Why the under developed buds?


Well-Known Member
You can get a loupe for like 6 bucks lol.

The hairs will tell you to, but if this is your first grow I'd suggest getting a loupe, they are next to nothing.

Radio shack has one that's like 10$ and it's got a light on it


Well-Known Member
Oh ok bet. Im gonna get one of those probably tommorrow. So instead of just keeping track of the weeks im,a study the hairs and color of the trichomes. Im wondering should i turn the ppm's up a little saturday since they did well this week. Maybe to 1900


Well-Known Member
I wouldn't push it to much. Just keep where you at, watch you leaves they will tell you what they want.


Well-Known Member
The biggest mistake people make is over watering/feeding. Just keep where you at and watch your girl.


Well-Known Member
damn how im suppose to see how far mine suppose to go besides getting a microscope. THEM DAMN THINGS COST LIKE $40 DOLLARS APIECE
I just take a pic wit my phone and zoom in... its free. The camera on my galaxy s3 is only like 8 mega pixels and I can see it crystal clear, no pun intended.


Well-Known Member
aww I get it. haha you mean like biiiiiaaaaaaaaaattttttttcc.... ok damn.....you characters are some characters hahaha:rolleyes:


Well-Known Member
could be the strain, i threw a white cheese and a pineapple chunk in flower 3 weeks ago and the white cheese has WAY fatter buds then the pineapple chunk so far, i grew pineapple chunk before was not impressed at all before we'll see how the rest go


Well-Known Member
here 6 1/2 weeks ...thats what im calling it that was after flowers showed. someone online said i have powdery mildew but i sprayed the everyday for a week and noticed trichomes showed through the spray. so i hope it aint a mixture of both. any advice. the fan blows some off and my shirt always catch it.

