Who was/is a better president, Bush or Obama?


Well-Known Member
Bush: 9/11, Iraq, Patriot Act, economy, election scandal, Obama: killed Bin Ladin, hardly liberal, likes weed, qualified. Bush made this country an embarrassment when I would travel. I think Doer would be better than both.


Well-Known Member
Climate change. It happens after every change of office. The hate Bush crowd, now, is quite a sad display.
how quick you are to dismiss the deaths of nearly 5000 americans based on a lie.

why does the right want us to forget history?


Well-Known Member
Yes, sophist. You only claim I dismiss. You preen that we should not forget....

Nice try. :)


Well-Known Member
Yes, sophist. You only claim I dismiss. You preen that we should not forget....

Nice try. :)
Doer , do you think groupthink has infected the modern Republican Party? It seems that way to me, but then wouldn't you agree that most politicians would be fine examples of sophists. Republicans do seem to be well ahead of the curve though. Oops I guess I what I just said is sophistry, but what is a good debate without some. It would be boring.


Well-Known Member
Many people forget that Bush pretty much inherited a recession also, which was turned around. The econemy went into the shitter after 9/11 for a while.

That recession wasn't as serious, and it was largely a result of the .com bubble.

This current one is the result of the housing bubble, mostly. I do not know how this can be blamed on any one person or party even. All and both have contributed.

I would rather have Bush than Obama.
Indeed. A lot of people would point the finger at Alan Greenspan, Bill Clinton, and both Republican and Democratic congresses. The truth is that everyone participated. Everyone bought into the rhetoric that technology had permanently changed things in the world and ushered in an era of unprecedented prosperity. More than 10 years later, we have significantly more clarity than we did as the smoke was rising.

To the substantive question: at least Bush was willing to lead. You may not have liked his policies or agreed with his opinions, but he was forthright about what they were, and serious about enacting the vision he had. You cannot say this about Obama, who still barely seems to comprehend that he is relatively powerless to enact major change without the cooperation of congress. Rather than proposing solutions, Obama's administration has mostly left the work to congress, which is how we get messes like Obamacare--because when you leave something to congress, you're really leaving it to lobbyists (since lobbyists weren't allowed in the administration, maybe the task was outsourced to congress cognizant of this fact).

desert dude

Well-Known Member
as i recall, obama stated that the united states conducted an operation that killed osama bin laden. please tell me exactly how that is him taking credit for it. i frankly think you are seeing things that are not there, as his words do not match up to your odd claim.

furthermore, i do not see what getting bin laden has to do with the iraq war. they are two separate issues, as we now know.

and we are not still at war in iraq. obama protested it until the day we invaded, and he got us out as soon as he could.
You are such a worthless lying piece of snow-capped chicken crap. We got out of Iraq right on the Bush time table. Obama did his best to keep us there, and I am sure GWB would have done his best to keep us there too, but the Iraqis refused to establish a SOFA insisted we get out. Obama/Bush deserve about as much credit for getting us out of Iraq as John (why the long face, buddy) Kerry. And let's not forget that the American invasion of Iraq was authorized by Congress and was based on the UN resolution that also authorized it. Hillary Clinton voted to authorize and Ron Paul did not; go figure. I guess, "what, at this point, does it matter" would be Hillary's response to this history lesson.

Keep slobbering on that knob, Buck, but go lie about something else in a different thread, your shit is weak in this thread.


Well-Known Member
You are such a worthless lying piece of snow-capped chicken crap. We got out of Iraq right on the Bush time table. Obama did his best to keep us there, and I am sure GWB would have done his best to keep us there too, but the Iraqis refused to establish a SOFA insisted we get out. Obama/Bush deserve about as much credit for getting us out of Iraq as John (why the long face, buddy) Kerry. And let's not forget that the American invasion of Iraq was authorized by Congress and was based on the UN resolution that also authorized it. Hillary Clinton voted to authorize and Ron Paul did not; go figure. I guess, "what, at this point, does it matter" would be Hillary's response to this history lesson.

Keep slobbering on that knob, Buck, but go lie about something else in a different thread, your shit is weak in this thread.
you seem upset that obama got us out of iraq as quick as he could.

there is no need to be upset, sistah. just go worship at the altar of pawl for a while, you'll feel all better, i promise.


Well-Known Member
you seem upset that obama got us out of iraq as quick as he could.

there is no need to be upset, sistah. just go worship at the altar of pawl for a while, you'll feel all better, i promise.
haha he stuck to original withdraw date is getting us out quick? Talk about worship Obama cock smoker lol.


Well-Known Member
you seem upset that obama got us out of iraq as quick as he could.

there is no need to be upset, sistah. just go worship at the zaltar of pawl for a while, you'll feel all better, i promise.
Except that "Obama" still has "us" in Iraq...
The withdrawal was bullshit


Well-Known Member
I thought it was something rather small; around 3,000 or so. I'd call that a withdrawal. Did something change?
I think we have the largest US military base there and the largest US embassy in the world there, and US security contractors there who are private military and who knows what all else
Doesn't seem like we left, seems like we are there and will be for decades


Well-Known Member
beardo's just trolling, but we do have some private forces in there, i believe.
Obama didn't do shit, he just stuck to the deadline, resident Obama cock smoker AKA Moose Knuckle AKA dumbfucky is flinging bullshit propaganda.

All American military forces were mandated to withdraw from Iraqi territory by 31 December 2011 under the terms of a bilateral agreement signed in 2008 by President Bush. The U.S. troop withdrawal from Iraq was completed on 18 December 2011 early Sunday morning.[SUP][5][/SUP]


Well-Known Member
Obama didn't do shit, he just stuck to the deadline, resident Obama cock smoker AKA Moose Knuckle AKA dumbfucky is flinging bullshit propaganda.

All American military forces were mandated to withdraw from Iraqi territory by 31 December 2011 under the terms of a bilateral agreement signed in 2008 by President Bush. The U.S. troop withdrawal from Iraq was completed on 18 December 2011 early Sunday morning.[SUP][5][/SUP]
i suppose we could have just up and left sooner and left a larger power vacuum, but we still left as soon as we could.

if we had listened to obama from the get go, we would never have been there in the first place and saved 5000 american lives, 100k or so iraqi lives, trillions of dollars, tens of thousands of injured american vets, and let's not forget our standing in the world.

but let's ignore history because that's what's best for your irritated vagina.


Well-Known Member
Obama didn't do shit, he just stuck to the deadline, resident Obama cock smoker AKA Moose Knuckle AKA dumbfucky is flinging bullshit propaganda.

All American military forces were mandated to withdraw from Iraqi territory by 31 December 2011 under the terms of a bilateral agreement signed in 2008 by President Bush. The U.S. troop withdrawal from Iraq was completed on 18 December 2011 early Sunday morning.[SUP][5][/SUP]
this is not true, US troops are still in Iraq


Well-Known Member
I think we have the largest US military base there and the largest US embassy in the world there, and US security contractors there who are private military and who knows what all else
Doesn't seem like we left, seems like we are there and will be for decades
The problem is our forces aren't immune to prosecution for actions in Iraq any longer. They can file charges against you for murder if you shoot someone. It's pretty much a training detail there now. You could mobilize them for peacekeeping and humanitarian stuff, but there's not enough equipment there to do anything too crazy. If anything, they're just a big target now. You re right though, we'll probably have a base there until after I die. There's a difference between maintaining a presence, and actively performing combat operations though. That region is still highly unstable.

As a random bit of trivia; the Marine base in 29 palms, CA is the biggest US base. Over 900mi^2