Random Jibber Jabber Thread


Well-Known Member
I wasn't sure where to put these, they're not actually funny {save for the RDJ one} and though some have beautiful elements they don't seem to fit in that thread either so I posted them here.

Cinematic Gifs



Ursus marijanus
Wow! Yeah I'm holding out for hydrogen. I don't understand why we haven't started moving there already? Oh yeah the bastards are bleeding us because at the end they can make outrageously undeserved profits while not investing in infrastructure.

Then in the 'energy' crisis that ensues we pay for the new infrastructure so the few can remain with their obscene profit. They just don't learn. This never ends well, historically.
I have an opinion about this. It doesn't have a big plastic cone jammed into it at this time, although I am not entirely averse to adventure. cn


Well-Known Member
Hello riu hope everyone is well, today has been a really shitty day. First my oldest pushed my youngest off his bike into a tree off his bike, then my girl has a bacterial infection so I had to go to the ER with her and then when I get home I get a call from my mom telling me that my nephew if being flown out to a childrens hospital in the city cuz his grandma was walking with him and she tripped and he fell out of the carrier and cracked his skull and has brain bleeding. Jesus can this day get any worse.

Time to load up the bong and relax a bit, shit I hope so.

Have a great evening guys!!!


New Member
fuck,I'm one lock nut short on my steering assembly for my boat.Back to the buckets of nuts n bolts to dig on.This thing is gonna be fun.Even though its about 625 horse less then my last boat


Well-Known Member
Did shrimp dick get a new account or what.

20 bucks says trollying likes this post, unless of course he's not going to like it to so he feels more of a man...