Random Jibber Jabber Thread


Well-Known Member
"unlucky for us"? nooooo he's fun, i'm glad he can troll on his own phone now.

think i might ride up to brandon tonight and say hello :eyesmoke:


Well-Known Member
yep, he's proud of it. says a lot of people do it. must be the cool thing to do.

we only used to have to deal with him at night, after his mommy got home from work and went to bed, because he had to post from her phone.

unlucky for us, the kid's mom got him a phone and added him to the plan.
Dear o dear. I dont think I want to play anymore :(


Active Member
You're obviously the biggest band wagon on the site lol, Kush, you're way off.

Buck knows somewhat but he's just trying to be a dick keeping this.shannangins.
Im not on any bandwagon. i think you and fin are both idiots. you are way worse than fin. fins just a shitty grower.

trolling, you are a self admited asshole. you dont tip, you act like being a dickhead is cool. like others have said, you have zero class. you say you arent proud of it but why the hell does it come across like you are proud. you should be ashamed you dont tip anyone. thats pathetic. instead you deffend being a asshole in real life. its one thing to be a goof on here, but being loud and proud of what a asshole you can be... lets just say thats my biggest problem with you.

ive stopped going to fins threads. i dont even find it humorous anymore. i actually feel kinda bad for him. some people simply lack social graces. mr trolling, (or whatever you are) you not only lack social grace, but you deffend it woth pride. Seriously, is that supposed to make me like you? you act like a total goof. your posts are random ramblings of what a dickhead you can be. Why not try growing? that is actually the intention of this site. not to act like a total asshat