Random Jibber Jabber Thread


Well-Known Member
my neighbors must have some good shit cuz they have doing yard work between 9-1030 at night. Dude goes to work at 5 am too.


New Member
went to local dive bar for lunch with 2 other guys yesterday.They are both millionaires.They both did not tip the waitress.I mean they even took their quarters off the table when we left.It figures though,I hate most rich people.
FWIW,I tipped the lady since I know how it is working for peanuts


Active Member
I would expect nothing less from you.You have gone far and beyond to prove you have very little,if any class.Just like the asshats I was with yesterday.lol
Right on slow. theres to many dipshits that dont realize that those girls are trying to pay their way thru university or buy thier ffirst car.


Staff member
What!? First 5 hours after you wake!? Maybe that Vegan diet isnt all its cracked up to be dear. Are you missing B vitamins?
nothing to do with my vegan diet thanks for the concern, it has ALWAYS been that way, it has to do with my anxiety issues and ibs


Well-Known Member
I frequently don't tip. If the food is slow, cold, incorrect. If I'm not promptly and amicably served... It's my money, and it's a tip for service above and beyond the norm.

On the flip side, if I'm being an asshole, being loud, not monitoring my language, enjoying the fermented demons in bottles, etc. If the waitress is cute, and I've embarrassed her.

Tipping is not mandatory, but, bragging about never tipping -- that's just being a cunt.


New Member
I frequently don't tip. If the food is slow, cold, incorrect. If I'm not promptly and amicably served... It's my money, and it's a tip for service above and beyond the norm. On the flip side, if I'm being an asshole, being loud, not monitoring my language, enjoying the fermented demons in bottles, etc. If the waitress is cute, and I've embarrassed her.

Tipping is not mandatory, but, bragging about never tipping -- that's just being a cunt.
Where was I bragging about it? I simply stated it once lol. I don't tip because I don't get tipped, people don't understand how much these guys actually make, more than me....call it bitterness but maybe when I win the lottery or something.

Scrotie Mcboogerballs

Well-Known Member
If you get shitty service maybe you should tip extra and see what happens. When I worked in the food industry I sure as hell know that when I was in a shitty mood, a hefty tip certainly helped. You could be doing everybody who comes in after a favor. Sometimes it's not all about you.


New Member
I never really had shitty experiences except at that fucking Checkers down the street. Seriously, wtf does NO SAUCE mean????

Other than that, resturaunts are always good, most likely because of my looks tho.


Well-Known Member
Where was I bragging about it? I simply stated it once lol. I don't tip because I don't get tipped, people don't understand how much these guys actually make, more than me....call it bitterness but maybe when I win the lottery or something.
If you felt a pang of guilt -- guilt must really suck -- than look closer at what ya' do, and not what ya' said. When this discussion normally comes up, half the room is for stopping tipping, the other half is for lynching the non-tippers.

If you get shitty service maybe you should tip extra and see what happens. When I worked in the food industry I sure as hell know that when I was in a shitty mood, a hefty tip certainly helped. You could be doing everybody who comes in after a favor. Sometimes it's not all about you.
I don't care what their mood is. I go to a restaurant to receive accurate, prompt, courteous service. It doesn't have to be with a smile, but it does have to be punctual and correct. You are saying I should reward someone for their negative behavior, in the hopes that the NEXT TIME I go there I get "better" service?

No, you do your job, if that job includes a tip incentive, than earn it, or don't whine like a little kid when you didn't get something you didn't deserve. Feelings, how their day is going -- that's nothing to me, that is not my issue, at all. Just as how I'm doing is none of their concern, and should not be their issue. If I make it their issue, through one of the above actions, that is a de facto tip (unless they have me booted, then I'm not paying the bill, either.)

joe macclennan

Well-Known Member
I've been known to leave large tips when food and service warrants it. I have no problems whatsoever leaving nothing when they can't get it right or my meal is prepared incorrectly.

I ordered it med. rare. No I don't want to wait for another, I'm hungry now.