Has anyone done pot size - yield Experiments?


New Member
I seen some people say they use ubsurdly large pot sizes in some cases, like 400gallons, in other tutorials ive read the final transplant should be into a 5gal pot.

The reason i ask is soil costs.
400galons is 1600litres.. Perlite costs €6 for about 5L. The soil mix should be atleast 20% perlite ... that would mean i need 320 litres of perlite ! thats €360 just for perlite.
Im a first time grower, and i am not spending this much on soil, my primary concern is just that the grow works.
I was thinking i could probally do 10gallons/40litres.. how does this sound?

Another concern is that it turns out i cannot buy peat moss here (or worm castings fyi) However I live near a bog in ireland. Can/should i use the natural soil from here in my potting mix or should i just go store potting soil+perlite? I was going to go 40%potting compost 40% peat moss 20% perlite before finding out my hardware store does not sell peat moss,
Multipurpose compost is also available.

So what should i do, go out, dig up some bog, cut out the roots of grass and vegetation, and try to use some of that aswell, or just go with perlite and compost?
Experienced words appreciated, i just want to get this started asap now, i got my perlite and a little seedling propagator, some small pots and theres some multipurpose compost or a tomato grow bag around, for potting soil though ill have to wait a few days to go into town and buy some.


Active Member
Long time ago I did welding&grinding work on milk cool containers for farmers, 400 gallon (was a small model) was about the size of a regular car. (~1500L)

I'm just curious what kind of tropical-rain-forrest-tree-weed they'd be growing.

tbh I dont think someone had that .... but would loved to be proved wrong by getting linked up :)


New Member
Im guessing no one has done these experiments though? Or can give me any advice on what to start with. I dont want to kill me seedlings with to much nutes if i use multi purpose and perite to start them with but thats where im heading atm cause i cant find solid info on weather or not i should mix dirt, gravel, sand, or bog peat in with it or go for potting soil instead. Its all up in the air!!


New Member
Great, I think of an interesting question, explain how its relevant to me, throw in a few simple questions anyone who has ever grown before would be able to answer, and what do i get? a bunch of ppeople raving about how big a 400gallon pot would be. Real great, thats exactly what i wanted, how does this forum funtion if everyone is only looking for cheap laughs? Your all shit, addios, and, thanks for nothing.


Well-Known Member
Two hundred gallon pots are common. A 5 gallon pot outside is not advisable. Go somwheres inbetween. It's obvious a bigger pot yields better. Don't go away mad now . :cry:


Well-Known Member
I have 400 gallon pots and up to a 1000. There have been farmers on here who have used them growing 10 lb monsters.