
Well-Known Member
you can't let the fear control your life my friend. I think you should get a bong. Maybe just a small one to start off with. So if you drop it on your foot you won't get huge shards stuck in you...

Stoney McFried

Well-Known Member
Yeah, I know. right now I own a handblown glass pipe....but thats easy to conceal...if I did get a bong, I'd probably do a cheap one first.
you can't let the fear control your life my friend. I think you should get a bong. Maybe just a small one to start off with. So if you drop it on your foot you won't get huge shards stuck in you...

Stoney McFried

Well-Known Member
Let me just say what an amazing plant marijuana is...flushed it like 10 minutes ago, and already it's greener and the leaves are perking up...amazing how fast these girls respond to your care.


Well-Known Member
you use a pencil to make hold towards one end and you put your screen (or aluminum foil screen) in that little hole. then use it like a steamroller.
Ohh, ok cool. I never tried that before.

I can't handle steam rollers myself. I had a bad experience with them. A friend was making me take the biggest hits of my life with a steam roller(like a 3.5 inch diameter by 12" length) and then he released his hand/carb(?) until I almost puked..... ~LOL~ Well I didn't almost puke, but I got coughed a lung or two up.




New Member
I just finished a nice spliff of fresh keif. It was very nice. Tastes almost like chrystal honey oil or something. mmmmmmmmm :)


New Member
Hi email. Can't stay long. Hubby is home and I have a bunch of stuff to do but talk soon.

Have a good one :)
the first hit made my face go numb and as my review said - it has been a long time since my eyes were that red! :eyesmoke:

another words - it is awesome!


Well-Known Member
Ive read the last like 15 I think , gotta catch up. Anybody know a good glass shop online i need a new piece i think , got the URGE .