What type of cal-mag would you all recommend? And how would I know how much to use? Like, if I'm using the Flora Series AND cal-mag, wouldn't that be a lot of water to use for the plants? I haven't gotten down watering too well yet. I water til there's the 20% run off but I still don't think I'm doing it right. They look over/under-watered, I think? I can't tell the difference between the two watering extremes. Here is a link to another post I recently did that has photos of the seedlings.
Old post, but nevertheless this might be helpful....
There is not much difference between the various "CalMag" products out there, they all provide calcium and most of them iron as well.
Whatever brand you'll be getting it will say on the bottle how much to add.
I don't understand your question about the watering. You water (WITH YOUR NUTES IN THE WATER) when your plants need the water. Simple as that. In summer you might need to water every day, when it's cooler maybe just every few days or maybe once a week.
What you do, you water when your pots ARE LIGHT, really very light so you know the plant used up its water. (I personally think it's best even just to water when the plants show slight drooping from not enough water. This is 1000x better than giving too frequent water. It is GOOD to have the soil dry out in between waterings. NOT just an inch down dry into the pot. And you definitely don't water on YOUR FIX SCHEDULE, as said you water when the plants need water and not because it's Monday or Tuesday or whatever
And then WHEN you water, you water well and drench the entire pot,until you see some runoff). TLDR: Better less frequent but WELL watering than frequent and little.
Edit: And since you're growing in Coco, which is *basically* Hydro/soilless and doesn't have any ph buffering like with soil, yes of course a correct ph of your water/nute solution is essential.