Random Jibber Jabber Thread


New Member
You quite possibly may be too old for the internet, Joe.

I don't even have a Facebook page and know what's going on lol, Buck.is barely there, but he knows.


Well-Known Member
rain for 5 days straight. phone ringing non-stop. asking, when am I going to get my lawn cut? half of these people are still irrigating too. gota ge something done. thanks dollar store for your box of ponchos. sending them out to trim bushes in the rain. :fire:


Well-Known Member
Just got home from camping at Lake Almanor great time!
Froze my butt off smoked ALL weekend made new friends and talked
about weed with my Bro and Sister in law, now they can't wait till retirement
and I'm making some oil for her arthritis.
So how was your week end bitches???:)


Well-Known Member
Paid my bills 2x months in advance, had to work Memorial Day, allergies are killing me... But I finally got to try my homemade mead...must refine


Active Member
Dog dosent have to be scared. lol id gladly stab a dog if it was going to bite me. and the owner too if they posed a threat.

Most medium or bigger dogs can fuck you up. pits, bull terriers, fuck chinese char pei isint big but they could seriously hurt you (they do make good pets tho).

with how some of these assholes take care of their dogs, i wouldnt take chances on a secluded bike path. not sayin id harm a friendly dog thats coming up obviously to meet me, i worry about the obviously agressive dogs.

its wierd tho. the two biggest dogs in the world (irish wolfhounds and great danes) are the most tame of all dogs. they look scarry cause thier size but are so sweet. id let any random great dane near me. i trust them 100%. but medium sized dogs are really owner dependant. and if the owners a fuck up, 99% of the time, so is the dog