Teacher used the "N word" and was fired...

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desert dude

Well-Known Member
Quit spamming you racist old coot.
AC, using Unclebuck's exact words is pathetic. Have a little self confidence and pride. At least use your own insults.

What did you think of that video, though. You still sporting a raging hardon, or did you shoot your load and droop?


Well-Known Member
AC, using Unclebuck's exact words is pathetic. Have a little self confidence and pride. At least use your own insults.

What did you think of that video, though. You still sporting a raging hardon, or did you shoot your load and droop?
I did not like the video at all. That poor woman did not deserve to be struck.

desert dude

Well-Known Member
Now if it was you or any of the other white supremacists on this forum I would have been cheering.
And with your trained eye and quivering, skin-head detecting antenna you would instantly recognize when an assault is deserved. Got it.

Just out of curiosity, would you call the assault in that video a "hate crime" or just simple assault?


Well-Known Member
AC, using Unclebuck's exact words is pathetic. Have a little self confidence and pride. At least use your own insults.
UncleBuck is right, you're ruining this forum. You don't smoke or grow, you just start bickering matches with people who don't approve of your constant right wing trollery. You start several stupid threads a day and for the record, you're objecting to the fact that I have been rhetorically attacking white supremacists.

When ever I make a point that you have no valid response to, you bring up my PTSD, which you use simply to discredit me. The fact that you are suspected of being a rat isn't even required to draw the conclusion that you are ruining this forum.


Active Member
Regarding the video that was posted where the women gets hit:

If it wasn't a women that got punched but was a man would you guys still think it was a heinous act or would you say that he deserved what he got?

Just curious..


Active Member
Against islamaphobia = pro-islam

Hate skinheads = racist against white people

got it
O you and buck hate more then skin heads Notice your not calling that last video a hate crime, and with Posts like hill billy , privileged , redneck your colors show.You might as well just start saying cracker and honky. Every other of your posts pretty much do anyway.
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