Fist LED grow


Well-Known Member
Thanks for the replies guys. It's all about tweaks and playing around with it. I think the system is working fine the way it is, just hard to think about my cool air exhausting to the attic. But there is an obvious reason for that and it is a cost of growing indoors. Have to stop giving away my stuff for free! I think you told me that along time ago Slip, have to pay for growing.


Well-Known Member
day 40 smell is really getting nice and strong, citrus like mixed with classic skunk, kind a, and so frosty, if the small sugar leaves pack on any more trichomes they ned to stack em on top of each other :D


just love the "small" plant


tho the big one is packing on compact Bud`s if I know my strain


and so frosty, look like maybe 7x 5 grams shoots and 11x 3 grams and +10 one gram`s so to speak

if that end up being correct it means +78 grams from the big one, just my best guess, and if the "small" plant continue it will yield +60

so maybe +140g = +0,5 gram a watt, lets see, also remember I had a few hermi/male flowers early on

but Im happy, my minimum goal was/is 4oz (to cover my personal use for the next 8 week`s) and Im sure I´ll reach that, more like 5 and Im sure with a few tweaks on my next run that could easily be 6 oz


Well-Known Member
day 41


Bud`s keep packing on weight, big plant have now maybe 20% oranges/brown pistons and is for sure begun to rip


small plant is still stacking Bud`s and have next to no oranges/brown hairs


both are VERY frosty and sticky and the smell is amazing, I don't get it why some cant grow quality Buds under LEDs, must be wrong spectrum they use ?

my Veg plant under the T5HOs is also getting ready to take the Big plants place soon


and even the small clone I did take from the Big plant just before 12/12 when I made a small prune is looking healthy


Im not experiance in cloneing, I have plenty of Femi seed`s ;)

but still find it fun to play with and I hate to throw out perfectly healthy cuttings from when I prune

I don't use any cloning products or dome or anything like that, I just put the cutting in a cup of water and let it do its thing (don't care if it takes a week or two I got time)

tho I have made a bit of research on the jubjet and found a few tweaks can speed up the process, so I do cover the top of the Cup with a plastic lit I cut to fit, so the roots have darkness to grow in, and I do (since I now have it) add a few drop`s of H2O2 in the cup, to keep it clean and to provide a bit of oxygen for the roots, and since I do have a RH on 40-50% in my Veg "room" I mist em a bit

this one was amazing, I had it 10 inch`s from the T5HO on 16/8 (my Veg time, since I do have +8 week`s to grow nice mature plant to go in to flowering, I don't see any logic in running it more then necessary, waste of power/money and I just end up with ready/mature plant a week or two before there are room for em)

and it rooted in less then a week (two water changes) and after two week`s it had a massive root net and was ready for some soil

out grew the Cup I first planted it in with in two week (root`s sticking out the bottom of the soil/cup)

on the picture it have been in the new bigger pot for almost two weeks now and really begun to take off


Well-Known Member
lol, Np man, the Bud`s is reward enough in them self, cant wait, soooo frosty and smell is amazing


Well-Known Member
Looks real nice Slipon. They are swelling up just right. I should know this, but what strain is that again? Peace out.


Well-Known Member
Looks real nice Slipon. They are swelling up just right. I should know this, but what strain is that again? Peace out.

well it is LSD, but Im sure this either is a Pheno with more Sativa then Indica in it, or its one of them few seed`s I got from a cross between LSD and Violator Kush, now Im thinking about it, might be it

as I mention before, I had a Hermi some grows back and got 100ish seed`s of my LSD but also had a few on a single Kush in there, so maybe my very own new cross, hope I get a few seed`s of her this time swell, tho this time I will separate em and label em so I know what Im growing in the future :D would be cool to get LSD potent with Violator Kush size Bud`s 8-) and so fare it could look like it


Well-Known Member
That would be an awesome mix for sure V.K. x L.S.D. I could grow some of that and be happy! Thanks for the reminder on the strain, I can be an air head sometimes bro. I really dig your grow it always looks so lush and healthy although purple and discolored from the light. I can really say I'm serious about getting an led now to put up a little flower area and try em out. I think alot of people would be surprised with what you can achieve with them. Keep up the awesome work man it's paying off for sure. Peace out.


Well-Known Member
Hey man, what goes on under the screen? Do you trim up the fan leaves and just leave main stems?

I hope you prove everyone wrong and the LED produces a heavy and tasty harvest.

Plus you have the photos and experience to back it up with the haters!

They always want pics or it's not real! Shoot you could probably be a reseller for your LED fixture.

I'm in marketing, and always looking for an angle! Don't hate me.


Well-Known Member
They look so tasty Slipon, Yummy! I hope you blow some led hatin fools away too with your grow, and like Prosperian said you have the proof in the pics. I just flipped my Skunk#1, Menage a Trois, and Iced Grapefruit tonight so they will be on their first 12/12 tomorrow. The Skunk#1 and MaT like to stretch some, but I'm not sure about the I.G. as I've never grown her before. I hope you the best of luck with the rest of your grow, but I don't think you need it. You're gonna clean up with this one I think. They're at least really nice from where I'm sitting. Peace out.


Well-Known Member
thanks both, and Np. I don't mind doing some advertising on Fero EU behalf, great people, great service, and great light, I would have no hesitations buying my next fixture from them agin (and yes they do business with A-51 so they have there new white/660nM fixture here as well ;))

and yes look tasty, specially the "good" phono, that will have them massive 5-10 grams Buds Im sure, other one is also ok, but could be fatter I know, but I also guess them few ball`s I got early on can have some influence here, it will still yield medio and Buds look as potent as ever and Im sure compact as always, and I do have many of em on that plant, I might get 5-10 grams Buds from the other one, but only like 11 this one will give me +30 but most will be 1-3 grams

and I did a lot of pruning under the screen early on (how I found them 8 male ball`s down low)



Well-Known Member
a few pictures at day 44


funny how its only the 3 Bud´s in the center of the light the have light bleach, looks kind a funny, totally white, look like albino Bud`s :D

anybody with some experience here ? how are they to smoke ?


Well-Known Member
Actually, we had parted ways with Fero Europe as well about 5 weeks ago. We caught them giving out a lot of false info and had asked them to remove our light from their website and also any references to A51. They were telling people that we did research with some guy that we never heard of and something to do with the International Space Station, more or less to justify the spectrum they use in their Cidly Apollo's, which wasn't even remotely close to any A51 spectrum, past or present.

Your plants are looking great by the way, nice job bongsmilie

thanks both, and Np. I don't mind doing some advertising on Fero EU behalf, great people, great service, and great light, I would have no hesitations buying my next fixture from them agin (and yes they do business with A-51 so they have there new white/660nM fixture here as well ;))

and yes look tasty, specially the "good" phono, that will have them massive 5-10 grams Buds Im sure, other one is also ok, but could be fatter I know, but I also guess them few ball`s I got early on can have some influence here, it will still yield medio and Buds look as potent as ever and Im sure compact as always, and I do have many of em on that plant, I might get 5-10 grams Buds from the other one, but only like 11 this one will give me +30 but most will be 1-3 grams

and I did a lot of pruning under the screen early on (how I found them 8 male ball`s down low)

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Well-Known Member
so the light on there Web is not the same as A-51 sell ? bugger I was thinking about saving up for that, can you tell me what it would cost to order it from you guys with shipping to EU/Denmark and how about taxes ? I hate to pay +30$ just in declaration and then another 20-30% of the buying cost in tax


Well-Known Member
so the light on there Web is not the same as A-51 sell ? bugger I was thinking about saving up for that, can you tell me what it would cost to order it from you guys with shipping to EU/Denmark and how about taxes ? I hate to pay +30$ just in declaration and then another 20-30% of the buying cost in tax
Good grief, talk about gettin it in the @$$. That's some crazy taxes and all sorry to hear you have all that piled on you brother. I understand why you wanted to get your first led from E.U./Denmark. I was originally just cruising thru to take a look at your girls, but seen that and was floored. Not that taxes in America are much better, but I can't remember paying anything like that in the past. Well enough about foreign policy and world economy, your girls are looking so good and I'm lovin the bud to leaf ratio on these girls man. There's not gonna be a whole bunch of trimming to do at all. Which also means less bubble hash, but I'll take solid nugs over trim I have to mess with any day of the week. I think I'll have to put the L.S.D on the menu for the future and give that girl a' whirl. Take it easy and Peace out.


Well-Known Member
Yeah, customs and duty fees can be pretty high, especially in Europe. Mexico is even higher. I'm moving back to Mexico hopefully in November or December, we have to pay up to 100% of the price declared on the customs form. Luckily our inventory will remain in the USA where we never have to pay for any customs fees.

Honestly, all they were going to do, is take your money, keep a %, turn around and buy the light from us and have us ship it to you from the USA. It's an unnecessary middle man. You would have paid over $700 for 1 unit from them, and that doesn't include taxes or duties.

The original plan, as we agreed upon before the light became available from us, they were going to keep inventory of our light in Spain, and sell directly to their customers right within Europe. But as soon as the light became available from us, they added it to their website and never bothered to get inventory and just assumed we were okay with drop shipping 1 at a time for them, which we weren't.

The lights they sell now are the Cidly Apollo, and can be bought directly from Cidly for a fraction of what Fero is selling them for. They're about $1usd per 1 watt it draws, and that includes shipping. They're here also If people incist on buying an Apollo, buy directly from Cidly, they may not be the best LEDs on the market, but at least Cidly is a legit company and will actually ship you a light if you buy one. And they do grow plants, and for $1 a watt, it's not a terrible choice. And they only take 1-2 weeks to ship.

If you're ordering from Denmark, before any discounts we can give you, it'd be $630 total, and we'll put $95 (or less if you request so) on the customs form so any taxes or duties aren't too high. Shipping from the US to most places in Europe takes about a week. We're quoted 6-10 business days from our carrier. 3-5 days for the faster shipping (about $23 more for 1 unit)


Well-Known Member
sounds good, have done that before with some motor bike parts I found in the US at 1/3 of the price, and agree with em to put a lower price on it so my total tax ended up at sumthing like 100$ instead of 350$ or so, and thats more like it, thanks for the info and all.

doing the math, I almost paid twice the money then :(
atleast it arrived at 4:30 in the morning at copenhagen airport, and I guess customs is lazy in the early hours or is`t there 24/7 ;)
loose some, save some I guess, and in the end I do have a light that works for me and a lesson learned