I'm not surprised at all. Were you surprised when I 'liked' redeye bri's post that criticized mine? Were you surprised that I replied to him that I respected his point of view? Or, more likely....did you just overlook it on your rush to join in the
mindless herd?
I got to where I am today - which is very comfortable - by doing things my way. When my businesses were succeeding, many of the ones who failed cried foul, but guess what? That's what losers do, 9 times out of 10.
My history on this forum is all the evidence anyone needs to see that I have been a helpful and respectful contributor.
I suspect that none of my posts on this thread were deleted because I aimed replies directly back at the people spewing their disagreements with profanity and attempted insults. Which also, is the tactic of losers.
So, know this: I'll still post on SoS, in the same manner I always have, and I look forward to replies that agree, disagree, or add to the topic in any meaningful way. But don't * you * be surprised - should you or anyone else jump in and go after me in the style of a 10 year old that's just learned new 'cuss words', "don't be surprised* when I answer you - but it will not be in kind, for 2 reasons:
[a] profanity is the vocabulary of the ignorant and classless, and
I actually understand what 'blackmail' and 'slander' mean.
You boys have a nice day !