I'm interested in hearing what you think might be a valid solution to this problem. But please, try to consider all the variables. What would you suggest to thousands of young adults exiting high school in 2013?
I remember being in high school and my biology teacher telling me college is the only way to make it in life, you have to go to college, you can't afford it isn't an excuse, etc.. Pretty much my entire high school career teachers and administrators were pushing the idea of college, on the one hand it's understandable as most of them grew up in that age with that same kind of mindset, they just didn't realize or take into account that the times are always changing and their experiences could be different from kids growing up a generation or two after them, which has turned out to be the case..
I read a statistic that kind of made sense, something like 2/3 of the people going to college in the US shouldn't be there, (this might have been an opinion on some forum, I can't remember, good point none the less..), if you're not a 3.5GPA student or above it's pretty much pointless. I think the guy was essentially saying college is an institution designed for America's elite, managers, bosses, people of authority, not your average Joe's. Since there's been a couple generations of people growing up sold on the idea that a college education is the only way to a successful life, businesses can require it for a job that normally wouldn't require it as a prerequisite to employment and justify it with the supply of candidates. It's a catch 22 and a vicious cycle.
Should most Americans go to trade schools? Should high schools realistically inform students on an individual basis where they think they should go and why? I'm absolutely sure something like that would be seen as politically incorrect in our society..
Sorry for the rambling post..