Random Jibber Jabber Thread


Well-Known Member
... my cat is getting really old about 17 or 18 yr old an she has gone all skinny! I love pets - but hate it when they dooooooooooooooooooooo this gettting older shit!


I feel for you dirtyho!



Well-Known Member
Nice!! Do you preserve a lot of those or do they go to the birds? It would be nice to wake up in the morning and pick your breakfast off a tree.
gonna be our 1st year with this tree.. I will bring the majority to my Church and can a bunch for myself. Not sure if it's yellow or white peaches but dang peaches are awesome!
Put my 9 year old golden down the other night. Shitty Bday yesterday to say the least but I did crack a few smiles and laughed a few times reading this thread. Thanks!
My condolences. Aren't Golden Retrievers the best? I've got one who's 9 and she still thinks she's a puppy.

Was he/she your only dog?


Well-Known Member
Luckily I have 2 more dogs. It was just shitty because he stopped eating for a couple of days so I took him in for blood work and then 2 days later I find out he had cancer and then within a day his liver fails. So I had them give him a shot for pain, brought him home and had him put down a few hrs later. Trust me, I cried at the vet bill too!


Well-Known Member
heading on a drive out to the country then....
We get the Grand baby all day today!
Beautiful weather here today.. not gonna pass 85..
medibles working..
have a great day!

match box

Well-Known Member
The legal weed stores will open in Washington in a few months but they are trying to take away the medical card holders right to grow there own weed. They are also saying that bho or any hash oil can only be used to make medibles.


Well-Known Member
How long did it take to get used to the whole turning-on-a-dime thing? I feel like I'd suck at driving one of those.
cant do that. it is a feature, but if you turn like that, you will lose the account. the tires will rip the grass up, you have to 3 point turn nice and easy, making sure the front tires don't 360. cutting straight lines is the tricky part(for some).


New Member
The legal weed stores will open in Washington in a few months but they are trying to take away the medical card holders right to grow there own weed. They are also saying that bho or any hash oil can only be used to make medibles.

yep,legalization ain't gonna be as great as the tokers think it will


Pickle Queen
So I sit here utterly confused.....Let's rewind 2 Wednesday's ago... I met this handsome blond haired hazel eyed 6"4 man of my dreams... we lock eyes and instantly we both know... we need to hang out.
We exchange numbers ..start talking and plan a fun night together at his place since I don't live alone.
Friday comes..I go over and instantly i'm comfy.. we snuggle up together with a few drinks( I spiked both our drinks at his request lol ) followed by a few bongs. We chat for hours..molest the fuck out of each other like we're the last 2 people alive. I mean it was perfect, he suggested we wait at least 5 dates until any sex, which instantly had me licking every inch of his body. Seriously men give ur women the freedom of no pressure and incredible things happen...anyways at one point we both got pretty fucked up and had some deep convos..both shed some tears.
We crashed around 8am after what he called "a perfect rock star night lol" I woke up and left mid afternoon, he later texted saying it was such a great night and he would text me after a bbq he had to attend. 3 days later he texted me saying he was sorry but he went on a binge and thought it was best if he sorted his life b4 he hurt another women like me...WTF

We did mdna, quite a bit so i'm wondering if all we felt was drug fueled or real? Not having partied much in my life i'm confused about how I felt..hmmm

I just hope dude works out whatever is bothering him.. great guy...