The study also excluded the cost of illegal immigrants children
first of all, the children of illegal immigrants are called citizens. check the 14th amendment.
secondly, you never even read the study. you even thought it was done by a guy, not a girl. you are fucking clueless and you just keep repeating your nonsense.
finally, the study did not exclude those costs, shit for brains.
this like many of Buckys sources are one sides studies
the study done by the comptroller of the state of texas was the most comprehensive study to that point.
whereas the studies you cite come from neo nazi, white supremacist hate groups like FAIR. FAIR is ranked right alongside the NBPP and KKK as a hate group, moron.
You also note how this half ass studies are sure to say state and local governments to completely avoid counting federal government services which we all know is doing everything but decreasing.
$11.2 BILLION in federal taxes paid last time i checked, sweetheart. but way to back up your assertion of increase with no data whatsoever, princess.
if you want to deport based on cost to federal government, start with walmart. they pay wages so low that each store's employees suck up, on average, about $900k in food stamps each year.
with 8800 location worldwide, let's say about 5000 of those are in the US. 5k x $900k in food stamps per store = $4.5 billion in food stamps because they pay such shitty wages.
looking at it that way, the illegal immigrants pay for walmart's food stamps twice over.
but i didn't expect anything other than mindless bleating from a self admitted bigot like nontheist.
back to the greese traps, bitch.