The Current Medical Closet


Active Member
Well I figure I would post a little thread on my current project. This round is called "the home depot special" on another forum. I am currently finishing some "NLx IBL" (not the NLx from GSA! We didn't know what else to call our Black/White Widow x Northern Lights #5 project, NLx was the easiest on the list) Chopped the NL leaning pheno (left) the other week, the 'Rare' white pheno (right) will get the axe in another week or so. I started some (2) Sour Diesel IBL (re-worked by a good friend Dr.L), and trying to get some (2) really old "freebies" Skunk #1 to germ also... everyone knows the famous Sk#1 that never germ but gave people the fuzzy feeling of Free SEEDs! I am slowly going to also plant some Big Bud and also Cali Orange (early 2000's stock :!:)... more on those later :-o

One of the Sour Diesel beans already popped out of the soil to say hello (pics on that to come). It was my "control" study... I cracked the seedling before planting, the others got my usual treatment, plant then check in about a week :wall:... from now on they all get cracked before going into soil.

Well I shopped at lowes this time around :shock:, similar items are sold almost everywhere with an outdoor/garden supplies area :-P.

So for ~$50 I walk into Lowes, head outside to the bulk garden section and start packing my cart. Got a giant bag of "Therm-O-Rock" (aka Perlite) 3.5 cubic ft. ~$11, 2 small bags of "Potting Mix" (sta-green brand, was all they had) ~$8 for the lot (on sale!), a giant bag of Sphagnum Peat Moss '3 cubic ft compressed' ~$10, big bag of 'Doctor Lawn Lime' (dolomite lime) ~$5, 2 kinds of 'Jobes Organic Ferts'
4lbs each (NPK 4-4-3 and a 4-4-4) another ~$16... oh look ~$50 out the door...

Now just have to get home and go thru the mixes to get the bigger twigs/stick out of the soil/peat and start mixing at 1/3 ratios for: Peat Moss, Perlite, and Potting Mix. Add the Jobes Fast Start (4-4-3) at the correct ratio (back of the bag), add some lime, mix again and my main soil mix is almost ready. Pull out my 18oz party cups (cut down one side and half way thru the bottom to help with first transplant) fill up with the current soil mix, leaving about 1 inch of free room on the top. Place ~1/2 inch of Peat Moss on top and lightly water, plant seed near the middle of the top Peat layer, and again add a layer, this time with ~1/2 inch layer of Perlite to help hold moisture near the seed. Lightly water again with either a vitamin B complex infused water, or with Kelp/Seaweed water.

If in 5 or so days I don't see any sprouts, I start diggin to find out whats going on. Sometimes I find them already germed and almost out of the soil, other times I find a soft seed that is trying to germ, but needs a little help. Out come the needle nose pliers and a little squeeze to help crack the hard shell, then back into the soil. This time I add a little h2o2 to the water and either vitamin B again, or superthrive if I have any on hand. Then I wait again for a week or so, if by then nothing... I figure they are dead and get tossed into
my main soil mix. Sometimes we get the random sprout that shows up a month or so down the road :dunce:

Chapter One: End :mrgreen: I know my ramblings will sometimes get out of hand, but if you don't like to read a novel, Might I suggest another thread :weed: Any "Q's" and MOST comments are welcome in my threads, Keep it civil please :-P



Active Member
...:clap: ... early 2000's stock (01-06) had great strains and breeders I thought. Sure it didn't have an over abundance of Female only seeds, and Auto breeds out the yin yang (Lowrider was just becoming big, OverGrow and many other great places were still booming early on), Dman Seeds, BOG, and Motarebel had some great one of kind offerings, Reeferman had great things going, Sagarmatha had original breeding stock before the raid... all things changed mid - late 2000's

But on a lighter note, I was able to save some rare genetics from 7+ years back... sure its not 50 year old "Purple Haze" blah blah Skunk #1 from SSSSSC (was that enough S's? the original Mail Order Bank from a hundred years ago...) But strains like Super Silver Spice, Crazy Daze, Cinderella 99, Herijuana, Aloha White Widow, Purple Rhino, Saber-tooth, Sweet tooth, many Celtic Stone offerings, and many others. :roll:...

Thanks for stopping by:hump: "lol"... how about some pics of some strains I'm talking about.



Active Member
MMMmmm Romulan! Haven't come across her in YEARS :weed:!

Well my two NLx's are no more, took the one on the 'left' (Northern Lights pheno) a few weeks back, just took down the 'Rare' pheno (right) the other night. With the Sour Diesel sprouting and only one grow space, light got turned back to veg cycle, the lonely gal was chopped and hung up to dry. Ended up with almost over twice the wet weight of the NL pheno (~25grams jarred... so I'm hoping for ~35-40 grams of the Rare pheno).

Might not seem like a lot to some, but I only grow for me and my wife's medical needs, and ~2-3 ounces dried and cured product will last us a while. Seeing how I was paying over $370 ("member prices") for an ounce of less potent meds from the dispensaries, if I pull only 2 ounces from both plants I will still be paying myself back for this grows expenses (under 600$ for EVERYTHING... electricity for 4 months is included also!). My China LED light basically paid for itself my first run, even with messing everything up this grow (minus having enough lighting and NOT having bugs...), next run I will see how multiple MAIN branches do in a SCROG with my LED :shock:.

Second pic is just after chopping the top of the plant, still had 5 lower branches that didn't want budge with the main plant... move up a few nodes and cut! then make it back for those lower 5 :mrgreen: . She was just shy of 270 grams trimmed/wet, my trimming style; the small and frosty leaves stay... why cut those off just to dekief them later? They will vape nicely just the same.

Third pic from about a week ago, taking a pic of the lower frosties :joint:



Well-Known Member
the small and frosty leaves stay... why cut those off just to dekief them later? They will vape nicely just the same.
That's what I think I don't know any1 else who does though. Why cut them off im only going to smoke them when I run out anyway?


Active Member
Just some quick pics and total weight (dry/initial trim and jarred)

Pics are from NLx 'Rare' pheno. Shen ended up weighing just ~65 grams! (also did a little more trimming after the pic, needed a little break while I was trimming)

So with the ~25 grams I pulled off the Northern Lights pheno, I ended up with around 90 grams (3.21 ounces!) of prime meds. Not bad for just under 4 months of work and under $30 total in electricity for my LED light. It also wasn't my best grow in the book, had plenty of mistakes, forgot a lot in the time I wasn't growing. Next run will be better :-P



Active Member
:wall: Seems everywhere you go, and try to help out, you then end up getting into a pissing contents and "you are arguing". Not that hard to read a post, see they are trying to help, and get over a small issue of how something was worded... Oh well, that's what I get for being a tool and trying to help someone, one day I will learn :wall:

Well here's a pic. of the Lonely: Sour Diesel.SD2-02.jpg

Planted others but still playing the waiting game...? Going to give up on them soon and try my old germing method (paper towel method, got lazy and started to plant straight in soil after a few years of toweling around)


Active Member
A little bump from 'a troll' (as I was so kindly called by another poster here)... to use up some bandwidth Bwhahahahaha :hump:

Sour Diesel x 2, the Biggin was planted weeks ago, the little one is maybe a week or so above ground. Moved the light up a bit so its a little more stretchy compared to the older SD. LED light is ON in the pics, still playing around with the White Balance.

Unknown... Messed up my labels during a 'Medicated Moment', could be anything I planted, Big Bud, Skunk #1, CeltiX Berry, NLx IBL, Bag Beans, and Cali Orange was all on the list this round.

Got a few more youngins (also mislabeled), still working on the second set of leaves so no point in showing them yet... Slowly working the lights back for flowering, trying to get them to bush out a little so I can start working on multiple main kolas.

Well back to the shadows, so 6FU5 :hump: