Israel 52 Palestinians 0

How is blowing up innocent people defending yourself?

What makes Israeli's murderers but Hamas somehow noble?

Tel-Aviv suicide bombing at the Dolphin disco-1-Jun-2001

Passover suicide bombing at Park Hotel in Netanya-27-Mar-2002

Hamas suicide bomber kills 30 and injures 140.

Since the beginning of the current wave of Palestinian violence, in September 2000, Hamas has perpetrated 425 terrorist attacks of various kinds, in which 377 Israelis were murdered and 2,076 civilians and soldiers were wounded.

Since the beginning of the current wave of Palestinian violence, in September 2000, Hamas has perpetrated 52 suicide attacks, in which 288 Israelis were murdered and 1,646 were wounded.

Among the more infamous Hamas suicide bombings and terrorist attacks were (the following is a representative, not exhaustive, list):

    • The 1 June 2001 suicide bombing of a Tel Aviv discotheque, in which 21 people were murdered and 120 were wounded;
    • The 9 August 2001 suicide bombing of a Jerusalem restaurant, in which 15 people were murdered and 130 were wounded;
    • The 1 December 2001 double suicide bombing on the Ben Yehuda Street pedestrian mall in Jerusalem, in which 11 people were murdered and 188 were wounded;
    • The 2 December 2001 suicide bombing of a #16 bus in Haifa, in which 15 people were murdered and 40 were wounded;
    • The 9 March 2002 suicide bombing of a Jerusalem cafe, in which 11 people were murdered and 54 were wounded;
    • The 27 March 2002 suicide bombing of a Netanya hotel on the first night of Passover, in which 30 people were murdered and 140 were wounded;
    • The 18 June 2002 suicide bombing of a #32A bus in Jerusalem, in which 19 people were murdered and 74 were wounded;
    • The 4 August 2002 suicide bombing of #361 bus at Meron junction, in which nine people were murdered and 50 were wounded;
    • The 21 November 2002 suicide bombing of a #20 bus in Jerusalem, in which 11 people were murdered and 50 were wounded;
    • The 5 March 2003 suicide bombing of a #37 bus in Haifa, in which 17 people were murdered and 53 were wounded;
    • The 17 May 2003 suicide bombing in Hebron, in which two people were murdered;
    • The 18 May 2003 suicide bombing of a #6 bus in Jerusalem, in which seven people were murdered and 20 wounded;
    • The 11 June 2003 suicide bombing of #14A bus in Jerusalem, in which 11 people were murdered and over 100 were wounded;
    • The 19 August 2003 suicide bombing of a #2 bus in Jerusalem, in which 23 people were murdered and over 130 were wounded;
    • The 9 September 2003 suicide bombing of a hitchhiking post near the IDF base at Tzrifin, in which nine soldiers were murdered and 10 were wounded;
    • The 9 September 2003 suicide bombing of a Jerusalem cafe, in which seven people were murdered and 70 were wounded;
    • The 29 January 2004 suicide bombing of a #19 bus in Jerusalem, in which 11 people were murdered and 44 were wounded;
    • The 14 March 2004 double suicide bombing at Ashdod port, in which 10 people were murdered and 16 were wounded.
    • On Aug 31, 2004 16 people were killed and 100 wounded in two suicide bombings within minutes of each other on two Beersheba city buses, on route nos. 6 and 12.
All casualties of a war started by Israel in 1948.
Sorry to see the carnage, but I lay the blame squarely at the feet of Israel.
Check out the casualties from just one operation against the Palestinian people in Gaza alone
Let's think about this. The land that Israel stole in the 6 day war did not belong to Israel. Any peace agreement must consist of returning the land they stole, and still currently illegally occupy.

There are plenty of land locked Nations that function adequately. What keeps Palestine perpetually broke, is the Israeli terror state keeping them perpetually broke. I am sure Iran/Syria/etc is more than willing to help Palestine out. Maybe Israel can back off and let it happen?

"not defendable" ? Who cares?

They need to give back the land they stole.

I think it is quite kind that they are entitled to any land, at all.

This is 14th and 15th century style land feud with he who has the biggest army and allies wins..just go and take.

Matters not it belonged to someone else and we are accomplice to this.

Again this is why throughout history they are so hated- because of the shit they do to others and were supposed to be good with?

I am so ashamed of our countries leaders.
This is 14th and 15th century style land feud with he who has the biggest army and allies wins..just go and take.

Matters not it belonged to someone else and we are accomplice to this.

Again this is why throughout history they are so hated- because of the shit they do to others and were supposed to be good with?

Are you talking about Jews when you said "they"?

No need to be clever, a simple yes or no will suffice.
I’m at page 3 of this thread, not sure I will make it to the end without liking Buck’s posts. :-?

*reminder to self to steal buck’s sig and make a version with the “legit politically ideology Islam”* #hypocricy

Its the education system...look at Trump.
Nope, it’s the whole abominational idea everyone can be educated to the level we’d prefer, the democracy of knowledge is a virus. As evident in this forum itself, you just cannot fix stupid.
As typical for many Americans since the Revolution, you all just love the underdog, and the Palestians are doing a superb job of exploiting that emotion. It’s exactly why the Palestinian “protesters” were sent there, it’s playing out exactly as planned. It’s all part of their ongoing propaganda to make Israel look like the “bad guys”, very much the same stupid shit that got Trump elected.

None, nada, zip,fucking ZERO!!! (while dozens have been shot dead and over 700 wounded)
Fuck Israel.
Yeah why can’t those Jews have casualties on their side too, shame on them for having a zero casualty and zero tolerance policy.

Do you think Israelis will get to 100 kills, without Palestinians scoring?
Yeah yeah, you want the underdog to “score” so badly you want to see Jews die for it. 100vs0 is better than 100vs1 if you are really concerned about human lives.

It's just 2nd nature for the Israelis to kill Palestinian children it seems, and their[sic) very, very good at it.
“2nd nature” for “the” Israelis. Well at least you didn’t say the Jewish race genetically evolved to become child murderers.

Mandela Effect is real, in this timeline londonfog and Fogdoll are antisemites under the banner anti-zionists. Poor this-version-of-Buck. :sad:

There is only one realistic solution: complete and full capitulation by the Palestinians.
[The Jews] can afford to make concessions
Dajumn... that’s the second most messed up thing in this thread so far. Buck wanting to hunt and bbq Palestinian babies being at the top of course.

is there anywhere i can donate to?

i want them to go even further and maybe conquer the entire middle east straight out to india

we should drive the palestinians into the sea. no more west bank for them


what about nazi children though?

i think it was a good thing that we firebombed civilian cities indiscriminately. lowered morale, killed little nazi kids - win win
Kids with nazi parents, not “nazi kids” sicko.

Whoever fights monsters should see to it that in the process he does not become a monster. And if you gaze long enough into an abyss, the abyss will gaze back into you.” - Nietzsche

And you’re welcome lefties, you can use the same quote in regards to Israel. I personally wouldn’t. The whole reason one “should see to it” is because it’s almost inevitable. If you grow up near the border hearing Palestinians party all night after they bombed your family friends and neighbors your empathy will not last long.
Dajumn... that’s the second most messed up thing in this thread so far. Buck wanting to hunt and bbq Palestinian babies being at the top of course.


Kids with nazi parents, not “nazi kids” sicko.

Whoever fights monsters should see to it that in the process he does not become a monster. And if you gaze long enough into an abyss, the abyss will gaze back into you.” - Nietzsche

And you’re welcome lefties, you can use the same quote in regards to Israel. I personally wouldn’t. The whole reason one “should see to it” is because it’s almost inevitable. If you grow up near the border hearing Palestinians party all night after they bombed your family friends and neighbors your empathy will not last long.
Your appearance brought the overall intelligence of this forum down 50 points. Not to mention your dismal ability to use English. It is a language, you know. Dictionaries and stuff. Check them out. Or better yet, take a remedial writing class.
Your appearance brought the overall intelligence of this forum down 50 points. Not to mention your dismal ability to use English. It is a language, you know. Dictionaries and stuff. Check them out. Or better yet, take a remedial writing class.
That may work for Trump, Erdogan, Goebbels and similar but nah, way too transparent. I would however take any flaws in my English writing over your lack of comprehension. As you continue to demonstrate, grammar is absolutely useless without an understanding of logic and rhetoric. You make a fine example of why democracy of knowledge isn’t helping, cannot fix stupid. Nobody accepts faulty math from a dumbass, why should we accept faulty logic, Dumbasses, such as you, should simply refrain from drawing conclusions that concern others and instead start asking questions to people with a superior intellect. Or better yet, stfu Jew hater.

And since you imply to be able to use dictionaries and “stuff” (wow much eloquent, such well-spoken), look up “example”, “comparison”, “metaphor”, “analogy” and “in denial” simple man.
That may work for Trump, Erdogan, Goebbels and similar but nah, way too transparent. I would however take any flaws in my English writing over your lack of comprehension. As you continue to demonstrate, grammar is absolutely useless without an understanding of logic and rhetoric. You make a fine example of why democracy of knowledge isn’t helping, cannot fix stupid. Nobody accepts faulty math from a dumbass, why should we accept faulty logic, Dumbasses, such as you, should simply refrain from drawing conclusions that concern others and instead start asking questions to people with a superior intellect. Or better yet, stfu Jew hater.

And since you imply to be able to use dictionaries and “stuff” (wow much eloquent, such well-spoken), look up “example”, “comparison”, “metaphor”, “analogy” and “in denial” simple man.
What language is that?
What language is that?
What part about me not being able to fix stupid don’t you understand? Maybe PM your master instead, to calm you down again, bad Jew hating dog. Trying to hide your antisemitism while spewing it so blatantly must be frustrating. You already got out of the neo nazi closet, no need to hold back and deflect now.
What part about me not being able to fix stupid don’t you understand? Maybe PM your master instead, to calm you down again, bad Jew hating dog. Trying to hide your antisemitism while spewing it so blatantly must be frustrating. You already got out of the neo nazi closet, no need to hold back and deflect now.
dang it,

every word looks like it comes from the English language but when taken together it's gibberish.

Which language is that?
Man you suck at this. :lol: Just because I hurt your feelings pointing out how amazing it is you can glue words together to make complete sentences of utter nonsense it doesn’t follow that’s going to work on me too. It only confirms your butthurt to a level it becomes palpable. Nub.
Dajumn... that’s the second most messed up thing in this thread so far. Buck wanting to hunt and bbq Palestinian babies being at the top of course.


Kids with nazi parents, not “nazi kids” sicko.

Whoever fights monsters should see to it that in the process he does not become a monster. And if you gaze long enough into an abyss, the abyss will gaze back into you.” - Nietzsche

And you’re welcome lefties, you can use the same quote in regards to Israel. I personally wouldn’t. The whole reason one “should see to it” is because it’s almost inevitable. If you grow up near the border hearing Palestinians party all night after they bombed your family friends and neighbors your empathy will not last long.

quoting nietzsche

you're gonna be real insufferable once you read ayn rand, child
What part about me not being able to fix stupid don’t you understand? Maybe PM your master instead, to calm you down again, bad Jew hating dog. Trying to hide your antisemitism while spewing it so blatantly must be frustrating. You already got out of the neo nazi closet, no need to hold back and deflect now.
is the guy who wants to ban an entire religion accusing others of being fascists and neo-nazis?

goddamn, we need to ban little kids like you
Child? Kid? We”re the same age, give or take a couple of years, and with the difference that I’m early retired and mentally 4 times your age, son.

And no, I’m not a big fan of objectivism. Thanks for the compliment nonetheless, I do strive to be insufferable to the dishonest.

As evident by your deflection, you can’t argue with that quote. You have become the monster you pretend to fight. I’m a moderate compared to you. I prefer to re-educate people, you want to shoot neo nazis, their kids, and drown Palestinian babies in the sea after you roasted them. I’m pro Israel, you’re pro-violence.

is the guy who wants to ban an entire religion accusing others of being fascists and neo-nazis?
Not “a” religion, all 3 abrahamic religions should be banned. As Nietzsche would say, it’s indecent and vile. Banning religion has as much to do with neo nazis and fascists as painting has to do with Hitler, simpleton. You sound like the evangelicals I troll on twitter: “hitler was an atheist too” (which isn’t true either...).

How long will you continue to surpress the fact Israel is trying to defend their Judaism-based culture against the direct effects of the “legitimate political ideology” Islam? :D

So you want to Yahwehdamn* ban me for me wanting to ban abrahamic relgions... awwww :lol: