Israel to send 1000s of African migrants to another country.


Active Member
Damn Doer are you even reading the threads?
That's the same guy who claims to be against Political Correctness but then turns around saying anyone who questions history "the holocaust/ww2" is an idiot that should be silent. He believes in censoring such a subject. So much for being against political correctness

I guess it only applies to what he agrees with. Do you really think he took the time to read before replying?


New Member
That's the same guy who claims to be against the PC but then turns around anyone who questions history "the holocaust/ww2" is an idiot. He believes in censoring such a subject so much for anti-PC beliefs. Do you really think he took the time to read before replying?
man go read some of the other claims he makes, it's quite entertaining, until you start feeling sorry for it...


Active Member
Its almost as sad as buck and his keywords:

Bigot , Racist (only if your white tho) , any kind of phobic , Nazi , KKK , Skinhead , Anti-Semitic , Hate group among others.

He tosses those words out in the beginning in a sad attempt to gain support and he tosses his keywords out while debating/losing because he knows hes full of shit.

I mean come on look at the 2nd page he uses fox news as a source a source he bashes constantly for being biased. I show a video of real people of all colors that are effected by Illegal Immigration on the streets and his logic is its racist.


New Member
Its almost as sad as buck and his keywords:

Bigot , Racist (only if your white tho) , any kind of phobic , Nazi , KKK , Skinhead , Anti-Semitic , Hate group among others.

He tosses those words out in the beginning in a sad attempt to gain support and he tosses his keywords out while debating/losing because he knows hes full of shit.

I mean come on look at the 2nd page he uses fox news as a source a source he bashes constantly for being biased. I show a video of real people of all colors that are effected by Illegal Immigration and the streets and his logic is its racist.
yeah buck claiming racist loses all credibility when held up to the light... Kinda like self admitted white supremacists claiming anti-Semitism...



Well-Known Member
Its almost as sad as buck and his keywords:

Bigot , Racist (only if your white tho) , any kind of phobic , Nazi , KKK , Skinhead , Anti-Semitic , Hate group among others.

He tosses those words out in the beginning in a sad attempt to gain support and he tosses his keywords out while debating/losing because he knows hes full of shit.

I mean come on look at the 2nd page he uses fox news as a source a source he bashes constantly for being biased. I show a video of real people of all colors that are effected by Illegal Immigration and the streets and his logic is its racist.
It's very sad how many people fall for it. He loves to put words in people's mouths and refuses to let anyone respond to his outrageous and bigoted accusations. He does seem to have a group of supporters, who I'm afraid, are probably as intellectually indigent as Uncle Buck.

Unfortunately, people have to read to be able to see that he makes no sense and is making an ass of himself. In my experience, people tend to equate "volume" with authority and truth. If he ever found himself in a moderated debate... I have a strong feeling he would have no chance at all. Maybe he rallies his troops behind his mendacious accusations and self righteous rhetoric because that is the only way he can feel appreciated and accomplished.


Well-Known Member
It is sad at how easy the fish just jump into the boat, sometimes, init, Buck? :)


Well-Known Member
Damn Doer are you even reading the threads?
Well, I am a trained speed reader so I do pretty good until a constipation break flood happens.

Then I get these content free, passive aggressive whining....and then the other whinners, wine in, drunk from Friday night no doubt.

What you are saying is, you lack the even .5 of brain to follow. That is sad. But, even Mike Young got a hold on these advanced logic trains and learned a few things, as did I.

So, maybe there is hope for the wine and chezy crowd.

Some of you jerks can't even be agreed with.

Too Constipated.