assuming I have to get special kind for coco?


your problem is your ph I also grow with coco and use ghe trio just stole this off one of my other posts lol to save time.......GHE trio series .. during the flowering period use a 3/2/1 ratio, 2 micro / 1 grow / 3 bloom ,so eg in 10l 0f water its 10ml of micro , 5ml of grow ,15ml of bloom . ive tried to follow the guide but always find that when using my blue lab truncheon that the ec still comes out low ...REMEMBER its just a guide so on my grow that Ive got going now I decided to up the anti....... im also using a 20l dwc filling to the line is 16l so to my dwc I add 2 caps of mirco 10mlx2=20ml ALWAYS add micro first .......1 cap of grow 10mlx1 =10ml and 3 caps of bloom 10x3=30ml then I ph it to about 5.6 / 5.7 . Then I remove 3 lt and put into plastic bottle to top-up nutes about 3 /4 days after and complete water change once a week with fresh water and nutes PLEASE NOTE THAT YOU NEED TO KEEP AN EYE ON PH LEVELS IF TO LOW OR HIGH THE PLANT WILL NOT TAKE THE NUTES PROPERLY I know this post was about flowering but its also about ghe and ph.............but also age ,strain other info is also needed to make a correct diagnosis maybe even a photo....


Well-Known Member
You def need a ph meter and my experience says you should know you ppm's, so get a tds meter too, ffolowing their instruction proved to be way too strong of nutes, well over 1800 ppm's.

Fresh 2 De@th

Well-Known Member
you definitely need a ph/ppm meter and cal/mag if you're going to continue to grow in coco. from what i've heard, gh's calimagic is the route to go for cal/mag supplement.


New Member
What type of cal-mag would you all recommend? And how would I know how much to use? Like, if I'm using the Flora Series AND cal-mag, wouldn't that be a lot of water to use for the plants? I haven't gotten down watering too well yet. I water til there's the 20% run off but I still don't think I'm doing it right. They look over/under-watered, I think? I can't tell the difference between the two watering extremes. Here is a link to another post I recently did that has photos of the seedlings.


Active Member
under-watered and your plant will lay limp, over watered and it looks like the leaves are to heavy so they droop/curl. both will mess you up if left unchecked. i would get GH cal/mag since thats the line your using. are you using there feeding chart or the bottle instructions?


Well-Known Member
What type of cal-mag would you all recommend? And how would I know how much to use? Like, if I'm using the Flora Series AND cal-mag, wouldn't that be a lot of water to use for the plants? I haven't gotten down watering too well yet. I water til there's the 20% run off but I still don't think I'm doing it right. They look over/under-watered, I think? I can't tell the difference between the two watering extremes. Here is a link to another post I recently did that has photos of the seedlings.
Old post, but nevertheless this might be helpful....

There is not much difference between the various "CalMag" products out there, they all provide calcium and most of them iron as well.
Whatever brand you'll be getting it will say on the bottle how much to add.

I don't understand your question about the watering. You water (WITH YOUR NUTES IN THE WATER) when your plants need the water. Simple as that. In summer you might need to water every day, when it's cooler maybe just every few days or maybe once a week.

What you do, you water when your pots ARE LIGHT, really very light so you know the plant used up its water. (I personally think it's best even just to water when the plants show slight drooping from not enough water. This is 1000x better than giving too frequent water. It is GOOD to have the soil dry out in between waterings. NOT just an inch down dry into the pot. And you definitely don't water on YOUR FIX SCHEDULE, as said you water when the plants need water and not because it's Monday or Tuesday or whatever :)
And then WHEN you water, you water well and drench the entire pot,until you see some runoff). TLDR: Better less frequent but WELL watering than frequent and little.

Edit: And since you're growing in Coco, which is *basically* Hydro/soilless and doesn't have any ph buffering like with soil, yes of course a correct ph of your water/nute solution is essential.
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