Hey all need help new to growing :)


New Member
Hey all, i'm from Australia and just recently started getting interested in growing indoors.
I recently sprouted two seeds in a 8oz cup one in each.
One has been sprouted for 9 days and the other 5

Do these look healthy to you and also just wondering i know i stretched one a little but its been very slow growth daily i dunno why :S

hi there,

looks like you have a healthy seedling however i would get them out of those styrofoam cups asap. get a 1 gallon pot, or at least something plastic as you can kill your plants easily. your soil looks very wet too, i would aerate the top of it lightly with your fingers, wait until it is completely dry again before watering. keep any questions coming, cheers.


New Member
hi there,

looks like you have a healthy seedling however i would get them out of those styrofoam cups asap. get a 1 gallon pot, or at least something plastic as you can kill your plants easily. your soil looks very wet too, i would aerate the top of it lightly with your fingers, wait until it is completely dry again before watering. keep any questions coming, cheers.
Very excited about the seedlings its amazing :) and i shell take them out of the cups later tonight i just re watered this morning, I usually let the dirt turn very dry and right after that give it a nice watering usually once every morning it drys out.
Also got a small computer fan blowing towards both stems and there are holes for fresh air to come in.
Thanks for the comment mate

When you put them in 1 gallon pots make sure and mix in some perlite with the soil
Will do Impman :) should i do a 50 50 mix? heard its ok perlite and soil


Well-Known Member
you ca do 50/50 for sure... don't water again for a few days. dont over water


when they get bigger feed with this every feeding. 3$ a bottle. keep your leafs green all through veg and flowering. if you can drink your tap water then your plants will like it too. PHing is a bunch of crap people around here swear by. just ignore it.

All of my leafs are green and healthy . potting soil, tap water, miracle grow, 600 w hps, air circulation and Another GIANT tip for new grower is THERMOPERIODISM. day/night temp fluctuation. day needs to be 78-80 and night 60-65.


New Member
Yeah, I've ignored it my ph is currently at 6.8 - 7.0 and i have a fish tank 5ft so i have ph up ph down and all the equipment for testing so thats a + side for me.
done i wont water for a few days and see how that works out.
Thanks for the information i will get that spray, how big should i give them a week or two? also they look very small to me do seedlings take longer then clones to actually grow ? or am i doing something wrong.
Nice plant mate :D


Well-Known Member
Sounds good 2 weeks. let them get4-5 nodes before transplant. what kinda light you got? sun or indoors?


New Member
Sounds good 2 weeks. let them get4-5 nodes before transplant. what kinda light you got? sun or indoors?
Awesome :) im going to transplant into a 1gallon pot in a next day or two when the soil starts looking nice and dry. What do you mean should i transplant into 1 gallon when they get 4-5 nodes or do you mean transplant out of the 1 gallon when they have 4-5nodes ?
Also i have them in a sealed aquarium AR-380 but done some work to it added fans and all that. Its a T5 globe 24W indoor

thanks again.