30% off everything @ Sea of Seeds

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Well-Known Member
I'm basically just bumping this thread back to the front, so that Sea of Seeds can find it easily. I received my package, and have issues about what I have received.

I have just sent an e-mail to them, documenting my issues. I mentioned that I started this thread here, which has been of benefit to them.

I will post here when I receive their reply. Should they take care of my complaint, that is all I will post here. Should I remain dissatisfied, I will post details including copies of the e-mails.
Wooow i have only just seen this thread lolol.

Anyway for the details youve all been waiting for, An order was placed picking stealth option so sos packed using the stealth method and shipped, the order was received in perfect condition but they were not in the breeder packs, an email was received stating there was no breeder packs now even though it states clearly in the delivery page stealth does not include the packs customer was not happy but we thought about the problem and realised we didnt have this information in the check out (like on the old site) so we honoured a resend and we added the info in the checkout so this does not happen again, so hopefully customer is happy and we are happy with the fact we have updated the site :)

peace out (more work to do lolol)
Amos Otis basically did not bother to read, came here to slander and blackmail, and in the end not only got 30% off his order, but got free seeds because of his mistake.

It would be nice if Amos now created a thread which talks about the excellent service he didn't deserve, but has received.

Amos Otis

Well-Known Member
Amos Otis basically did not bother to read, came here to slander and blackmail, and in the end not only got 30% off his order, but got free seeds because of his mistake.

It would be nice if Amos now created a thread which talks about the excellent service he didn't deserve, but has received.
Another critic passed - so why don't you step up to the plate, and show the slander. Do you even know what it means?

Digest this:
1. I've placed one previous order on SoS - likely 8-10 months ago. EM is invited to verify. I ordered a pack of DNA Lemon Skunk - IN breeders pack AND w/ stealth shipping. Guess what - they arrived in breeder's pack.


2. No. I did not read the entire site again before placing the order. Do you - every time you place a repeat order w/ a company? You're lying if you answer 'yes'.

3. As EM stated, the checkout page - unlike their old site - did not note that breeders packs are no longer shipped stealth. But it does now? How about that!

4. Say all you want that stealth rules out breeders packs, but you're wrong, as a couple of other distributors do in fact ship breeders packs "stealth".

5. EM stated he corrected his check out page, and wrote here this: "hopefully customer is happy and we are happy with the fact we have updated the site

Good business? You bet. You people? You'r all so happy to toss around words you clearly don't understand, like "blackmail" and "slander" and the like. I've got news for you dim bulbs:

EM is a good guy, and a fair businessman, but ask him - right here, on this thread: if he would have made good on this if believed SoS had been 'blackmailed', or if they had no culpability. Hey, EM - would you?

Here's my final word on the subject: I've benefitted from some of the info I've gotten on rollitup, and the likes and +reps I've received show I've passed on benefits to others here. But the bottom line for me, is that I wouldn't know a single one of you
in an elevator and you were the only other passenger. So, really....kiss-ass Oh...and know this....my feelings have been crushed...maybe never to recover. Then again.....maybe I'm B/Sing that last part - but not this:kiss-ass

Amos Otis

Well-Known Member
I also choose stealth shipping and request breeder packaging, not because i really want it stealth but the guarantee of delivery.

for those of u who got their beans without breeder's packaging how can you tell if they're the real beans??
Good question.

Good luck getting any other answer than 'I trust them" from this herd of hyenas.


Well-Known Member
Another critic passed - so why don't you step up to the plate, and show the slander. Do you even know what it means?

Digest this:
1. I've placed one previous order on SoS - likely 8-10 months ago. EM is invited to verify. I ordered a pack of DNA Lemon Skunk - IN breeders pack AND w/ stealth shipping. Guess what - they arrived in breeder's pack.


2. No. I did not read the entire site again before placing the order. Do you - every time you place a repeat order w/ a company? You're lying if you answer 'yes'.

3. As EM stated, the checkout page - unlike their old site - did not note that breeders packs are no longer shipped stealth. But it does now? How about that!

4. Say all you want that stealth rules out breeders packs, but you're wrong, as a couple of other distributors do in fact ship breeders packs "stealth".

5. EM stated he corrected his check out page, and wrote here this: "hopefully customer is happy and we are happy with the fact we have updated the site

Good business? You bet. You people? You'r all so happy to toss around words you clearly don't understand, like "blackmail" and "slander" and the like. I've got news for you dim bulbs:

EM is a good guy, and a fair businessman, but ask him - right here, on this thread: if he would have made good on this if believed SoS had been 'blackmailed', or if they had no culpability. Hey, EM - would you?

Here's my final word on the subject: I've benefitted from some of the info I've gotten on rollitup, and the likes and +reps I've received show I've passed on benefits to others here. But the bottom line for me, is that I wouldn't know a single one of you
in an elevator and you were the only other passenger. So, really....kiss-ass Oh...and know this....my feelings have been crushed...maybe never to recover. Then again.....maybe I'm B/Sing that last part - but not this:kiss-ass
No I do not always reread, but after receiving my order and before putting a company on blast in public, I would have least contacted the company first, found out all of the details, realized it was my mistake, and THEN came here to write a post about how great their service wasand how they rewarded me for being a f'up. Instead you made a mistake, came here first to complain and give the impression that S.O.S. was somehow at fault, and/or was incompetent before you got the whole story. You made comments saying you "wouldn't have purchased from them if not for the 30% off", and based that and on you're mistake, you unfairly had others weary to buy from this company.

Plain and simple, you were wrong and handle it the wrong way, but aren't man enough to place the blame solely on your shoulders were it belongs... It's not S.O.S.'s fault for not putting it on multiple pages for you to NOT read... Even if they did and according to you, it wouldn't have mattered how many pages they put it on because you were "making a repeat order" many months later, so you couldn't be bothered to read anything.

SOS made good on it because they're a good company. That has nothing to do with you creating a thread blasting them, and then repeatedly sending them links to the thread basically saying, "give me what I want, or I'm going to do what I can to damage your company's reputation."


Well-Known Member
I also choose stealth shipping and request breeder packaging, not because i really want it stealth but the guarantee of delivery.

for those of u who got their beans without breeder's packaging how can you tell if they're the real beans??
Good question.

Good luck getting any other answer than 'I trust them" from this herd of hyenas.
If you do not trust that they will give you what you ordered (even after taking into account their reputation and satisfied customers), then do not order stealth and/or do not do business with them.. Plain and simple...


Well-Known Member
Ya right!

And everyone here knows that you're just going to take that first order of "unknown" seeds and just throw them all away... cuz you sure don't want to waste your valuable time and space on seeds that you simply don't trust!!!


You're gonna go ahead and spend your time, space and resources to pop and grow every damn one of them! You know... all of those schwag beans that EM tried to scam you on. Damn you're a piece of work!
He's a piece of something...

Amos Otis

Well-Known Member
Let me list how many FACTUAL mistakes you make, genius:

No I do not always reread, but after receiving my order and before putting a company on blast in public, I would have least contacted the company first I did, found out all of the details, realized it was my mistake it was not, Instead you made a mistake, came here first to complain incorrect - I posted a notice that followed up a notice - the 30% deal, that others placed orders based on - and after the 'freebies' discussion; I only said that I had issues with what I received and give the impression that S.O.S. was somehow at fault they were partly at fault, as E M stated, and/or was incompetent before you got the whole story. You made comments saying you "wouldn't have purchased from them if not for the 30% off",that is 100% true, and I said why - because of the unknown freebies, that I had no use for. and based that and on you're mistake, you unfairly had others weary to buy from this company. Your perception, and wrong> I said I would give SoS a chance to respond before posting any details - and because that's exactly what I did, you poor babies wailed and moaned -'We want details'. Try as you might, facts are what I say, and what EM said.

SOS made good on it because they're a good company. That has nothing to do with you creating a thread blasting them, Are you a liar, stupid, or both? The thread was started to alert others of a potentially good deal....but don't let truth get in the way of your narrative.

Amos Otis

Well-Known Member
Ya right!

And everyone here knows that you're just going to take that first order of "unknown" seeds and just throw them all away... cuz you sure don't want to waste your valuable time and space on seeds that you simply don't trust!!!


You're gonna go ahead and spend your time, space and resources to pop and grow every damn one of them! You know... all of those schwag beans that EM tried to scam you on. Damn you're a piece of work!
Why - because that's what you do? Look Clem, you may have to scrape and dig for $10 dollars to buy a quality seed, but I don't. You want their freebies? I've got 'em, and about another 40 - 50 accumulated along the way that I'll never use - automatics, 10 week + flowering times, Dinafem white widows and such. And because I'll go the extra mile for the truly stupid and needy, I'll deliver them personally if you happen to be within a couple hours driving time.

Because that's the kind of guy I am, ya know what I'm sayin'? Just let me know.


Well-Known Member
No I do not always reread, but after receiving my order and before putting a company on blast in public, I would have least contacted the company first I did, found out all of the details, realized it was my mistake it was not, Instead you made a mistake, came here first to complain incorrect - I posted a notice that followed up a notice - the 30% deal, that others placed orders based on - and after the 'freebies' discussion; I only said that I had issues with what I received and give the impression that S.O.S. was somehow at fault they were partly at fault, as E M stated, and/or was incompetent before you got the whole story. You made comments saying you "wouldn't have purchased from them if not for the 30% off",that is 100% true, and I said why - because of the unknown freebies, that I had no use for. and based that and on you're mistake, you unfairly had others weary to buy from this company. Your perception, and wrong> I said I would give SoS a chance to respond before posting any details - and because that's exactly what I did, you poor babies wailed and moaned -'We want details'. Try as you might, facts are what I say, and what EM said.

SOS made good on it because they're a good company. That has nothing to do with you creating a thread blasting them, Are you a liar, stupid, or both? The thread was started to alert others of a potentially good deal....but don't let truth get in the way of your narrative.
Why the thread was started is irrelevant to the argument... What it was later used to do is.. Anyway and what you fail to realize is that they didn't have to "make good" when they didn't f'up in the first place... YOU DID.

They were not at fault because they posted it in plain view and YOU DID NOT SEE, LOOK FOR, OR READ IT. You said out of you own mouth that you didn't read it because you were placing a repeat order. If you admit to not reading their policy change, how can you then claim it's their fault for you not reading it? The problem isn't and wasn't that they didn't list the policy change on multiple pages, but rather you didn't and wouldn't have read it either way because, as you pointed out and admitted too, you were "making a repeated order" and you do not read everything after making an initial order. Who fault is that? You make absolutely no sense whatsoever They later added to more pages just to make sure that others like you who do not bother to read what's right in front of them, may see it.


Well-Known Member
You thinks? Use this guideline:

1. Read the thread.
2. Note the section where SoS 'freebies' is discussed.
3. Read MY post where I say I don't use S0S freebies.

Feel free to apologize at your convenience. And be sure to never stray from the herd. Got it?

I`m sorry ok, I`m sorry that SOS has to deal with you....
Apologize to you, I highly dont think so.


Well-Known Member
If you do not trust that they will give you what you ordered (even after taking into account their reputation and satisfied customers), then do not order stealth and/or do not do business with them.. Plain and simple...
And it really is that simple.

Amos Otis

Well-Known Member
So....." If you do not trust that they will give you what you ordered ".......blah blah blah.

Like I said, "Good question. Good luck getting an answer....."

Yeah. Trust. That's the ticket. That's why you cling to any freebie seed that floats your way - you have as much money as you have sense. Stunning. :shock:


Well-Known Member
Yes, I cling to freebies just as much as you cling to 30% off seeds. Guess we must be in the same boat... Sorry Mod..


Well-Known Member
Out of respect for the mod, i'm not going to get into it too much with you, but like I said before it was deleted, if you post in an open forum, do not be surprised when other people chime in...


Active Member

The mod(s) has deleted the two days of my posts in this thread!!!!!! And only this thread!

WOW! Nice biased censorship. Scary. Very scary.


Staff member

The mod(s) has deleted the two days of my posts in this thread!!!!!! And only this thread!

WOW! Nice biased censorship. Scary. Very scary.
Not all your posts were removed the ones that were contained excessive foul language/name calling at other members which is not something we tolerate that goes for everyones posts that were deleted in this thread which were not just yours
Try debating and talking about something with people without calling them names and telling them to "f off" and your posts wont be deleted.


Well-Known Member

The mod(s) has deleted the two days of my posts in this thread!!!!!! And only this thread!

WOW! Nice biased censorship. Scary. Very scary.
It was a bunch of senseless fighting back and forth that had very little to do with the original topic of the thread...


Well-Known Member
I also choose stealth shipping and request breeder packaging, not because i really want it stealth but the guarantee of delivery.

for those of u who got their beans without breeder's packaging how can you tell if they're the real beans??

Because as a company it would not be worth us sending you fake products we are not a fly by company we enjoy this business and enjoy spreading genetics all over the world,
With respect if you want breeders packs dont choose stealth, we work differently to other seedbanks when we think of stealth we think get it there with as little risk of it being found, Opening a parcel with breeder packs blatantly there for all to see is not stealth thats just my thoughts :)

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